The Curse of Cornelius Sigan [3]

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While she tried to, Arwen had been unable to come up with a foolproof plan on how to get Merlin out of his cell by the time chaos broke loose within Camelot. Sigan's plan was in full effect and as a result she and Gaius found themselves in the citadel tending to the masses of the wounded that continue to be brought to the door after being attacked by flying creatures which had descended upon the city in the night.

Luckily, they weren't forced to handle it all on their own, both Morgana and Gwen offering their help in treating the wounded as best they could. But with more and more people continuously being brought through the doors of the makeshift infirmary ward, the physician's were running dangerously low on supplies.

It was Gaius who announced that bandages would be the ones to run out first if they didn't get some more. Motioning for Gwen to take over the cleaning of a cut on one of the people's arm, Arwen made quick work of cleaning her hands, announcing she'd run out and get some.

The streets were full of chaos, and Arwen did her best to remain obscured from sight as she rushed through them, reminding herself that it was better she be the one out there and not Gaius himself. A screech sounded through the air, making Arwen pause by one of the columns as she looked up at the sky.

A creature was flying down, speeding right for a target which lay on the cobbled ground with no time to move. The sight alone was enough to make Arwen rush over in an attempt to help the defenceless person, but once she realized who it truly was, her legs only pushed harder. Using all of her strength, she grabbed his arm just as the monster swooped down at him, just missing him as Arwen pulled the Prince to safety.

"Arwen!" Arthur rose to his feet, gasping in both surprise and relief as he looked at his saviour.

While Arthur took a moment to compose himself as the beast flew off, Arwen's green eyes were quick at work scanning over him for sign of injuries. "Are you alright? You're bleeding." It wasn't hard to spot the hole in his chain-mail beneath which blood seeped into his tunic.

His own injuries, however, weren't the Prince's main focus. "That thing could've killed you."

"Yes, well," Arwen shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal, glancing down at her feet for a moment before he eyes turned back to Arthur. And she did so just in time. "It still might!"

Having seen the beast flying back at them behind Arthur's back, Arwen's hands slammed onto his chest, pushing him backwards and out of his reach. Only in his surprise, Arthur's hand reached for anything he could to steady himself, grasping onto Arwen's waist and pulling her down with him.

While the fall was ungraceful and clumsy, the two were lucky enough to find the monster flying over them and not into them, deterred by the miss enough to fly away and give them a few more moments of respite. "My apologies, Sire." Arwen started to apologize as she moved, beginning to rise back to her feet but Arthur's voice stopped her for just a moment.

"No. It's my pleasure." He said in a somewhat dazed tone.

"Well, now I'm certain you have a head injury." Arwen shook her head at the comment, not daring to hesitate any longer as she rose and pulled Arthur up to his feet along with her. "Come on, we must get you inside."

Eyes constantly scanning the sky around them, Arwen and Arthur made their way through the square, quickly running into the safety of the castle. With his arm around her shoulders, Arwen helped Arthur move over to one of the empty cots. As he sat down, her eyes returned to his wound, the blood reminding her of why she'd been outside in the first place. "I didn't get the bandages." She hissed, scolding herself as she straightened up, about to call to Gaius so he can take care of Arthur while she went back to get some.

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