Lancelot and Arwen [2]

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While Morgana was happy to be back in the safety of Camelot and its palace, she still rushed into the council chamber with an unwavering sense of urgency. She couldn't waste any more time before organizing help for Arwen. They had to do something as soon as possible.

"It's such a relief to see you safe. I couldn't bear the thought of anyone harming you." Uther rose form his throne, enveloping his ward in a happy embrace as the rest of the people filled up the council chambers. Gwen walked alongside Merlin, leaning against him as she avoided putting weight on her injured leg. And Gaius remained close by their side. All three worried and hoping Morgana would be able to convince Uther to send help for Arwen.

"The bandits still have Arwen." Morgana said quickly, not bothering too long with the reunions before she pulled out of Uther's embrace. Everyone knew that she wouldn't just let this be. That is why Merlin and Gwen eagerly watched the scene transpire. Merlin was hoping to go with the search party as soon as possible. This was his sister, after all, he couldn't just leave her out there.

At Morgana's words, Arthur too took a small step forward as he spoke up. "I believe they were Mercian. We've received reports that Hengist has crossed the border." He announced to his father. He knew asking him to help Arwen would be a tough thing to convince the King to do. However, he hoped by explaining just how much of a grievance they may be dealing with, perhaps Uther would be more willing to send men after Morgana's kidnappers, and as a result, after Arwen.

"Hengist?" The king looked to his son in surprise.

"You must send a rescue party." Morgana demanded instantly. Unlike Arthur, she was too eager and rushed to put heavy thought into how to deal with Uther.

"If Hengist is holding her, it would take a small army to rescue the girl." Uther shook his head at the suggestion, not even willing to entertain the thought of it. Despite what either his son or ward said.

"We can't abandon her!" Morgana's voice was full of disbelief at Uther's refusal, and the same emotion could be seen painted all across her face.

"How many men would you have me sacrifice to save a mere physician? Gaius can easily train another." Uther said in a dismissive tone, his words making Gaius himself do his best to hold back a frown or glare. He did manage to succeed. But that didn't mean he was any less angry at the words on the inside.

While things between himself and Arwen had been strained as of late, he wouldn't dream of getting another apprentice. Of having to train someone while they did nothing to try and get Arwen back and to rescue her. But he also knew the king would never agree to such a mission. He knew to expect this.

"As many as it takes! Arwen gave herself up so that I might escape. I owe her my life." Morgana pointed out, trying to play on Uther's sense of justice. Arwen saved her life, the least they could do was save her too.

"She did so willingly, and she will be honoured for it." But the king wouldn't budge. He simply waved his hand before turning back to his throne, ready to take a seat once more, but Morgana didn't let him. Gabbing his arm, she forced him to stop.

"I don't want her honoured, I want her rescued!" She yelled at the king without a care in the world, forcing him to turn back and look at her. His eyes also scanned around all the faces turned to them, everyone gathered in the chamber giving the two a look as they watched the scene transpire. "She is more than just a physician. She's my friend."

"A lowborn is of no value to these bandits. I fear she is dead already." Uther tried to make his voice as sympathetic as he could, hoping to provide his ward with some comfort.

His blunt words made solemn looks pass between those gathered around. Arthur knew that, while his father's words were harsh, there was a good chance they could be true. They'd already wasted much time getting back to Camelot, and the more they stood around here, the longer Arwen was out there with no one coming for her. He refused to believe that she was dead. He couldn't. And neither could Merlin. The more the king refused to offer any kind of help in finding his sister, the more his own determination grew. Even if it did mean having to go at it alone. He could handle it.

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