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{Danielle's POV}

     My head was beginning to hurt and we were only on the plane for six hours. Which means ten more hours to go. I was keeping in contact Jay, asking him how Jet. According to Robby, Jet was mad I left and just laid in the corner all day. 

      Sorry buddy! 

      "How much time do we have?" Luke asked me, turning his head to look at me. Without looking, I continued to type as I responded. 

       "Too much," I replied. He rolled his head back to look straight ahead as I signed and turned my phone off. 

       "You okay?" He asked me. 

        "Yeah, I guess so," I said. "Just tired," I told him. 

        "Take a nap. It's not like you'll miss anything," he said, which made me laugh a little bit. 

       "You sure? I might miss the concert that's coming from the cockpit," I joked. Luke rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. 

        "Still have you're humor," he said. I turn and saw a small smile plastered on his lips. I grinned myself seeing his look. Why is he so cute sometimes? 

      "Why would I lose it?" I asked. Luke shrugged and looked out the window. I turned to the other side and saw Ashton and Calum we're both sleeping. Michael looked at me and gave me a soft smile before grabbing his phone. As I stared at the carpet of the plane, my phone buzzed. 


you doin' okay?


I'm doing fine.


you still feeling anxious? 

     I had to think about that. Because I really didn't. I actually felt really relaxed and safe. 


no, not at all to be honest 

     Michael smiled at his phone and placed it back in his lap. He turned his head to me and I looked up as well. "Good, now live it up," he whispered to me. I rolled my eyes at him with a small chuckle. Turning forward, Luke looked at me. 

      "What's funny?" He asked. I shook my head. 

       "Nothing," I replied. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep." 

       "Good. You need it," he said. Rolling my eyes again, I shoved his arm. 

      "Okay, zip it!" I said. We both laughed and Luke abused himself in his seat before looking back out the window. I leaned my head against the side of Luke's chair and shut my eyes. 

{Luke's POV} 

     I opened my eyes to the sound of the pilot speaking through the intercom, announcing we'd be landing in forty-five minutes. I lifted my head after I rubbed my eyes and turned to look at Dani, who's head was on my shoulder. Wait, did I really not realize I was just laying my head on hers? Man, I need another nap. 

      Danielle looked comfortable. She looked sweet. She looked beautiful. My feelings seemed to have grown since my conversation with Calum and Ashton at the airport. The more I look at her and the more I talk to her, the more I just feel myself falling for her. It doesn't even make that much sense to me anymore. But all I know is, I think I've been hiding my love for her longer than I thought?

       My thoughts left me as Dani began to move and she groaned. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Sorry," she said, referring to her head being on my shoulder. 

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