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{Danielle's POV} 

    "You know Luke pretty well, right?" I asked Ashton. After our little picture set up last night and Luke's weird attitude, I just had to ask about it. He was so off, so weird. So, before I had to be at Luke's for his social media photos, I stopped by at Ashton's to figure out what was wrong with Luke. 

     "I'd like to say so, yeah!" Ashton teased. I tilted my head and gave him a glare. He chuckled. "Yes, I know Luke pretty well," he answered reasonably. 

     "He was acting really strange last night," I said. 

     "Strange as in how?" 

     "Well, when I was introducing him to my brother, he immediately jumped in and said that he was my boyfriend," I explained. "But thing is, I told my brothers all what's going down, I tell them everything. But he told me that technically nobody is supposed to know. Jay and Cara are just our only exposure and that we couldn't risk anyone else knowing." 

     Ashton's face scrunched up in confusion. "I can see how that's strange," he said before biting his lip. "And where he's coming from with that. But why is that him acting weird?" 

      "He kept blanking out everytime I talked to him. Then when we walked to the couch, he sat down not even six feet away from me. And we usually sit on the opposite sides of each other because that's as far as we can be!" I said, pointing out the obvious. Ashton nodded, seeing how again, this was Luke's strange behavior. "He kept saying he was fine, but I'm not so sure." 

     "Well, maybe he was just trying to get a better view for your brother. I mean, did you tell him that was your brother?" 

    "I was going to during our mini argument but we got interrupted. But why should I even have to? It's not like our relationship is real. Do you know what I mean?" Granted I never did tell Luke that Robby was my brother. But that doesn't change the fact that he acted like an overprotective boyfriend when he really isn't. 

     "He seemed possessive of something that isn't his," Ashton mumbled but it was still audible. I snapped my fingers at him and pointed. 

     "Exactly!" I said. 

     "Yeah, that does make sense. I don't know why he's acting like that. He pretty much just rants about how much he hates this situation you both are in." That sent a fireball down into my stomach. I don't know why that hurt so much. I've practically felt the same way. 

     "I don't know, but he was being weird and I didn't believe him when he said he was fine so." I got off the stool and grabbed my bag. 

     "Where you heading?" Ashton asked as I fixed my shoe lace. 

     "Luke's. We've got our second round of couple photos!" I said with sarcastic excite. Ashton chuckled. 

     "Have fun with that!" Ashton teased. I turned around and flipped him off. I headed towards the door while thanking him for the talk. 

{Luke's POV} ​

​​​​​​     "That just doesn't sit right with me. Why does she have this man in her house? Why is he staying over there? And why isn't it Jay?!" I ranted. 

     "Dude, why are you getting so hostile about this? It's not like you're dating the girl," Calum said. 

      "Well, yeah! But I don't know him- and I don't like the fact he is staying at her house," I told him. I called Calum over here before Danielle would get here for the next round of photos. I needed to let the fire off my chest about that Robby dude. 

       "Luke, I don't understand you. One day you're crying on my living room floor because she stood you up and she broke your heart. And now you're complaining about this guy that you don't even know that's staying with Dani? Hate me or not, but I think you still have feelings for Danielle." My eyes nearly popped out of my head. 

        "Still have feelings for Danielle?! Are you out of your mind?" I asked him. "She left me for-" 

       "I know! She left you for dead! But this is my point, Luke! You hate her so much because she broke your heart and she lied to you and you don't want anything to do with her at this point! But now you're so caught up with this man being next to her! Why does it bug you?"

       "What, you think you I'm love with Dani?" I asked the loud Calum. 

       "Not entirely! I mean, this man could be anybody to her. You didn't have to react so quickly by saying you were her boyfriend!" Calum has a point. But like I told Danielle last night, we can't risk having a lot of people knowing about this fake relationship. "You have those feelings left for her and you don't want to admit." 

      I rolled my eyes. "Admit it? You want me to admit that I still have those old feelings?"

      "Yes!" Calum shouted back. "Just say it Luke!" 

      "You want me to say that I'm in love with her? WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? I AM! I LOVE DANIELLE JACKSON FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY DAMN HEART AND NOT ONE MAN CAN TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Calum's eyes were about the size of a quarter. He was definitely shocked by the true spoken words I just screamed. "I may have those scars she gave me. But those scars wouldn't be healed if I didn't have her every single day. They would be growing if I didn't see her every single day! And they will only heal when she's with us on tour because she makes me happy. She makes me feel safe. And what doesn't make me feel safe is when a wannabe is in her house." 

      " need to relax," Calum told me. "And answer me this: how long have you been in love with her?" He asked. "Since you met her? Or since after that argument?" 

       Calum knows more about my feelings after that argument. And I developed strong feelings about Dani after that screaming match we had. And no, they were not all negative. 

      My front door opened and Danielle's voice rang off the walls. Walking her way into the kitchen, she stopped and looked at me and Calum. "Did I walk into something?" She asked awkwardly. I mean, I don't blame her. You can literally feel the awkward vibe in the air.

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