The Beginning of the End [1]

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Arwen couldn't help but think that perhaps Morgana and Gwen were right after all. Perhaps the amount of time she spent exploring the Camelot market in search of fresh herbs and new ingredients was just a little excessive. However, she did not care much for it. Everyone had their passions, and as long as hers hurt no-one, she found no issue in indulging in it. 

"Back already?" Walter, the merchant whose stall she most often visited questioned her with a shake of his head. "I don't think it wise for you to do your shopping here today, Arwen." He tried to suggest making her brow furrow in confusion. If he ever told her such a thing, it was merely because his products weren't as fresh as usual, but today there seemed to be no indication of that. 

"Whatever do you mean Walter? It all looks amazing." She said, her eyes scanning through the herbs and their titles, there were even bowls of berries commonly used in feminine beauty products. Perhaps getting some of those would amuse her friends. 

"Perhaps you can come by a bit later, when-" Walter tried to give her a reason to go, but did not get a chance to finish as a man and a young boy came up to the stall addressing the merchant that owned it with a great sense of urgency. 

"Do you have my supplies ready? We must leave the city without delay." 

Arwen's curious eyes jumped towards them, taking in their appearance. They did not seem to be hurt, and no trouble seemed to be around them at the moment, but their rush seemed more than evident. It was why she did not interject, but let them handle their business. Unlike them, she was in no rush, and could wait. 

"Everything you asked for, it's all here." Walter stated in a hesitant voice, his demeanour which had already seemed odd to Arwen now changing completely making her wonder what in the world was going on. Especially once Water uttered his next words. "I'm sorry."

"Walter, what's going on?" Arwen questioned, completely confused by now, ready to turn to what she suspected were a father and son and offer her help if they needed it. But then her eyes caught sight of a group of guards making their way towards them. 

"Seize him! Stop there!" One of the men called out, and the two shoppers were quick to turn away, ready to run for their safety. Arwen was quick to get out of their way, not wanting to get involved in whatever was transpiring. As the chase commenced, she turned to the stallholder with questioning eyes. 

"What's going on? Who are they?" 

"Druids Arwen, they're Druids." 

Walter's reply made Arwen frown. She couldn't help but question what a pair of Druids were doing in Camelot. They must've known it to be a great risk to come to the city where almost all feared and hated magic. It would explain their rush to get away. But she couldn't believe that the guards would hunt them for merely coming for supplies. 

"I'll see you later Walter." She said with a final nod towards the merchant before she set off, hoping to make her way back to the castle and inform Gaius of what had just happened. A part of her also hoped that the two Druids would manage to get away safely. She did not wish to think of Uther's actions should they be caught. Because she knew well enough by now, the King would have no mercy upon those who practice magic, no matter how peaceful or harmless they may be. 


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