Queen of Hearts [3]

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With everything in place and organized, Edmund was ready to play his part in the plan. Which was why he now found himself walking through the halls of the castle, headed straight for the man he could see speaking to some of the guards on the other side of it. It wasn't long before the prince became aware of his approaching footsteps, the sight of him making Arthur quick to dismiss the guards so that they may speak alone.

"My lord." Edmund greeted cooly.

"Tell me you're here to help Merlin." Arthur spoke quietly.

"I was hoping we might discuss this more privately." Edmund suggested, just as he'd intended to from the moment he set off searching for Arthur in the first place.

"Of course, let's go to my chambers." Arthur was quick to agree, just as Edmund hoped he would, and begin leading them both through the halls which would take them to where they needed to go.

Knowing Merlin would be waiting for them to pass by Edmund made sure to continue speaking so he may be aware of their approach. "I do have to ask, you're certain this isn't a result of sorcery. That you haven't been enchanted?" He questioned, pretending to show small traces of doubt.

"Of course, I'm sure." Arthur vehemently denied the accusations. "Edmund, you know her. You know Arwen isn't capable of something like this." He reminded the man, even though Edmund knew it even better than Arthur could have.

"I just needed to ask." He said, pretending to grow ashamed over the matter. Luckily, the acting wasn't a necessity for much longer as a flash of red robes sparked not far in front of them. "Who's that?" He questioned, letting his voice turned confused as Arthur glanced over in the same direction as he, watch the elderly man making his way into his chambers.

"I don't know." The prince commented in a weary tone, his brows furrowing as he began to follow after the man. As they came up to the door of the chambers, still open in the intruder's wake, it wasn't long before they heard the sounds of an unfamiliar language and chanting emitting from inside.

It was what made Arthur quick to pull out his sword, Edmund following his lead before they quietly made their way inside as to not alert the sorcerer to their presence. At least not until the tip of Arthur's blade was pressed into his back. "Show yourself. Who are you?" The prince questioned in a demanding tone.

"I am..." Clearly one part Merlin hadn't remembered when coming up with the entire scheme was that he could not, in fact, give his real name. But the pause which he took to think of one didn't last too long, and soon enough he was spinning around the face Arthur as he dramatically introduced himself. "Dragoon! The Great!"

In the moment, Edmund had to do everything in his power to remain serious and neither laugh nor roll his eyes at the man he was supposed to be regarding as an enemy. "Is it you who planted the poultice in the prince's bed?" In hopes of distracting himself from his own amusement, he spoke up in a questioning tone.

"You have caught me red-handed." Merlin announced. "I have no choice but to confess." The words made Arthur's sword inch that much closer to the man's neck, the glare in his eyes hardening and his anger shining through.

"An innocent woman almost died because of your actions." He said. "I should run you through where you stand."

"I really wouldn't do that if I were you!" But the old man was quick to protest, his face contorting in what they assumed was supposed to be a warning or threatening look. It wasn't much of it though. "Because if you do that..." Especially as the man trailed off again, seeming unable to find an actual good reason for which he should be spared. It took much longer than it should have, but he did come up with... something. "You will never learn of my plan."

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