Queen of Hearts [1]

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Moonlight trickled and shimmered through the windows, shining down into the halls of the palace as Morgana moved through them at a brisk pace, her face bearing a look of worry and concern after the dreams that have begun plaguing her in recent days. Dreams which could not escape her mind no matter how much she tried to ignore them.

Torches lit in her path as whispers through the air continued to guide her to an abandoned chamber within the castle. One which, at first glance, seemed empty until a voice sounded behind her. "Hello, Sister." Turning towards her, Morgana was quick to embrace the blonde sorceress, finding solace in her familiar hold which had become the only thing that might bring her some peace at times like these.

"I can't tell you how good it is to see you." Morgana breathed out happily.

"I received your message." Morgause revealed as she pulled out of the embrace, furrowed brows looking over her sister's features in concern. "Tell me about these dreams that are so troubling to you."

"They show a ceremony in Camelot. In them I see Arwen, she sits beside Arthur on a throne. She's crowned queen." Morgana said in a worried tone, wondering what it all might mean and hoping Morgause would be the one with answers. She always knew what to do. "I see the same thing night after night."

"There are some dreams that are so powerful your healing bracelet will not stop them." Morgause revealed, eyes scanning over the bracelet on Morgana's wrist to ensure it was still working properly and its enchantment continued to hold. Once she could be certain, she revealed the dream for what it truly was. "It is a prophecy."

"How can that be?" Morgana questioned in surprise, finding it hard to believe that what she'd seen could ever truly come to pass. "Uther would never allow Arthur to marry her. And once Arthur learns the truth, I doubt he would want to either."

"There are many futures, Sister. Some are shrouded in mist, and others are clear as cut glass. But your gift is powerful, and this vision cannot be ignored." Morgause's tone turned to a warning one the more she thought of the dream and what it might mean. "Whatever relationship exists between Arthur and Arwen, you must destroy it."

"How?" Morgana couldn't help but ask, momentarily at a loss. "We need her alive." Were it anyone else she'd seen in her dream; the solution would have been easily. But Arwen was a source of power both Morgana and Morgause were eager to claim as their own. And for that, they needed her on their side.

"You will find a way, sister. I'm certain of it." Morgause said confidently. "Separating them will ensure she supports us once the time comes for you to take your throne." The thought of the future which they were working towards, this just one more step along its path, made a smirk spread over Morgana's face. She knew it will all be worth it in the end.

 She knew it will all be worth it in the end

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"I feel like I barely see you anymore." Morgana said, her voice cheaper and cheery, the mask fully in place as she walked beside Arwen through the halls of the castle the next morning. She'd patiently waited in the halls, ensuring that the accidental run in in the halls seemed in no way planned.

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