Gwaine [1]

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Arwen liked all aspects of her job really, but depending on the time and place, she often had some which she preferred. When she was in need of a distraction, tending to patients and helping others was the perfect choice. But at times when she needed to think, brewing and mixing remedies in the peace and quiet of the physicians' chambers was always her preferred task.

A week ago, Arwen had organised another raid of Uther's tax wagons, and based on the council meeting they'd had yesterday, it had gone of without a hitch. And yet, in the latest message passed along by Cassian, Edmund had insisted on coming to deliver an update in person. It wouldn't be too suspicious as he claimed he was coming for the mêlée. And still, Arwen couldn't help but note his visits would usually have more time between them.

It made her worry that something might've happened. But with her position on the council, she would know by now. Even if it was as simple as a single casualty, it would have been discussed. And yet, according to the report which the knights had delivered, the 'bandits' which stole the taxes all got away having rendered the knights unconscious.

There were barely even any injuries on other side. The only somewhat concerning bit was the information that one of the bandits seemed to have been using magic. Something Arwen didn't find too surprising considering more and more sorcerers had been coming to Lord Warren to offer help and join the cause.

"Arwen!" Gaius' call had the woman snapping out of her thoughts, eyes jumping over to him to see the expectant look on his face. This wasn't the first time he'd tried to get her attention, that much was clear.

"Sorry, Gaius, I just got distracted for a bit. What do you need?"

"Simply to point out that if you were to stir that paste any more you'll make it a liquid." The older physician pointed out, making Arwen give out a small laugh as she realized he was right. Any lumps of ingredients had certainly been smoothed out by now. "Your thoughts, anything you wish to talk about?"

"Oh, it's alright. I'm just wondering what Edmund-"

"Gaius! Arwen!" The sudden call of Arthur's voice as the door to the physicians' chambers sprung open had the both of them turning instantly, watching as he and Merlin carried in an unconscious man. "We need your help."

"Take him in there. Go on, go on." Gaius quickly instructed, grabbing his medical bag off of the table as he ushered the two into Merlin and Arwen's bedroom. "What happened to him?" He questioned as the physicians followed after them.

"He's been stabbed in the leg." Merlin explained as he and Arthur set the man down on Merlin's bed. "And he fell too, hit his head pretty hard." He added, Gaius and Arwen sharing a look between themselves as they silently listed all the things that needed to be done.

"You check the head injury, I'll treat the leg." Gaius instructed, Arwen nodding her head as she moved past Arthur and to the man's side. "Merlin, fetch me some fresh water, towels, a needle, and silk thread."

"And honey?" Merlin asked.

"You're learning." Gaius marvelled, while Arwen could only fix her brother with an impressed look. To think, he usually constantly whined and refused to listen whenever they tried to talk to him about science.

"It helps fight the infection." Arwen explained to Arthur as she caught sight of his confused face when Merlin ran out into the main chambers. Reaching for her medical bag which hung by her own bed, Arwen turned to finally get to work. "Could you help me move him a bit to the side. Careful with the leg."

Arthur did as she asked, doing the job himself before stepping away again and letting Arwen sit down on the edge of the bed, her hand reaching out to brush away some of the man's long hair out of his face so she could properly see the injury by his hairline. "Oh..." She muttered out, surprise slightly taking over her expression as she finally got a good look at the man's face.

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