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{Danielle's POV}

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{Danielle's POV}

2 weeks later...

"Okay, I also sent you the picture of his food when he runs out- oh! Shoot! Did I give you the numbers for the vet?!" I panicked, looking through the three papers of instructions.

I'm leaving to Australia with the boys in a couple of hours and Robby was staying at the house to look after Jet.

"Deej!" Robby said, stopping me. "I already have it, everything's okay!" He told me. I sighed, set the papers aside, and sat down at the island.

"I don't know, Robby. I don't think I can do this," I told him.

"Want some hot coco?" He asked me. I took my hands down from my face.

"Robby, I'm being serious!" I complained. Robby turned back around to me with the brown mug in his hand.

"It's Belgium Chocolate!"

"Give me that mug!" I said, reaching over the countertop for it. Laughing at me, he handed me the mug.

"Now what's the matter with you? You're freaking out a little too much over this," he said. I took a sip of my Coco before setting it down.

"Just with how he's been acting, there's really no where I can run away to from Luke. But I can tell he doesn't want me on this tour with him and I can just feel the tension. I feel so....unwanted!" I told him. "And that feeling doesn't feel good, even when I have a deep hatred on him."

"Well, Deej, you've gotta remember, this is only a four month trip. And even though you're working, this is a vacation for you," Robby said. "Actually take this time to relax! Enjoy the moment there. It's not an everyday thing you get to go to Australia. Pretty soon you'll be in Italy, Japan, Sweden - like that's a dream I want to live!" He reminded me. I mean, I guess he's right.

I should treat this as a vacation more than a work day. The only work I'm doing is being with Luke out in public. At that point, I can do whatever I want.

"Just settle down, and have a good time out there!" Nodding at him, I take another sip before a knock came at my door.

"It's open!" I shouted. The door opened and Mikey walked in.

"Hey! Ready to head to the airport?" He asked me. I shook my head and set my mug down.

"No...but do I have a choice?"

"No, ma'am you do not!" I rolled my eyes at that because I ready knew that answer. Passing my mug back to Robby, I stood up and grabbed my suitcase by the table and said bye to Jet. Robby came from around the island to talk to Michael for a second and I met him at the doorway of the kitchen with Jet in my arms.

"Come here," he said, as I set Jet down. Robby wrapping me in a hug. I hugged his body tightly as he wrapped his large arms around my neck. "Have fun, okay?" I nodded in his chest and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you, squirt. Stay safe!"

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