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 I woke up with the white blanket covering my chest. My hand was on Luke's bare back, who was asleep on my stomach. I rubbed his back gently with my thumb so I wouldn't wake him.

I remember it all. Everything that happened last night. From me confessing my love for him to the kiss on the porch to wall kiss to the bed. And if I could tell him, I'd tell him I didn't regret it. Because I truthfully did not.

I reached over on my nightstand, grabbing my sweatshirt I threw off last night on the floor. I threw it over me before grabbing my phone.

I turned it on and texted Cara.


Come over now. We need to talk.

I placed my phone back down after she replied quickly, letting me know she'd be here in five minutes. I looked down at Luke who was still peacefully sleeping on my lap. I scratched his back lightly, quietly asking him to move. But he didn't just move off of me, he only moved up to my chest. I looked up away from him, smiling to myself. This boy is going to be the death of me.

I placed my hand on his arm when he finally got the message and moved off of me on the other side of the bed. I moved from under the covers quietly, looking down at my gray sweatpants I still had on.

I crept around the bed and slipped out of the bedroom. I headed down the stairs as I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. I sat down in the living room, staring at my picture of me and the boys on the wall next to Jet's memory frame.

I bit my nail nervously again as I hear Cara's car pull up. It better be just her and not Jay. I can't tell Jay about this. I'd have to wait for that.

The door opened and I stood up as she made her way to the hall way. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the room. "What?" She asked me.

"I admitted to Luke that I loved him," I said. She froze and her jaw dropped.

"You serious?" I nod.

"And he kissed me," I added. She pushed me to the sofa and sat down next to me.

"What did he say?"

"He loved me." She just froze. Cara stayed that way for a little while.

"So, are you guys officially together on yourself or are you guys still faking?"

"For what I know, we're still faking it. But I don't know what else is gonna happened. Haven't talked about it."

"DANI?" My name was called. Cara looked at me confused.

"Who is that?" I put my finger up and walked to the staircase. Luke was standing by the corner...not to mention shirtless still but thankfully still in his pants.

"Yes?" I said.

"Where's my phone?" Luke asked me.

"In your jacket where you left it," I told him. He nodded. Luke then looked beside me as Cara got next me. Luke waved awkwardly but casually at her.

"Hey Cara," he said.

"Hi Luke," she answered, waving her fingers at him. He turned back around and headed back to the room. Cara punched my arm lightly and I turned to her. "Did you sleep with Luke last night?" I bit the my lower lip and released my eye contact with her. She gasped. "Oh my God! You slept with Luke!" She said in disbelief, knowing I basically tried to lie to her.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Whatever. Just don't tell Jay," I said.

"Don't tell Jay?!" She said like it was a no brainier. "I have to! This is a series of unfortunate events!" I glared at her as my head dropped to my side. "Why didn't you tell me he was still here?"

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