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Luke was getting ready in my hotel room, still begging me to go out with him and the boys. But I just didn't want to. I was tired and I have a headache and do not want to go out to a loud bar with blasting music and flying drinks.

"Come on! Come out with us!" Luke pleaded once again. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't wanna go!" I repeated, keeping my eyes on the television. Luke groaned and I saw him roll his eyes.

"What are Terry and Robyn gonna say when they see you not with me?" He asked, probably trying to get me to go by saying that. I shrugged.

"Just tell the paparazzi I'm sick of something. I don't want to go," I said once again. Luke sighed as his last attempt failed.

"Alright!" He said. "But you're coming with us to our first show after party," he said, making me go at this point.

"Fine," I said.

"Do you need anything before I get back?"

I shook my head. "Nope," I replied.

"Alright. I'll see you later then." He grabbed his room key and put it in his wallet.

"Be careful getting to the bar. Text me when you get there!" I said to him. After the accident the last time, I don't want to risk anything.

"Will do. Bye!" He called.

"See ya!"

It was almost midnight and I hadn't gotten a text back from Luke that told me he was heading back or that he was at the hotel and I was getting tired.

My phone then buzzed on my pillow and I picked it up. Ashton's name popped up onto my screen. Uh-oh.

Logging into my phone, I opened the message.


Can you come and get Luke? Dude is drunk off his ass and he needs to get back to the hotel.

I groaned out loud. Really Luke?


What bar is it?

As I got up to grab my flannel to throw it on, Ashton sent me the address and the bar was only five minutes away. I grabbed my phone again and unclipped my hair to make myself somewhat presentable to even enter the place. I grabbed my car keys and the hotel card, and headed out of the room.

You just had to be drunk Hemmings.

I made it to the bar and grabbed out my ID. Showing the man at the door, he let me proceed in. I pushed my way through the bar, trying to find any of the guys.

I found Ashton's built body and I grabbed his arm. "I'm here," I told him.

"Ahh, great! Now take his drunk ass home!"

"Why couldn't you guys just bring him back?" I asked him, not wanting to be here.

"Because we wanted to stay longer. But we don't think Luke should be staying any longer "

"Why not?"

"Well let's just say he...yeah," his voice trialed off and he pointed into the direction I was facing. He was standing at a pilar, making out with some girl. I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt to see. Because I hated it.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I said in a groan as I threw my head back. He's in public and he wants to hook up with some broad in a bar. "So what am I supposed to do? Go over there and yell at her to get off my man?" I asked Ashton, sarcastically yet seriously because of us being in public as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You should. After all, Luke did the same thing to you!" I turned my head and shot him a glare. Ashton turned his head and looked back at me. "I'm kidding," he said. I shook my head at him.

"Not funny," I told him.

"I know. Just go," he said to me, giving me a nudge towards his direction. I groaned but walked over to him. As I was speeding my way to him, I grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him back.

"You realize we're supposed to be in a relationship, right?" I said in his ear.

"Oh, heyyyyy! Nice to see you babygirl." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me babygirl. We're leaving!" I said, annoyed with him at the moment.

"Aw, you're the girl who chases after the men in nightclubs I see," the girl said. I looked at her.

"Okay, listen. He is drunk just as much as you are. So take your hands off my man and back up," I said, not even meaning to bring that out. I turn around to walk away when she opened her mouth again.

"Well, clearly he likes what he sees more than what he has!" The girl commented. I stopped, closed my eyes, and slowly turned around.

"Unless you want me to drop your drunk ass on this floor, I suggest you shut your mouth!" I said, more pissed at the fact that this girl just insulted me. She's about to get me on my bad side and it's not gonna be pretty.

"Leave her alone, Debbie!" Luke scolded her. The girl rolled her eyes.

"It's Diane, dumbass," she said to him.

"Okay, you better watch who you are talking to," I warned her. She rolled her eyes again.

"Whatever. Go on with yourself. You look like a homeless rabbi." She grabbed her drink off the table and threw it at me. There was a huge gasp area near us and Calum and Michael came rushing in since Luke didn't have a damn clue what was going on.

"Are you kidding me?" I grabbed the drink from Luke's hand that he was still trying to consume and threw it at her.

"Dani, relax!" Calum said as Michael grabbed the glass from my hand.

"She just threw a drink on me!" I shouted at Calum.

"Not here, not now!" He said, sticking his arm out to stop me from stepping to her again. A bouncer came in and grabbed Diane, pulling her aside.

"Miss, I'm going to ask you to-"

"Yeah yeah, I'm leaving!" I snapped at him. Calum turned me around and Michael gave me a towel the bouncer passed to him. I wiped my face and threw the towel on the table behind Ashton.

"This is why I don't come to bars! Come on," I said to Ashton before turning to grab Luke's wrist to pull him out. I was not happy. Not only was I pissed because I had to get out of bed to come and get Luke, but that bitch just threw a drink at me. I don't care if Luke is hungover in the morning, he's getting an earful.

"Here, put these on." I handed Luke my glasses that I wore to hide from the paparazzi. He slid them onto his face and grabbed my hand tightly.

"Are you okay, Dani? You seem very unhappy," he said. He sounds like such an emotional drunk. It's really annoying.

"No, Luke I am not," I said, throwing him in the car in the passenger seat. I closed the door and got into the driver's seat to start the car.

"Why not?"

"Shut up Luke!" I said, driving off. So many problems I am having right now. First of all, I'm tired as hell and I had to come wrestle him out of a damn bar. I just got a drink thrown at me. And Luke was in public making out with some other chick? Just wait until Devin and Robyn hear about this.

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