Sweet Dreams [2]

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On her way back from checking on a patient in the lower town, Arwen walked through the courtyard of the palace, looking around at the buzzing crowd. Many who'd accompanied their kings on the journey to Camelot continued to make the most of their trip during the days of their stay. However, among the faces of strangers, Arwen easily spotted a familiar one. And while, perhaps on a normal occasion, she wouldn't have approached or said anything, the look on his face compelled her to do so.

"Arthur, is everything alright? You seem upset?" The sound of her voice made the prince, who'd thus far been absentmindedly brushing his horse's mane as he stared off into the distance, now turn to her as he snapped out of his thoughts.

And it would seem Arwen was right in her assumption that not all was well as she heard him let out a small sigh at her question. "You read me like a book." Arthur said in a solemn tone, making the concern on Arwen's face grow as he began to walk, and she was quick to follow. "I've made a fool of myself, that's all. That's everything."

"I'm sure that is not true." She tried to reassure him, not only for the reason of hoping to lift his mood, but also because she knew she'd have heard of something happening by now. Especially with so many guests roaming around the city.

"You have a good heart, Arwen, but I'm afraid it is." Arthur remained adamant in his belief, continuing on to explain the exact reasons which had caused it. "I have made a gesture," He motioned with his hands to the air, while Arwen could only attempt to resist a smile as she began to understand what this was about. Or so she thought, at least. "But it was not well received."

The last part, however, wasn't one that she herself agreed with. "Are you sure?" She asked, hoping to convince him otherwise in the course of their conversation.

"Pretty sure."

"And what if you're wrong about that?" Arwen asked yet another question, watching as Arthur suddenly came to a stop, prompting her to do the same, as he turned to her with a new gleam of optimism spreading through his eyes.

"You do appear to be close to the lady in question." He pointed out, the subtle way of wording it making Arwen let out a small laugh of amusement.

"Your gesture, it was appreciated. And beautiful." Now that they've established she was 'close to the lady in question', Arwen began to say what it was that she really wanted to. "But the situation is a delicate one. It's not always easy to openly express what one may feel in their heart."

And all of her words were true. Because while Arthur didn't know much of it, the events being held in Camelot at the time, the presence of Lord Warren and his men only made matters even more difficult. She didn't want to cause an upset before she'd even properly met those meant to be her subjects.

"You think there's hope?" And yet his question, the answer to it, she couldn't deny.

"There is always hope." She herself believed that. Because while the situation was a delicate one, Arwen believed that if it was all done properly, if she truly managed to come up with a plan that went how she wanted it to, perhaps things could change and become something entirely different. Something possible.

"If only I had some way of knowing." Arthur muttered, more to himself than he did to her, and still, the words made Arwen laugh yet again.

"Indeed, my Lord."


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