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2 Years Later...

"Trailer number five has Miss Jackson."

"Can I get a glam squad set up on stage one."

"Cameras to be set up in terrace A and B."

The walkie talkies were loud and I was getting quite annoyed with them. I was getting dressed in my outfit for the cover magazine of Vogue. This was my first Vogue cover shoot ever and I was excited. All of my life, I've wanted to be the cover of a magazine like this. And even my new clothing line will be shown in the magazine. While I give everyone a sneak peek of my styles and design with the outfit I'm currently wearing.

        "DJ! It's Robyn and I!" I heard outside my door

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"DJ! It's Robyn and I!" I heard outside my door.

"Come in!" I called. The trailer door opened. My publicist Terry and my manager Robyn step in. "Check this, will you?" I asked Robyn. She nodded and walked to my back, fixing the top collar.

"You ready? We're gonna get a few shots off of terrace one before you change into your next one. Which Jay and Cara is dropping off soon," Terry informed me. I nodded.

"What about the glam squad?" I asked him.

"You'll be getting your hair and makeup done." After getting fixed in my outfit, I walked to the glam station where they took care of my eye makeup before getting my lips done. I walked off to the first terrace for my first set of pictures. I go to change to my second outfit creation, redid my hair, then went to the second terrace that took another five to ten minutes to do pictures with.

When I returned to my trailer, I changed into something more comfortable. I heard a knock at my door and it opened. My assignment Alexa entered.

"Hello, Dani," she said as I fell onto my couch.

"Hey Lex," I said, tiredly.

"So, your brother called and said he got the place for you in LA so you'll be moving out of here soon." I sigh in happiness.

"It's about time! I'm tried of New Yorkers!" I groaned. Alexa laughed at me.

"You heading out?" I nod and grabbed my phone.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go grab a coffee and head back to the apartment." She nodded. I gathered up my stuff and stepped out of the trailer as Alexa followed me. I met my security guard on the outside of the photo shoot destination.

"You're off for the rest of the day, Dawson. Go spare yourself," I told him. He chuckled but saluted me as I walked off to the streets. I walked to the nearest coffee shop that Jay worked at near the apartment.

"Jay!" I called. He looked up and nodded.

"Coming up!" I walked to the counter as he got me my coffee. "How was the shoot?"

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