The Witchfinder [1]

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Arwen sat in the physicians' chambers, reading her book about Alfred the Great while she and Gaius waited for Merlin to return after they'd sent him to pick some herbs from beyond the walls of Camelot "The fires of Prairene shall burn again." She muttered out the words as she read them, brows furrowed as her thoughts wondered about the magic behind it all.

"Ah, I see you've reached the legend." Gaius' voice had her eyes looking away from the pages of her book and towards him where he'd been working at the desk in the corner of the room.

"You've heard it before? Do you think it's true?" Arwen's curious questioning had Gaius abandoning his work so he could sit at the table on the bench opposite to hers, nodding his head as he walked.

"It is one of the most well-known ones, especially in the last few decades." Gaius revealed honestly. "The palace has always had always been home to a ruler from the Baudissin line. Until..."

Arwen understood what Gaius was saying. There was no way to know whether the legend she'd just read was true. Well, there was one. But she wasn't too willing to entertain the thought of it just yet. Not that she would have had much time to do so before a knock on the door had both her and Gaius looking to the guard that had just entered.

"The King has summoned the council to the throne room."

The announcement had Arwen's eyes turning back to Gaius as she gave out a small sigh. "Duty calls." She announced, closing up her book as Gaius let the guard know they'll head on over. They didn't do so instantly, though. Instead, Gaius waited for Arwen to make her way into her room, book in hand as she returned it to its hiding place before they left.

The throne room was occupied not only by members of the council but much of the castle's courtiers and staff as they all gathered to listen to a witness who'd demanded an audience with the King

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The throne room was occupied not only by members of the council but much of the castle's courtiers and staff as they all gathered to listen to a witness who'd demanded an audience with the King. Because of something she'd seen beyond the city walls. And not only her.

"It was sorcery you saw, and you're certain of it?" Uther questioned the woman standing in front of him, and while he was focused on her Gaius and Arwen could be seen subtly glaring at the second witness to the event. None other than Merlin who stood with them.

"Yes, Sire." The woman who'd demanded the audience nodded her head vehemently.

"And you swear this before your King?"

"I swear it."

Arwen couldn't help but shake her head, whishing there could have been some little trickle of doubt on the woman's mind that they could have played on. Could have used to paint this as a mere coincidence. But the further this went on, the clearer it became that they had no such luck.

"Perhaps your eyes deceived you, a trick of the light." Arthur too, seemed hesitant to jump to conclusions. At least more so than his father.

"The smoke was alive, I tell you. I feared for my life."

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