The Nightmare Begins [3]

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Knowing that she couldn't be of much help when it came to Morgana and her magic, Arwen had let the Lady spend some time with Aglain alone, allowing them the privacy to discuss what was happening. She wanted Morgana to safely get the help she needed without feeling self-conscious in any way with Arwen there during it. Not that Arwen would have ever judged her because of what was happening.

So, while she was with Aglain, Morgana didn't have much of an idea of where Arwen had gone. All she knew was that Mordred had been eager to show her something once she started asking how he'd been since they last saw each other. And the boy promised to do the same with Morgana when she was feeling better.

But right now, she wasn't in a state where she could run around with the children. She could, however, walking with Aglain through the Druid camp, her eyes taking in all of the people who lived there so peacefully, many seeming happy and content with their surroundings.

It was during her time walking through the camp as Aglain led her back to the tent that Morgana's eyes finally found Arwen among the Druids. She stood with an unfamiliar woman, the two watching as a few of the children played around the trees. A little girl, her hair such a light blonde that it seemed almost white, made a flower bloom from the ground where it hadn't been before.

At the sight, Morgana couldn't help but notice the way Arwen's face lit up while watching the girl display her magic. She loved seeing it, and somehow, it gave Morgana some hope. It eased her fears. Because while there would be many out there who'd hate her for what she could do, she started to believe that Arwen never would.

From a distance, Arwen too caught Morgana's eye, sending her friend a happy and supportive smile. She was glad to see Morgana already on her feet and moving around, looking much better than she had last night when Aglain first brought them to the camp.

"They don't even know who you are, and still, you inspire such joy and hope among them. They trust you." The voice of the Druid woman who stood beside her, Bryn, made Arwen look away from Morgana as the dark-haired woman disappeared back into a tent with Aglain.

"I'm sorry I can't give you what I know many of you would want to hear." Arwen couldn't help but frown. She hadn't thought of the Druids possibly knowing who she truly was and what it might mean to be among them.

"You misinterpret me, my Lady." No matter how much Arwen asked of the Druids not to call her by her title, they still insisted on using it. "Yes, the people here know who you are, but even without grand promises or ideals, you give us something we haven't had for a long time. Friends within Camelot are hard to find, and as of today, we are happy to know we have two more."

The simple explanation brought a smile back to Arwen's face. "A friend I can most certainly be." There was no need to discuss the secrecy of the friendship, both the Druids and Arwen alike knew the dangers which came with it being discovered. But she would be more than happy to be an ally to the Druids within the castle should any need something.

Out of the corner of her eye, Arwen spotted Aglain exiting the tent in which he'd been with Morgana. "If you'll excuse me, Bryn. I'm going to go check on my friend." Arwen announced, waving goodbye to the children before she started to walk through the camp, smiling at the men and women who greeted her along the way.

"How are you feeling?" Arwen asked gently once she found herself in the tent with Morgana, happy to catch a moment alone with her friend so they could talk for a little bit.

"Better. Thank you for helping me come here." Morgana sent Arwen a small smile.

"Morgana, you don't need to thank me for that." Arwen reassured her instantly. "Did you get any of the answers you were looking for?" She asked curiously. She wouldn't press if it turned out to be something Morgana didn't want to talk about, but Arwen still wanted to be sure the Druids would be able to help. To at least know if they had to search for other ways.

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