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(Cara's POV)

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(Cara's POV)

     "Cara, it's been almost three weeks. We have to figure something out," Jay said on the phone. 

       "I don't know what else to do," I stressed, rubbing my forehead. 

       "We need to look at other options." 

        "Like what?" 

         "Call Luke." 

         "I don't know if that's who she really wants to see right now in this state." 

        It's been two in a half weeks since Jet's passing. Since then, Danielle has been given time off so she could grieve for as long as she needed. But, but she's barely moved since then. I come over almost every day just to check on her since she won't stay consistent on the phone, just to try to pull her out of bed in the morning. She'll come down, sit in the living room the whole day, go shower, then go to bed. I haven't even seen her eat to be honest. At this point, she keeps kicking me out of her room. And I think the lady person she even wants to see right now is Luke. 

        "Cara, you saw the way she broke down in his arms. She was completely vulnerable in his arms. I think that's what she needs right now. Maybe we've done enough for her. She may just need someone to give her some strength and that's what Luke can do. Because we've known the dog since she got it, and we've been vulnerably strong as much as we possibly could be. I think she needs a different approach." 

        For as hard as it was to hear it...and say it, Jay was right. I think I myself have done almost anything I possibly could to try and be there for her. She knows that we are always here for her and to be her big supporters and comforters. But being able to cry with her, be sad with her, and relate to her pain with her makes her not want us around her. That dog was just as much mine and Jay's as it was hers. But Luke has been strong for her since he and the band came over the day of Jet's passing. And that helped hold herself together. 

       "Either you call him, or I will," Jay said. I signed as I paced Danielle's living room. 

       "Alright, fine. I'll do it," I told him. After getting off the phone with him, I dialed up Luke's number and continued to walk the medium sized room. 


        "Hey, Luke! I'm sorry to be a bother." 

        "Oh, not at all. What's going on?" 

        "I know this may seem out of line, but I need your help. Do you think you can take...ten minutes out of your time to help get Danielle up? I know you're super busy, I'm sorry," I apologized. I know the past few weeks, he and the band has been planning their Europe tour and even doing some songwriting. 

        "Is she still not doing anything?" Luke asked me. I signed. 

        "All she's been doing is laying in bed. When I finally get her up, she'll come sit downstairs for the day and do absolutely nothing before she goes back to bed for the night. And I think she's tired of me anyways, plus I've gotta get to the lab and do some work. I'm already behind on research," I told him. 

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