The Tears of Uther Pendragon [1]

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A year had passed. A year of continuing on with their daily lives. But for some, it was easier said than done. And their king most of all. With each day that passed, he continued to send out patrols and knights. He continued to search for Morgana even after so many had lost hope. Arwen couldn't blame him for it. Not when she herself still prayed that her friend was somewhere out there. That she was alive, and that one of these days they'd find her and bring her back home.

However, even though she was holding on to hope, she could also see the points some others were making. The council had grown worried about the amount of men they continued to lose during these patrols. They'd decided it was time to attempt putting an end to it. And, as he so often is, Gaius was chosen as the spokesperson for their message.

That was why Arwen now found herself standing in the physician's chambers, mixing and grinding ingredients together as she waited for her mentor to return. She didn't think Uther would do something too terrible, but the King's patience hadn't been in its best state during the absence of his ward. And so, Arwen couldn't help but worry how Gaius' conversation with him might go over.

So, when she heard the door to the physician's chambers open up once again, Arwen couldn't hold in a small sigh of relief. Her questioning eyes looked to the grey-haired man, but she didn't even need to ask how it had gone. She could see it in Gaius' face that the conversation hadn't yielded the results many among the council would have wished for.

"I'm afraid Uther is determined to continue on as he has been." Gaius announced, even though she didn't ask, as he came to sit down at the bench on the opposite side of the table. He gave out a small sigh, clearly disappointed with their King's stubbornness, before he continued. "He's determined he'll find her."

"You can't blame him for holding on to hope." Arwen tried to reason. Among the council, it was only her and two other lords who supported the King in continuing on with the search for Morgana. However, Arwen knew her opinion on the matter was skewed due to her own wishes of finding the lady. "I haven't told people to stop looking." She added on. As soon as all business with Kilgharrah threatening Camelot had been done, she sent more word to Lord Warren and the rest of the men. She employed them too, tasking them with searching for the missing woman while continuing on with their other duties throughout the lands.

"But yours don't wear the colours and sigil of the kingdom. They can pass along borders and lands without much alarm." Gaius pointed out another fact that they both knew. "And even then, with two groups searching for her..."

"We can't give up Gaius." Arwen stopped him before he could even say what she knew he intended to. For the last six months, they'd had similar conversations before. And every time, Gaius hoped to soften the blow which one day may come. Because even if Morgana returned, Gaius knew it wouldn't be without consequences as Arwen continued to remain unaware of all that truly transpired while Camelot slept through Morgause's attack last year. "What if she's out there? Hoping we'll find her and we've given up? We can't just-"

Arwen's following words were cut off as the door to the physician's chambers suddenly opened. Whenever a guard would enter without even the propriety of a knock, both Arwen and Gaius knew it was for an urgent matter. The two were alert and on their feet even before the man spoke, but once he did, it didn't take them long to gather their supplies and rush off after him.

"The Lady Morgana's returned."


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