The Wicked Day [1]

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Not even the confines of the physicians' chambers were able to drown out the noises of excitement and celebration which had been spreading through the city during the entire day. Celebrations of the Prince's birthday were already in full swing, however, for the time Arwen found herself unable to join them just yet as she was too busy looking over a map spread out before her on the table.

"We'll need to draw up new maps now that the border had been agreed upon and treaty signed." Edmund pointed out as he finished drawing a line through what had once been known as Cenred's kingdom, now dividing it in two parts based on how Prairene and King Lot had split the land between them.

"It took longer than anticipated since Lot wasn't too happy with your unnegotiable request, but, it's finally done." Geoffrey who'd come to the city to deliver the good news in person announced with a smile on his face watching as Arwen ran her finger over the piece of land she'd fought for the most. "The village of Ealdor, your grace, is officially under you rule."

"About time it got a decent ruler taking care of the people." Merlin quipped with excitement, throwing his arm around his sister's shoulder as he pulled her to his side. "Mum's going to be so proud of you."

"Once everything's settled down and we go to Prairene for the coronation, I'm sure we can visit it along the way." Edmund suggested, making the already present smile on Arwen's face only widen at the thought of seeing her mother. She hadn't seen Hunith once since everything in her life changed. She hoped the time when she'd be able to would come sooner rather than later.

"Now all that's left... Is you, your grace." Lord Warren said in a confident tone, eyes in the room turning to him as everyone grew somewhat serious again, knowing what the words meant. Soon, the time of hiding would come to an end. And everyone would know.

"Let us first enjoy the festivities of the week, my lord." Arwen instructed, not wanting to overshadow Arthur's time. "After, we can start planning what such a feat entails. But for now, this is a time of celebration, and we ourselves have much to be merry about. So go on and join the people and festivities during your stay."

"That is certainly an offer I will not turn down. It's been a while since I've participated in a good jig." Lord Warren's statement had many around the table laughing in amusement, Edmund shaking his head as he muttered about the truth behind his father's unfortunate dancing skills. "But before we take our leave, there is one more matter." He announced, reaching for something in his pocket and presenting it on the table. "The item you requested."

"Thank you, Lord Warren. I know getting it was slightly out of your way." Arwen said thankfully as she picked up the box and opened it to reveal the contents.

"Well, if you were to ask my wife, she believes you should send me out of my way more often." The man announced, making Arwen let out a small laugh as she gave it some thought. "And I myself didn't mind either, knowing it was for a worthy recipient."

"Thank you. Once you've finished up here, you should go home to her. Spend some time together." She said. "As should you Edmund, you've spent far too much time at my side by now."

"If I go home, who's gonna stop you from going through with whatever reckless idiocy you come up with next?"

"If I go home, who's gonna stop you from going through with whatever reckless idiocy you come up with next?"

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