The Crystal Cave [2]

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Arwen's heart hammered in her chest, the wild beating filling her ears as they rushed through the halls of the castle. When she'd returned to the physician's chambers after Morgana had sent her and Gwen away, she thought the Lady had gone to bed. It was late, and after an eventful night they were all tired. She herself was about to get some sleep when the knight had rushed into the physicians' chambers, claiming both she and Gaius were needed for a great emergency.

She didn't know what to expect at the time, but it certainly wasn't what they'd discovered. Or the gravity of it. In a way, it hadn't even settled in yet. Not even as she rushed through the doors of the chambers after Gaius who was already calling out instructions to the rest of them while Arthur carried an unconscious Morgana into the room.

"I need water and bandages." Gaius announced, Gwen already moving to get the items for him while Arwen herself headed off in a different direction towards another one of the shelves.

"I'll get the yarrow for the bleeding." She said in an urgent tone, knowing there was no time to waste as Gaius cleaned up the table so Morgana could be laid on it and they could get to work.

"She's having problems breathing." Gaius called out as he began to examine her, most of the people in the room understanding what that meant. Even Merlin was quick to guess what it was Gaius would need.

"Yes," The older physician agreed with Merlin's offer of dianthus before adding on more. "And a preparation of pulmonaria." That, however, had Merlin pausing with a confused look on his face.

"Here, take this. I'll get the rest." Arwen instructed her brother, placing the yarrow and dianthus into his hands so he could get them to Gaius while she walked back to the shelves. "It's lungwort." She began to explain so Merlin would know in the future. "Quarter of an ounce, ground fine, and mixed with violet."

"How could this have happened?" Arthur questioned, his eyes glancing between Gaius and Arwen as if looking for answers even though he knew they'd have just as many as he himself.

"Arthur, we need room here." Gaius pointed out as patiently as he could, the prince finally coming to realize there was nothing else he could do to help. And from the look on his face, it was clear he hated the thought of it.

"We'll do whatever we can, I promise." Arwen said in a gentle voice, the feeling of her hand settling on his shoulder making the Prince snap out of his thoughts.

"Yes. Of course. Erm..." Arthur said, giving a reluctant nod of his head as he began to step away. "Anything you need, just tell me." He added on in a determined tone, knowing they would do everything in their power to save her and wanting to ensure it to be possible. With that, he left the room, leaving the physicians to work in peace.

Which they did, as quickly and efficiently as they could. However, as they'd finally stopped the bleeding, and Arwen found herself standing by Gaius' side as she watched him stitch up the wound on Morgana's forehead, her heart felt heavy in her chest as the realization finally began to dawn on her.

"Will she be alright?" Gwen asked in a quiet voice as she watched the older physician tie away the last of the thread. Her question had both Gaius and Arwen sharing a wary look between themselves, both knowing the true answer to it.

"We've... We've done all we can." Arwen began to said, her voice full of sadness as the thought of even saying the state of things out loud brought tears to her eyes.

"I can heal her skin, Gwen, but the skull..." Taking over, Gaius continued to explain, knowing Gwen wouldn't miss the dread in their voices or on their faces. "The cranium is broken. She's bleeding inside."

Hearing the words out loud brought Gwen to tears just as much as it did Arwen. Merlin going as far as feeling the need to leave the room. At first, Arwen thought to follow him, but feeling Gaius' hand on her shoulder, he silently motioned for her to go to Gwen while he himself intended to comfort her brother. With a small nod of her head, Arwen rounded the table and took Gwen's hand into her own, holding on tightly as they found themselves alone standing by Morgana's side.

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