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     "I don't know what to do anymore. Like I messed up our plan, our relationship in general is ruined. And I literally have to go everywhere with him and I can't stand it! Let alone, having to tour with him- UGHHH Robby, just tell me what I have to do!" I cried to my third oldest brother. For him being an actor and bring I the spotlight, he should get where I'm coming from. Nobody understands this. Not Jay. Not Cara. Not the boys. Although I am sure Luke and I share the same fire.

      "Well, this is for a dream, Dani. Your dream is in the palm of you of your hands right now. You're gonna have to go through with this," he advised. 

       "But how?" 

       "Deej, it's not like you're spending every waking moment with him. It's only when you're in public." My doorbell went off. I was staring at the blanket Robby and I were sitting I were sitting under and didn't move. "Are you gonna get that?" He asked me . Rolling my eyes, I took my leg from under the blanket and picked up Jet, handing him off to Robby. 

       "It's not just that simple, Robby! I mean, pretty soon, we're gonna be walking carpets together and that is something I'm not ready for!" I told him as I walked down the hallway to the door. I unlocked it and twisted the knob. On the other side was Devin and Robyn with Luke. Of course! 

     "Hope you've got wine!" Robyn said, rather joyfully. She's enjoying this a little too much. 

     I groaned and rolled my eyes. I knew it. I didn't want to have to come down to it but I know exactly what this is. We're exposing on our social medias. 

     "In the kitchen!" I told her, opening the door for them to come in. Devin stepped in first before Luke did too. Devin followed Robyn and Luke stayed standing at the door as he took his jacket off and hung it. 

     "Today's the day, huh?" I asked him. 

      "Yep!" He answered. 

      "Dani, who's at the- oh!" I turned around as Robby froze in his footsteps. I turned around after I set Luke's shoes in the corner. 

 {Luke's POV}

     A tall brunette man stopped in his tracks as he held Jet in his arms. Who the hell is he? "Sorry, I didn't know you were expecting company," the rather good-looking man spoke. 

      "Neither did I! Rob, this is Luke. He's-" 

      "Her boyfriend," I spat out. Danielle gave me a confused glance before she hid it again. "Dani, I didn't know you had company. Should I come back?" 

      "No, Luke. This is Robby. He's staying here for a couple of days," she told me. Just a few questions here: who the hell is Robby and why is he staying overnight here? And even more technically, for a couple days! 

      Robby took his hand out of his pocket and stuck it in front of me. Still staring at him, Dani nudged me and brought me back to reality. I quickly stuck my hand out and shook his hand. 

      "Well, I'll leave you guys to it," Robby said, heading for the stairs. He stopped Dani by the arm and whispered in her ear. Something about that does not sit right with me. Who is this guy?! 

     Dani nodded and the man proceeded his way up the stairs with a squirmy Jet. A door shut and Danielle turned to me. "You were rather quick to answer that question," she said to me. 

      "Nobody's supposed to really know about this just the band and Cara and Jay do. That's all we can risk," I scrambled off the top of my head as I stared up at the staircase. That surely did make me tense. I don't know who that man is, but I don't want him I'm Dani's house. 


      "What?!" I said, snapping back. 

      "You okay?" She asked me. I nod. 

      "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I said. Giving me a weird look, she lead me through the house and into her living room. 

       "Hey, I just wanted to apologize again about this. I know you wanted to keep this on the low and I kind of messed that up for the both of us," Dani apologized. To be honest, I forgot that's why I was even here. 

{Dani's POV}

    "It's okay. This was gonna end up happening one way or another," Luke responded. Why is he being so weird? 

      "Yeah, you're right," I said sitting down after fixing the bottom of my sweatpants. "So what exactly do they want us to do?" I questioned. "Because Robyn seemed too happy to do it." Luke snickered, agreeing to that. 

      "I have no clue," Luke answered, sitting down closer to me than I anticipated. I lifted my eyebrow at him as my hand was on my head. There's something going on. 

     "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked once again. 

    Luke turned and looked at me. "Yes! I'm fine! Why do you keep asking me that?"

      "Because, you're acting really weird," I informed him. 

      "How am I acting weird? You're the one asking all the questions!" Luke protested. 

       "I was just saying, you had a snippy attitude earlier," Luke cut me off. 

       "How was I to know you had some random guy over here! I don't keep tabs on you!" Luke snapped. Damn, what is his problem? 

       "Some random guy! Luke, he's my-" 

       "Alright! To the backyard we go!" Robyn interrupted with two wine glasses in her hand. Devin had a shit load of candles and a bucket in his hands. 

{Luke's POV}

​​​     We opened the back sliding doors and let them step out first. "Where's Jet?" Robyn asked causiously.

     "He's upstairs with Robby." I groaned to myself with a roll of my eyes. 

     "Ooh, Robby's here! I must see him before I leave!" Robyn said happily. What!? "You know he's my favorite one to work with right?" 

      "I know, you've told me constantly!" Dani answered as we got to the grass. What the heck, man! Who is Robby and why does Robyn know who he is. 

      "Can we just get this done and over with please?!" I snapped louder than I expected right after Dani's and Robyn's banter. They all turned and looked at me and Dani's face grew with more concern. "I'm tired!" I made up after it. 

       "Well, in that case, help see toss the roses!" Devin set the bucket down and there was a load of rose petals. Not questioning anything, I grabbed a handful of rose petals and tossed them around the grass whilst Dani and Robyn lit up the candles. 

       "Now what do you want us to do here?" I asked both of them. 

       "Yeah, why are we setting up a romantic scene?" 

       "Because. You will get pictures with you and your wine glasses, staring out into the starry night!" Robyn said. I turned and looked at Dani. 

       "She watches alot of romance movies, doesn't she?" Dani nodded like it was an understatement. 

       "And reads to many of them too!" 

       "I do not! Now shut your trap and light these candles!" Robyn told her. "So, how's Robby doing? Did he get that roll?"

     Okay, I'm tired of hearing about this Robby character. I'm ready to get out of here.

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