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 {Danielle's POV}    

     It was day two of our public relationship and Luke had plans to make a few stops. I was getting ready to leave and Jay was sitting at my island. "So how do you guys do this thing? Does Robyn call you and tell you to do it or what?" 

        "No. It's primarily if we have something to do, we just go together because that's getting the pictures of us seen together. And if that's all it takes, it's what it takes," I explained. 

        I had Jay at the house to watch Jet because Jet has been getting sick at the most unfortunate times. So Jay came to watch him real close so it's not on my carpet. 

        I grabbed my hat and three it on my head before grabbing my keys. "Thanks for doing this. I'll see you later," I said. 

         "Sure thing. Have fun!" 

         "Yeah right," I muttered, rolling my eyes. I shut my garage door and get into my car. Starting it up, I drive out of the garage, closing it. As I was on my way to Luke's house, Alexa called me. 

         "Hey Lex," I said. 

         "Hey, you're gonna be out with Luke today, aren't you?" 

          "Yeah, but just to some music store for his guitar. Why?" 

         "You remember that stand you had me make? For your office?" She asked me. 

        "Yeah, the body stand." 

         "A wheel broke, and I don't have anymore extras. To top it, I'm on my way to the team meeting so I can't get it." 

          "I'll have Luke stop somewhere and I'll buy one. I'm heading to the office afterwards anyway. He said his guitar shouldn't take more than ten minutes to fix. Besides, I can be high maintenance." Alexa laughed at me. 

          "You're still dreading it, aren't you?" 

           "Still dreading it? It's been two days! And I hate it with such a burning passion!" I ranted, taking a turn down another subdivision. 

          "I bet you like it but you hate to admit it." My eyes widened. 

          "HAHA! April Fool's come early this year," Alexa laughed again. 

         "Ugh, you're a complicated chick," she groaned. "But hey, I'll see you later. The meeting is starting soon." 

         "Yep, see you in a little bit." Hanging up the phone, I took another turn and pulled up to his house. Not but ten minutes away from him. Yay. Lucky me. 

     Turning off my car, I hop out and go to the door. Ringing the doorbell, I waited a few seconds for Luke to answer. Opening the door, he didn't say much, but walked away from the door and allowed me in. 

       "Nice to see you too," I said, closing it behind me. Luke walked down a hallway and didn't come back for another thirty seconds. 

        "Well my bad I had mouth wash in my mouth," he said. Rolling my eyes, he allowed me to step more into the house. I then heard small clinks one after the other running through the back part of the house. Turning the corner, a cute bulldog came running my way. OH MY GOD! 

        "Ahhh!!!! Hello!" I said, as the dog got to my feet. I squatted down to pet her as she was giving smiles for days, before rolling over on her back for a tummy rub. "What's her name?" 

         "Petunia," Luke answered as he smiled at how happy his dog looked. "She loves new people." 

         "Is she normally like this or is she more settle?" I asked, still petting her. 

         "She's usually more tame only because it's always the boys or my family coming by. So when she heard a new voice, she's running the 100 yard dash," Luke said. 

         "Which is the fastest she's ever ran before," Ashton's voice rang from no where. He walked from out of the kitchen and Luke turned around and stared at him. 

        "If you don't shut your ass-" Luke said, before Ashton ran away from his kick. I laughed and stood back up, hugging Ashton. 

         "How long have you been here?" I asked. 

         "The whole time. But I gotta jet so." He said bye to Luke before leaving out the door. 

          "Do you want me to take these off?" I asked Luke, pointing to my shoes. He turned around and looked at me before shaking his head. 

         "No, you're fine," he said. Walking into the living room where he was, I sat on the couch. 

          "So what is it exactly that we're doing?" 

         "I have to get the strings changed. And find a new pic in the process. Then after that, I don't have anything else I gotta do," Luke explained. 

          "Glad to hear you say that. Because I was needing to go to the store to get a wheel for my stand at the office. And you're driving which means, you're paying!" I said, rather happily. 

         "Okay, whateve - heyyyy wait a damn minute!" He said. 

         "Nope! We had a deal!" 

       The deal Luke and I made yesterday was that whoever is driving, is paying for anything else that we do as long as it is a reasonable thing. If Luke wanted me to buy him a new car, best believe I'd be throwing his wallet at his face because I am not buying him a new car! 

      "Ugh! Why did I agree to that deal," he said groaning. 

        "Part of that was your idea. Plus, you made me buy you lunch AND your coffee. So I don't want to hear it!" 

       "I don't get to have a say now?" He asked after zipping his guitar case and I stood up, shaking my head.  

        "Nope! Out the door!" I said pointing to the front door. 

        "UGH!" he cried, carrying his case.

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