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{Luke's POV}

I woke up to the smell of scented lotion. Cocoa Butter? I don't know. Whatever it was, it smelt really good. I'm trying to remember what happened last night at the bar. Because I do not recognize the area I am in right now.

Rubbing my eyes to get rid of the headache that was my hangover, I heard a voice. "Good, you're awake," I heard Danielle say. Oh thank goodness it was Dani and not some random girl! "Do you remember anything that happened last night?" She asked me, facing a mirror on the wall.

I try to think back. Other than showing up, I really did not remember anything. "I remember taking my first shot. I don't remember anything else after that," I told her.

"You don't remember me picking you up?" She asked me.

"No, I do not," I said.

"Well, maybe it's best you forgot since you were making out with some girl when I got there." My eyes pop open wide. What did she say?

"I did what?!" I said, throwing the covers off my body in shock.

"You heard me," she said casually as she was looking in the mirror.

"Uh, I think not!" I said with a light chuckle. She's gotta be messing with me. "Please tell me you're lying."

Dani dropped the brush and turned around. "You know, I really wish I was. But it's hard to make a lie like that when it's seen by not only my eyes but about five hundred pair of eyes!" She told me. I closed my eyes as she walked past me. "You better hope that doesn't get out to TMZ."

"Damn," I mumbled. "Dani, I am so sorry!" I feel hella shitty right now. What was I thinking?! I know I was drunk. But I did not think i was dumb enough to put my tongue down someone else's throat when I'm supposed to be in a relationship.

"Don't apologize to me! You should be apologizing to our managers because when they find out, you're never gonna hear the end of it," Dani said.

"Why are you acting all bitter?" I questioned, kind of irritated with her attitude at this point. I get that she's mad at me because I'd be mad too. If my head wasn't enough consequence as is, I'd be hanging my head with a frying pan!

Dani looked up at me from her squat in the corner. "Acting bitter? Are you joking?!" She said to me. "You put our publicity stunt at risk, number one. And number two, you just got the public eye's attention and guess who's gonna be in trouble for it! I'm gonna be taking the downfall for it just as bad as you!" She does make a point. Devin and Robyn are kinda brutal with this. Especially Robyn.

"Okay, well, what am I supposed to do? I can't help if they caught it or anything," I said.

"We're just gonna get slammed by the world, that's all!" Dani mentioned.

"Well, it's no wonder you got slammed by that reporter," I blurted. Was that me or was the the alcohol talking? But I mean, drunk words are sober thoughts. She's being too crazy about this.

"Excuse me?" She said, tilting her head. "Might I remind you, you were the one who threw the fit about it?"

"Well, maybe I should have just left it alone! Let him continue to talk."

"What is the matter with you?!" She screamed at me. "Don't turn this thing around!"

"Well, why shouldn't I? Everything seems to be my fault anyways! I should have sat back and waited for you to respond the price!"

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