twenty - four

41 1 0

(Danielle's POV)

     The guys headed back to the van and I turned off my phone. I had gotten a call from Robby. He got a new call time for his movie so he wouldn't be able to be at the house all day. So he had put Jay on dog duty, which neither him and I minded. Just as long as my baby is with someone I trust. 

      Calum had opened the door and hopped in next to me as I was sitting in the middle. "If you don't want these guys catching your face, cover now," Luke warned me before the door shut. He, Crystal, and Mike walked around to get in on the other side. When he got to the door, I put my head down and let my hair cover my face. Luke let Crystal into the van first, followed by Michael. 

        Luke quickly hopped in and shut the door, sitting in the seat next to me. I was surprised that he even chose to sit here.

       I saw something silver appear in my face as Ashton's hand was in sight. He was giving me one of his chains he had in his wrist for me to fiddle with. I grinned at him, thanking him for it and took it, fiddling the hell out of it. Apparently I had more anxiety than I thought. He gave me a small soothing smile before looking out the window.

       The van took off and drove it's way out of the parking lot. A small conversation between Crystal, Mikey, Cal, and Ash appeared and I sat there and listen as Luke was doing the same. 

       The van took a sharp and bumpy turn out of the lot and my head lands on Luke's arm. I left it there for a second before taking it off, realizing he probably didn't want me on him. As I played with Ashton's bracelet more, Luke adjusted his legs and separated them a little to get comfortable in his seating position. His leg leaned up against mine as our knees touched. So maybe he didn't really care what I did. We have a kind of a long drive since traffic caught back up with us so I leaned my head against his leather jacket as my left hand slumped my face.

        I'm shocked at how Luke was acting right now. Just this morning we had our first argument since the whole situation with Robby being at the house. He hated me just as much as I was hating him from that. I think I had more hatred than he should have. But either way, hate is the word to describe how we feel for each other. Yet, he really let me stay in his arms and he actually comforted me. He was being pretty sincere actually and it kind of freaked me out a little bit. 

(Luke's POV) 

     I know I screwed up big time this morning when I told her I should have left the airport situation the way it was. Even though she was getting on my nerves with the bitterness, she didn't deserve what I said to her. I was just looking for a fight I guess. 

      I felt that I should have returned the favor and when she walked into my arms at the arena. I was surprised she even did. Out of all things to do while the cameras were out, that was it? But she wasn't feeling too well and I could tell. When I was holding her, her breath was shaky, I could feel her heart pounding, and her hands were slightly shaking against my back. She was definitely overwhelmed by something.  So I thought I'd bring her out to the van for her to calm down. 


     I walked past the cameras and hid Dani's face with my hand, keeling my head down as well. This was definitely making the media. 

     We got past the cameras and I put my hand back to my side as I held Danielle in my left arm tightly. Her arms were crossed and her head was still down, watching her feet transition from left right left right. 

     We get outside and I keel walking, finding the van. "What's going on?" 

      "I just needed to not be there. I kind of just had a small breakdown," she told me. 

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