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{Luke's POV}

"No," Calum answered. He turned and looked at me before giving me a slight head shake. "Not at all." I gave him a head tilt before he walked off the counter top. "Looks like you guys have work so I'll see you soon."

Cal walked up to her and kissed her head before walking back out the door. Danielle still stood there but finally moved up the island. "Everything okay?"

"Not like you would care," I snipped, walking away to the living room as she set her bag down.

"Hey!" She said, following me. "Just because we are forced into this, doesn't mean we can't try and have a normal relationship!" She informed me. "I mean, I'm sure we're better at hating each other. But I'm not living this dumb relationship like that the whole way through."

Yeah, she has a point there. I don't want to do that either. Let alone do this whole relationship like this either. But there's so much behind us that we haven't really put behind us. I don't know what I want to do.

"So what's the matter?" She questioned, sitting down before Petunia crawled into her lap. I was about to answer when I noticed and I laughed.

"I'm just stressing over work. We leave for tour in two weeks, I have an interview with Entertainment TV before we leave, since you're coming on tour with us, we have our first red carpet - it's just stressing me out because it's coming faster than I can process and only time will tell when that contract comes to you so this can be done and gone!" I said.

I mean, yeah, I just admitted to Calum that I loved her and that was true. But at the same time, she hates this relationship, I hate this relationship because of what happened on our first date. I just can't be in this "relationship" knowing that I still hate her for what she did. I mean I don't hate her, I'm just pissed off. Because why on earth would she do that.

When I realized she wasn't saying anything, I turned and looked at the hidden hurt in her face as she was playing with her hair, petting Petunia, and staring at the ground as her legs were kicked up on the sofa.

I see how I was kinda harsh in that statement. "Well, is there anything I can do to make it easier for you?" Dani asked before she looked back up at me. "Because I'm in this relationship too. You're not the only one suffering here," she told me. "Name one thing I can do that will make this easier for you. Just one."

Truth is, there's nothing that she can do to make this easier but to stay the hell away from my tour. But she can't help that. If she doesn't go, she's in trouble and I don't wanna jeopardize that contract for her. That's the only reason why I'm doing this is so she can get her dream gig. I know how important that is to her and I don't want to be the reason that slips away from her. And even if she doesn't get it, oh well, we tried. But it's worth the shot go still get it for her.

After thinking for a minute, I shook my head at her and made eye contact with her again. "I can't think of one."

There was a silence for a couple of second before Devin opened my front door and he, Terry, and Robyn walked in. "Photo time! Danielle, hat off!" Robyn said, barking orders.

"Petunia, treats!" Devin called to my dog. She scrambled off Dani's lap and ran to the kitchen with Devin.

"Luke! Phone! Camera! Now!" Terry then blasted at me.

"Geez, you guys are super bossy this morning," Danielle said, standing up as did I.

"Don't go nuts with those treats Dev?!" I warned him.

"Lucas! Phone!"

"I'm going!" I told Terry, walking to grab my phone in the kitchen. Danielle took off her and tossed it on the seat next to her.

"Okay, Luke sit down and we're gonna have DJ sitting on your lap-"

"Robyn!" Dani said warningly.

"For ONE picture!" She told us both. I ran my hand through my hair, not liking where this was going.

"Do I actually have to sit on his lap? Can't I just sit on his knee or something?"

"Yes, I don't care just sit!" Groaning, Dani walked to me and sat down on my leg. Robyn came by and placed her left knee more in towards my leg and placed my hand around her waist which made us both strike up uncomfortably.

Devin took my phone and pointed it at us. "Nah...looks too hateful," Terry said.

"Look alive, Danielle!" Robyn told her.

"This is so pressuring," I whispered to her.

"Tell me about it. I've never had a shoot like this before," she whispered back before smiling.

"Come on you two, look like you don't actually hate each other....for once," Devin said. I tilted my head at him and Dani rolled her eyes. She wrapped her arm around my neck and put her head to mine.

"That's better!" Terry said. "That's it!" Devin snapped about two photos before giving me the phone, telling us to take one, selfie style. Taking a few from there, we were done after that killer two minutes of horror when Robyn started talking to Dani again.

"Oh, so I stopped by your house before coming here. The director got back to Robby and said that his performance was just as good as Will's acting part in Fresh Prince," she told Dani. I rolled my eyes. UGHHH!!!

"Oh my god, that's actually amazing!"


"He better get that part," Dani said as their conversation continued, but I stopped it once again, tired of this Robby talk.

"Okay! Who is this Robby guy?" I asked standing up and all eyes were on me. "Who is he? And why is he living in your house? Because quite frankly, if we're gonna do this "relationship" thing, it'd be more believable if that man was not in your house-"

"LUKE!" Dani shouted over me after trying to get me to stop.

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