The Crystal Cave [1]

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Returning to the physicians' chambers after a long day of work, having just finished delivering some medicine to one of the courtiers in the palace, Arwen's eyes were quick to do a scan of the chambers as she walked through the door, searching for one person in particular.

"I'm afraid they're not back yet." Gaius, standing at his table as he read over the pages of a book, informed her in a knowing tone. It wasn't hard to guess who it was that she was looking for. And once he gave her the update, Arwen couldn't help but give out a small sigh.

"It's been too long." She pointed out even though they were both aware of it. What should have been a short ride out beyond the city walls for Arthur and Merlin had stretched on through time. And by now, she wasn't the only one worried. Even the King had started questioning the patrols if they'd seen his son out in the forest throughout the day.

"Both Merlin and Arthur are quite capable of taking care of themselves. And each other." Gaius reassured her gently. "I'm sure wherever they are, their delay is nothing to be concerned about." Of course, there wasn't really a way to be sure of anything, but it was what they had to hope for.

"I hope they return sooner rather than later. It would be quite unfortunate if Arthur were absent for Morgana's first birthday since her return." Arwen mussed over the thought. The castle had been a frenzy of preparations for the last few days, all anticipating the upcoming celebration with excitement. "It's supposed to be a joyful day. I wouldn't want her to have it ruined."

"Does she still insist on monopolising your time?" Gaius questioned curiously, making Arwen let out a small laugh as she remembered Morgana's insistence that she spend her day surrounded by people she wanted there the most, namely Guinevere and Arwen.

"She is. That's why I've been out so much today; tending to the things I will be unable to do tomorrow. Don't worry, I managed all of it." Arwen said in a reassuring voice, Gaius silently waving a dismissive hand to let her know it didn't matter even if she hadn't. They'd manage. "And I'm supposed to help her pick out a dress tonight, I just simply wanted to come and see if Merlin's returned before I go."

"Well, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting." Gaius pointed out, making some amusement show on the redhead's face as she shook her head in denial. "I'll send for you if they return while you're gone."

"Thank you, Gaius. I appreciate it." Arwen sent the older physician a small smile as she abandoned her bag at the bench, starting to head for the door to continue on with her plans for the evening. "Do you want me to bring you some dinner when I come back."

"Oh, no need. I'm all set for the night."

"I'll see you later then." Arwen said with a final nod before walking out of the door of the chambers and beginning her journey through the halls towards Morgana's chambers where she knew the Lady and Gwen would be waiting for her.

She didn't intend to make any pauses along the way, however, the universe had different plans as the sound footsteps in her path had her eyes glancing up and relief flooding over her as she caught sight of her brother and Arthur walking through the halls, clearly having just returned.

"Thank heavens, people were beginning to worry." She said, offering them both a happy smile as they came to stand in the middle of the hallway. "Is everything alright?" She couldn't help but ask, quickly noticing the way her brother's greeting didn't quite depict the amount of joy he was clearly trying to convey.

"Yes, yes. We ran into a little trouble, some bandits and their arrows, but nothing we couldn't handle." Arthur spoke first, quick to reassure her. "I got shot in the back and knocked out, that's why it took longer to-"

"Shot? Why did you not send for Gaius or me instantly? Let me see!" Arwen didn't even let him finish his reassurances before she was reaching for him and trying to get him to turn around so she could examine the wound, worry taking over her.

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