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It's been two days since I had that conversation with Michael. I haven't really talked to any of the guys since then, I've just been MIA. The only person I was actually talking to was Cara on the phone and Crystal if she called. Which was three times in the last couple days. 

      It was Friday and the boys had to be at the arena early to get the set ups done and ready. They had to do vocal sound check, and instrument sound check for all their entire song list. I didn't have to be there for another couple hours since they left and Crystal and I made arrangements to go together. 

      Since I was technically working as well with their stylist to help the guys in their wardrobe, I still had to dress somewhat presentable for the cameras, which I wasn't excited for at all. 

       "Okay, I'm ready!" I called to Crystal as I walked out of the bathroom. She looked at me in the eyes, my outfit, my eyes, the outfit, then back to my eyes. 

       "That's so simple, Dani. Even for a concert," she said. 

       "Do I have to dress to impress at a concert that's not even mine?" I asked her in a whine. I barely even wanted to go to the concert, let alone the bar after it. Which I kind of forgot about. 

       "We're going out after, you might want to!" She said. I sighed and walked back to the bathroom to find a different fit. 

       "Don't you think this is a little much?" I asked her from behind the cracked door as I took my shirt off to change it. 

      "Yes," she admitted. "But, it's not so bad. Just go for night out casual," Crystal suggested. I put my shorts on and left the bathroom. 

       "This any better?" I questioned. She looked back up at me from her phone. 

       "Okay, maybe that's a little much," she suggested. "We're going to a really want to wear that to a bar?" Crystal said. Which got me thinking. I hate get comments on social media about how my body looks positively. But I hate it even more when it's verbal. Makes me feel....icky. I would rather be body shamed. 

      Actually no I wouldn't. Just don't talk about my body period. 

      "Good point!" I said, pointing back to her. I turned back around to the bathroom to grab another outfit. Crystal just knows my triggers. Most of them anyway. Especially when it comes to my personal image. 

      "Okay, this one looks better," I said, walking out of the bathroom. Crystal smiled. 

       "Now that one is cute," she said. I walked to the mirror to finish brushing my hair as she walked into the bathroom. "Oh, but I really like this denim outfit!" I walked to the bathroom to see what fit she was enjoying. 

       "Yeah, I do too. Maybe I'll just change into that before we leave,"  I said. She ran out of the bathroom and grabbed one of my empty backpacks I had for emergency supply use and shoved the outfit in it. Laughing at her, I grabbed my small sewing kit that had a couple needles, a small pair of scissors, and some colored string in it, and put in the bag as well. Grabbing my phone and wallet, I followed Crystal out the door and we headed outside where our taxi was waiting for us right on time. 

       We got in and gave the driver the arena location, and he took off. "Michael told me about the conversation from the other night," Crystal spoke up. 

      I turned and looked at her. "I told him not to say anything," I said. 

       "Technically, you only mentioned Luke," she said. Which, yeah, that is true. And fair. 

       "Continue on," I sighed. 

       "I just want to make sure you're fully recovered from that. Because I know it kind of hit you hard that night."

       I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean, yeah, it did. And I'm doing alright. I'm more than half way recovered, so I think at this point, I just have to do what my mind and thoughts do and go wherever they please. That will just get me to admit what's really wrong with my stupid heart." 

       "Why is your heart stupid?" Crystal questioned. 

       "Well," I said, adjusting myself on the seat. "Ever since our first argument, I haven't been able to really put a cap on my bottled up feelings. And I just wish they just went away." 

        "What happened that night anyways?" 

        "Long story," I said with a roll of my eyes. "But to shorten it up, we made plans for a dinner date. I stayed at the restaurant for 30 minutes past the time we scheduled, and he never showed up." Crystal's eyes widened, like she was shocked at the fact Luke blew me off. Me and you both, girl. "But, he claims that I never showed up. At this point, everything is just so confusing, I want to throw it out the window and hopes it gets hit by a car!" 

        "If I did that for you, would you leave a tip?" The driver asked me. Crystal and I laughed at him and he chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation. That was the only part I heard!" 

        Accepting the guy's apology, we got to the arena where a line was already made around the block. "Have fun tonight, ladies!" The driver said. Crystal and I split the payment and gave him the money as we walked out of the car. Cameras flashing at my face as I stepped out, I blinked at one of the lights before I stopped and turned to Crystal. 

       "Yay! Starting work before I can set foot in the place!" I whispered to her. Chuckling a little at my sarcasm, she closed the door and I let her walk in front of me so she could get to the doors faster and not be bothered as the boy's security team was by the doors already. I saw Dawson not so far away and paged him to grab Crystal while I signed two autographs from two young girls. 

        "Hey Dani! Are you excited for the first concert?" One of the cameras asked. And this time, I actually chose to reply. 

       "I actually am! I went to one in New York and now I'm on tour. Who would have thought, right?" I said. I gave the girl her pen back and smiled for a picture with her. 

       "Any plans for the weekend of rest?" 

       "No rest! Have a red carpet in two days. Tomorrow is barely even a rest day. Still more traveling tomorrow. Hoping to get a good amount of sleep. But with how tonight will go, can't really get that!" I replied. I walked away from the gate and the camera followed me. 

       "I hope you and Luke are doing well. Wish the guys some luck for me!" He said. This guy was actually super sweet. 

       "I sure will!" I said, turning back at him with a smile. 

      "Thank you, Dani!" 

      Dawson grabbed my hand and lead me into the arena and walked with me to meet where Crystal was. "I'm surprised you talked," he said. 

       "It was either have a conversation with him, or ignore him while he annoyed me until I answered or left," I said. "But he was nice, so it was okay." Dawson chuckled.

       "Want me to take the bag?" He asked as we got to the golf cart where Crystal was sitting on in the back. 

       "Nope, I've got it. I'll see you later," I told her. He pat my back and turned back around to do the doors again.

     I walked throughout the corridor where Zoe spotted with Crystal. "You ready to work?"

     "If I say yes, will the night go by faster?" I asked Zoe.
     "No it will not!"

     "Then no," I replied. Crystal rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

     "Suck it up. It'll actually be fun. I promise," she told me.
     "Yeah, it'll be fun when I have a pissy blonde to dress," I said with a roll of my eyes.

     "So, just stick him." Crystal suggested. Oh trust me, if I could, I would do more than just stick him.

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