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(Danielle's POV)

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(Danielle's POV)

       It's been about five months since Jet's been gone and I have been back at work for the last three months. Getting over his death was extremely hard for me. I didn't know it'd take that big of a toll of me. But I'm glad that both my manager and publicist, as well as Luke's publicist gave me basically all the time in the world I needed to grieve. Even though I haven't spoken to Robyn like I normally should since our argument, she was very easy about the situation because she knows how much Jet means to me. 

       Thankfully, we haven't been doing anymore touring. We were taking a, what the band calls "a tour break" and have been working for the last few months here in LA. Luke and I are still on our publicity stunt. It's been five months since this relationship has been out for the world. Thankfully, this relationship thing is getting easier for the both of us. Luke has shared me a side of him I haven't seen before and I did the same when I was grieving. And he allowed me too. So, our relationship has been easier for me to get through. We're starting to actually talk more, laugh more, and be vulnerable with one another more. It's like we're rebuilding our friendship. Although it is weird not arguing with him every three weeks, but, I'm glad we're not because all that does is just make things harder. 

      Since coming back to world, Terry and Devin were both emailed about having a press conference for me and the band. The boys are still working on their third tour, but have also been doing a lot of writing. 

       The press conference was for Comic-Con coming up in a few days. But instead of having a fan q&a, we were having a reporter-journalist q&a.

      Yay. My favorite. 

      We agreed to do just so the boys had some studio break time. They've been in the studio nonstop for the past couple months, working their asses off to prepare for this Europe Tour, as well as song writing. I've never seen so much stress in one room before.

      I thankfully am not sick anymore and I gained back the weight I lost. After going to take doctor, he said it seemed like a close case of Gastric and I lost over twenty pounds in an unhealthy way. He told me I was cutting it close to getting back on my eating disorder. But, I'm back to normal, eating regularly, and comfortable being back in my own skin. I actually don't feel like shit anymore. 


I threw my flannel on as we were about to head out way out to the stage. "Do they have a seating arrangement?" I asked Devin and Terry as I moved my loose hair from my face from my side ponytail. 

        "They want you in between Ashton and Luke," Devin told me. 

       "They don't want me next to my own band?" Luke questioned. 

        "When I checked out the stage, there's a small load of photographers at the end of the stage, so we asked to switch you two. If you don't mind that, Luke," Terry explained before asking Luke. I looked at Luke and he shook his head. 

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