The Coming of the Queen [3]

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It had taken an extra day of travel, considering the group had decided to abandon the usual route to Ealdor for fear of who else may be waiting. And even though her back ached by now from so much riding, Arwen was happy once sights of her village became apparent in the distance, knowing that the rest of their journey had gone smoothly and without any further issue.

As they rode into the village, eyes began turning to the unfamiliar faces of riders, at least until Arwen's own fiery hair was spotted. And once it was, it took only moments for people to begin to gather together, exclamations of welcoming her back sounding off through the air as she dismounted her horse.

"It's good to have you back, Arwen." Fredrick was the first to reach her, pulling her into a happy and welcoming embrace. "I do hope it's with good cause, though." He added on as they pulled apart.

"Oh, yes, of course." Arwen reassured him. "Just a visit before Camelot gets awfully busy for me." She explained with a smile as she shared hugs and welcoming embraces with a few more people.

"Arwen!" The sound of two voices calling in unison had the redhead turning towards them, watching as the twin girls pushed their way through the crowd to reach her.

"My, look at you two. You've grown up so much since I last saw you." Arwen fawned at Taryn and Johanna as she walked over to them.

"But as our mum keeps reminding us-"
"Never too grown up for hugs."

Their continuation of each other sentences had Arwen giving out a small laugh as she pulled them both closer. "Well, you listen to your mother. She's a very smart woman." She instructed with a smile as she hugged the two girls who now reached up to her chin when they'd used to be so small before.

However, her hug with the twins was soon cut short as another voice sounded. "Ah, so that's what all the fuss is about out here." The familiarity had Arwen stepping away from Johanna and Taryn, the wide smile on her face spreading even further if it were possible as she rushed at the woman who appeared at the back of the crowd, one who was readily awaiting her embrace. "It's so good to see you, my darling."

"I've missed you, mother." Arwen breathed out a content sigh as she found herself in her mother's arms, an embrace which had always in her life brought her a feeling of safety and comfort.

"You've gotten even more gorgeous as time goes on." Hunith said gently as she pulled away, hands going up to her daughter's face and gently settling on her cheek. "My beautiful, beautiful girl."

"Arwen, is it true that the queen, our queen now, is going to Camelot to talk about peace with the king?" Taryn, still in her spot nearby, asked eagerly, and Arwen didn't miss the way everyone gathered now turned to her, their introductions to the rest of her party cut short as all wanted to hear the answer.

"Yes, it is." Arwen said with a smile. "The preparations are already fully underway."

"Will you be there for it?" Johanna asked at the same time as her twin spoke again.
"Will you get to meet her?"

"Meet her?" Arwen's brows furrowed in confusion, taking in the curiosity of everyone who surrounded her before she turned to her mother with a questioning look. "You didn't tell them?" She asked in realization.

Hunith only smiled up at her daughter, the proud look never leaving her face. "I knew you'd be back one day to share the news yourself, my sweet." She answered.

"You must be Hunith." It was Lord Warren's voice which interrupted the conversation as he made his way over to the two of them. "It's an honour to meet you, my lady." He said in a voice so full of respect and admiration.

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