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     It's been only been two days since Ashton's party and I haven't talked to any of the boys nor Cara. I've been MIA since the party and nobody has gotten ahold of me. The only person that got a hold of me was Robyn, telling me Terry was coming to see me. Even though I didn't feel like seeing anybody, I had no choice but to see my publicist. That's is one person I cannot turn down. 

     My door bell rang and I got off my bed as Jet raced out of the room, beating me to the stairs. I was in short black jean shorts, a white tank top, and a large red button up flannel I took from my brother Cam before he went into the force. 

      I pushed Jet aside with my foot so he wouldn't run out and opened the door and saw Terry standing in front of my door. I gave him a weak smile and he gave me a small one. "Hi," I said, opening the door wider, waiting for him to come in but he didn't. 

     "Hello! I know you're not gonna like me for this..." Terry's voice trailed off and I heard a car door slam, plus two more. I looked behind him and saw Robyn, Devin for some reason! 

       "What the hell is Luke doing here?" I asked Terry in a whisper. He put his hands up and motioned them down, telling me to relax. 

       "Just trust me," he said. "Can we come in?" 

       "I guess! You brought a whole entourage!" I said sarcastically,  with a shrug of my shoulders. He groaned under his breath and walked in as I stayed at the side of the door. They all walked in, Luke being last. "What is this about?" I asked him in a whisper. He shrugged. 

        "I thought you'd know," he answered to me in a whisper back. I closed my door and met the rest of them in the living room. 

         "Okay, what is going on?" I asked them. Robyn began speaking first.

        "We got word from the head of Rolling Stone magazine...they have seen your photos of each other and think you guys can be the next power couple." I shrugged. 

         "Well that isn't happening!" I said as Luke and I stood in the middle of the room. 

        Luke shook his head. "Absolutely not," Luke agreed. "Besides, what does that have to do with her magazine cover?" Luke asked her. 

       "That's the thing: Power couple you two equals Rolling Stone power couple cover!" Terry explained. I was now confused.  I'm not understanding what they want from us. 

       "Okay, so?" I said. 

       "Which is why we've come to terms that you guys are going on a publicity relationship," Devin said. Luke and I glanced at each other. What the hell does that mean? 

       "What's that?" Luke asked like they just said the dumbest thing ever. Only because it was! 

        "Tmz has caught you guys on numerous of times and they know it's all rumored of you two dating. But if we make you guys a publicity relationship, it can be publicly revealed," Terry explained. So, they want us to fake date? 

        "So, a social media relationship?" I said, making sure it was clear. They nodded. Luke and I both shook my head. "No way," I said. 

        "Not a chance. I'm not doing it!" Luke said. I'm not having a publicity relationship with Luke. Granted I haven't talked to him in the past two days, nor do I want to talk to him. 

        "Dani, the contract we have for Rolling Stone can really give you this cover if you do this. You have to trust me. Trust us!" Robyn said, pointing to Terry. 

       I turned and looked at Luke who's hands were in his back pocket and I had my arms crossed. "I don't wanna do this," he said to me. 

       "You think I want to?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes. 

        "Is this for real on her contract for Rolling Stone?" Luke asked Robyn who nodded in confirmation. 

        "Are we gonna have a choice?" I asked them. They all shook their heads. 

        "Nope!" They all said. I sighed and looked back at Luke. 

        "Then let's just do it. We have no choice," Luke said. 

        "I guess. No say isn't much for us," I said, hating the fact I was agreeing with Luke at this specific thing. I turned back to Robyn. "So, what does that require?" I asked them all. 

        Devin began to explain first. "Public PDA. Which is only hand hold, hugging, at least!" He said. 

        "Interviews, award shows and red carpets," Terry added. Robyn then clapped her hands and looked at me. 

       "And uh, Dani- you'll be going on tour with Luke and the band." My eyes popped out of head. Is she insane? I don't even want to be in this dumb relationship, and now I have to be with him every second of the day because I'm not touring with him. 


(Luke's POV) 

     "Why are you making us do this?' I asked in a whisper to Devin and Terry. 

       "Because the world wants this! Your fan base loves it and wants it too!" Terry explained to me. 

       "But that's what they want! That is not what I want!" I said. "When was a relationship something controlled by you and not me?" I asked as Dani was on the other side of the room, arguing with her manager. 

        "It's not as bad as it seems, Luke! It's just an online relationship. Social media and press dating. This isn't real. You don't even have to kiss the girl," Devin told me. 

         "Unless you want to. That's your choice," Terry said, which made me glare at him. "Just trust us. It's not gonna be that bad! Just do it. For a few weeks at least. Please?" 

        I had to really think about this. After what went down at Ashton's party, her story adds up to make no sense at as while she says mine is. I don't even know what the hell is even going on between us anymore. And now we have to fake date? This is going to be well. 

(Danielle's POV) 

     "I don't wanna do this!" I whispered to her. 

     "Dani, I know! But your contact with Rolling Stone will be dropped if you don't do this. They want a power couple on that cover and if you want that, you have to do this!" Robyn told me in the same pitch I was in. 

      "I don't understand why we have to do this though!" I said.

       "They've been eyeing the rumors since it happened in New York. It's all over the place Deej! You can't drop it now!" Robyn said. "Do you want this cover?" She asked. "Because this cover has been a milestone for you since we met! Vogue is taken care of, now we have Rolling Stone which is just as big!"   

      I groaned. I do not want to do this. I don't even want to be with Luke anymore after what happened under the last few weeks. I'm tired of it all. The last thing I want to do is walk down the street, holding Luke's hand and pretend that I'm in love with him even though I'm not.

      "Just hold on for two weeks. I just need two weeks from you at least!" Robyn pleaded. I turned and looked at Luke who was arguing with Devin an Terry. "If nothing good comes out of it in two weeks, we can end it and I can see what I else I can do for you in Rolling Stone. But if this buzzes, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to keep it going until further notice." 

        "Robyn, I don't like him! I'm pissed off at him and he practically hates my guts just as much!" I explained to her. Robyn wasn't taking no for answer as she looked me deep in the eyes. 

     "This is the chance you have and it can close at any moment. Take it or leave it."

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