The Changeling [2]

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The next morning, Arwen found herself walking through the halls of the castle. And as she did, her eyes spared a glance through the windows and out into the courtyard. She wasn't sure what prompted her to do it, however, as she did she was met with a sight that had her pausing in her steps.

She watched as Arthur rode away on his horse, following after Elena who'd taken off shortly before him. And it seemed only Merlin was accompanying them as they ventured beyond the city walls. Heaving a small sigh, Arwen began to suspect Edmund's rumours might hold some truth after all. However, she was quick to remind herself it wasn't her place. That she'd always known it would come to this.

Because of that, she gathered her bearings and continued on towards the physicians' chambers where she'd been headed in the first place. With a list of duties that was still rather long, she hoped to finish them before that evening's feast. However, once she came to the already open door of the chambers, she realized all that might have to wait a bit longer.

She wasn't sure whether she first caught sight of them or heard them, but either way, catching a woman attempting to comfort a small child with reassurances that the physician would make it all better, had Arwen quickly sprining into action. "My lady, what's happened? How can I help?"

The sound of her voice had the brown haired woman quickly turning to look at her. "Oh, I was hoping to find Gaius." She announced in a hesitant voice and Arwen was quick to assume what she meant by that. After all, it wasn't the first time someone thought Gaius might be the better option of the two physicians.

"He's tending to some patients in the lower town, but I assure you, he's taught me everything he knows and I can-" She begun to reassure the noblewoman who was quick to jump in once she realized what Arwen had thought.

"Oh, no, no. I didn't mean any offence, your... Arwen." The way the lady paused to correct herself had Arwen's mind quickly connecting the dots. "It's just, well... It doesn't seem right, you having to tend to us."

It wasn't long before realization dawned on the redhead, making her give a small nod of understanding. "I remember you from the courtyard." She said then. "I'm sorry. There's been little time for porper introductions."

"It's quite alright. I'm Lady Agnes Montague." The woman introduced herself. And while the name came as a slight surprise to Arwen, she did well in masking it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady."

"And you, your grace. It's an honour."

"Mummy, it hurts." Their introductions were soon interrupted by the little blonde haired boy who seemed to be shrinking away behind his mother's skirts.

"Illyan." Lady Montague whispered in a slightly scolding tone, but Arwen on the other hand held no importance to propriety in such a moment. Especially not from a child that could be no older than eight.

"It's quite alright." She reassured with a smile as she knelt down on the floor in front of the boy. "Want to tell me what happened Illyan? How did you hurt your hand?" She asked in a gentle voice.

"It's my fault. I spilled the hot water." He cried miserably.

"Oh don't worry, it happens to the best of us." She said in an attempt to comfort him before rising back up, extending her hand to him and waiting until he used the uninjured one to take it. "Come along." She said walking him over to the table and picking him up so she could have him sitting on top of it. As soon as his hand was out of hers, he'd used it to cover other as he'd done before. "Do you want to show me your hand?"

Hesitantly, the boy shook his head with teary eyes. "Illyan, let her help." His mother tried to instruct, but he continued to be scared and unwilling to cooperate.

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