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{Luke's POV}

     "Robby's her brother?" Calum asked me. I nodded at him, having some guilt rise in my body. I had no clue that was her older brother. How could I be so dumb and act out like that? 

     I heard Michael scoff behind me before chuckling. "You must feel pretty stupid right now," he said. I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling before turning around and glaring at him. Really? That's what you can say right now? 

     "How could you not know that was her brother? You didn't see the resemblance?" Ashton asked me, sitting on the couch. We were at the studio, waiting for our tour calendar after some dates and events got changed. 

      "Not at that moment, no. But she said the reason he reacted like that was because he knows who I am and knows about this social media dating scheme," I explained to the boys. 

      "Now was it the reaction he gave that set you crazy or the fact he was there when you were and it wasn't Jay?" Calum asked me. 

     "Oh, it was the reaction," I said. "But I guess that makes it a little more settle." 

     "Not as settle as you coming out as her boyfriend," Michael said. I turned and looked at him again, actually confused on why he said that. 

     So I just shrugged. "What does that have to do with-" 

      "DJ came to me this morning before she left to go to your place today and was questioning your actions," Ashton informed me. DJ?

​​​​​     "Well, I didn't know who he was! What was I supposed to say?" I defended. 

       "But for you to come out of the woods all the sudden and spit out you were her boyfriend doesn't seem foreign to the both of you?" Mike questioned. 

      "You couldn't have-" I stopped Calum right away. 

      "I was protecting our secret and her contract! Okay?" I said. But none of them seemed to believe me. Calum already knew what was going on the though and I'm hoping he didn't tell the others. 

      "Were you? Or were you actually jealous just to see another man that isn't Jay in her house?" Calum said, calling me out. Ashton's eyes went wide as he gasped a little bit and his mouth formed an 'o' out of shock as Michael "WOO"ed behind me in shock. 

      "You motherf-" I mumbled before Devin and our managers, Peter and Joel, accompanied by our tour manager, Zoe - walked in with our schedules and calendars. 

{Danielle's POV} 

     "He was just being weird. I don't know what's gotten into him," I told Jay and Cara. They were helping me pack for the tour in the next week. Cara was folding my pants and Jay was folding my shirts and placing them in my suitcase as I was grabbing socks and other stuff that I needed from my drawers. 

      "Well, maybe he's overlooking this fake relationship," Jay suggested. 

      "Why would you say that?" I asked them. 

      "He suddenly had that protective boyfriend instinct that doesn't just come to anybody," Car explained. "I mean, granted most people aren't in fake relationships, but I mean, he pretty much hates you. Why would he come out randomly as your boyfriend. It's not just for cover." 

      "MAYBE HE LOVES YOU!" Robby joked. I rolled my eyes at the door, knowing he was listening in on our conversation. Jay and Cara chuckled. 

      "Maybe he is right though," Jay said. 

      "Yeah I doubt it," I said. Robby opened my door and came into the room with some more of my clothes. 

      "Maybe you do too." I turned around and chucked a pair of socks at his head. "Ow!" He said. Cara scoffed again and Jay laughed. 

      "Trust me, it's far from it," I told them. 

      "Your telling me that you never loved him?" Cara questioned as I sorted my socks in the case. 

      "I never did love him. I mean, yeah I was into him. Like....a lot," I said. 

      "Clearly," Robby mumbled. Glaring at him, Cara turned behind her and grabbed a pillow. I stuck my hand out and took the pillow and threw it at my brother's head. "Owww!" 

      "Maybe you should try being less hateful. Maybe he is trying to make this less miserable for the both of you," Jay suggested again. 

       "I mean, I asked him what I could do to make this tour easier for him but he didn't give me an answer," I told them. 

       "Maybe you just going is the answer," Robby said. "You don't know what he thinks about this relationship. Maybe he's not sharing the whole story." 

     "Maybe Robby's right . You going on your can lessen his stress and yours instead of Terry and Robyn being up your ass about this social media stuff. You guys will get enough publicity being out in public, especially in Australia," Jay said. 

       "Instead of it being Terry and Robyn, it's Luke instead," Robby joked once again. 

      "Okay, I'm tired of you!" I launched myself over the bed and jumped on Robby's back. Robby struggling to get me off of him, I was able to kick his side, making him fall. 

      "I've missed these fights!" Cara said. 

      "Yeah," Jay agreed. I heard them stand up and they each grabbed a foot to pull me off of my brother. They're right. Just like old times.

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