The Coming of Arthur [4]

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A small fire lit the walls of the cave as night fell over the outside world beyond its walls. Sitting together around it as they ate their own dinner, Gwaine found himself looking over at the prince who was still stuck in his little corner. "So, he knows now, huh?" He questioned, even though that much was clear already.

"Morgana spoke with her right after speaking with Uther." Merlin began to explain what had happened after Elyan and Gwaine took Gaius out of the city while he and Arthur went in search of the king. Thus far, he'd shared this part of the story only with Gaius. "Demanded her loyalty and support."

"Did she give it?" Gwaine questioned with furrowed brows, the idea hard to imagine but being the only he could think of which might explain Arthur's reaction.

"Of course not." Merlin quickly denied the accusation. "She gave a whole speech about standing with Arthur and remaining loyal to him."

"So, what is he so angry about?"

"She didn't tell him." Merlin said with a small sigh. He did hope Arthur would see sense sooner rather than later, but he couldn't say that he didn't understand where the prince was coming from. "And after everything, he isn't sure what to believe or who to trust."

Throughout the conversation, Elyan found himself glancing between one man to the other depending on who was speaking, trying to figure out what they were talking about. "What am I missing?" He finally asked once he realized it was pointless to try and do so on his own.

The question made a look pass between Gaius, Merlin, and Gwaine, all three clearly debating whether to tell him the truth or not. But the secret was out. And Merlin suspected it wouldn't be long before all were aware of it. "Arwen is a princess." He revealed.

For a few moments, Elyan remained entirely silent, his face blank and showing no reaction. And then he laughed. "It's a good thing that you can keep your humour at times like these, Merlin." He joked as he continued to chuckle. At least until he noticed no one else doing the same, but rather just giving him pointed looks which got him to sober up. "You're serious?"

"As serious as I am sober." Gwaine nodded with a wishful look on his face, it had been too long since he ventured into a tavern.

"But... She risked her life for me? She insisted to sleep on the floor of my house so I might take the bed?" Elyan was more so thinking out loud than actually asking anyone any questions. "And I let her!"

"That's Arwen for you." Merlin nodded his head in confirmation. But he couldn't help but wonder what would happen now. Now that the secret was out, and people knew who she was. One thing he knew for sure was that it would change everything once again. He could only hope it would be for the better.

Leon and Arwen had spent the entire night anxious and restless, worried about Gwen and if she might get caught

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Leon and Arwen had spent the entire night anxious and restless, worried about Gwen and if she might get caught. And the more time that passed since the sun rose and began to shine through the window of their cell, the more that worry continued to grow.

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