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Today was the day. 

      Today, Luke and I had our photoshoot for Rolling Stone. Walking into the building today honestly wasn't as bad as I thought. I honestly thought I'd get that feeling again and allow it to eat me alive but I didn't. Although, I still wish I just had my time. Thankfully though, Rolling stone had an idea of me modeling my very first outfit design to my most recent to see the difference. That made me really excited. 

       Alexa had finished braiding the rest of my hair when she dismissed me. My makeup was done, my hair was finished, all I needed to do was put my dress on and heels also we could film some poses for the front page. Luke was close to being done with his hair so I just told him to meet me where the picture was being taken at after we went out separate ways. 

       I changed into my blue dress and slipped on my blue heels with it and stepped out of the dressing room. "That's beautiful," Alexa said, looking me over to make sure everything looked okay. I allowed her to make the changes she wanted before she sent me off the to stage. 

{Luke's POV}

     The stage crew was setting a white block in the middle of the stage as they were told Dani was shedding her way. I could hear heels clinking on the ground and I had assumed it was her. When the stylist team was done spraying my hair with the hairspray, they stepped away from me just as Danielle stepped into view. Whoa.

     Dani had on a short blue skin tight dress. Her hair was super long, out in a lower ponytail, that was braided down her body. Her eyes popped out boldly due to the makeup she had on. She looked absolutely....stunning. Fuck

     "We wanna try a few things so let's have Dani, you sit on this block, any way that you're comfortable," the photographer instructed. Our photographer was Max Vadukul. He did Amy Winehouse pieces back in 2007 when Amy Winehouse was the cover for the year. "And then Luke, come back here behind her. Let's see what we can work out here." 

       Max wasn't digging any of the first few poses so we changed it. He and me sit down on the corner and Dani standing beside me. Having her look out towards one of the light blockers, the photographer had me looking up at her, pretty much in completely struck. Dani's braid laid off her shoulder as she remained in her space. 

        "Am I just that tired today or did your hair grow over night?" I asked her, causing her to break her focus. Thankfully, Max was looking over the pictures he just took. 

       "They're extensions. I wanted to add the extra effect," she explained. I smiled at her. 

        "It's working," I muttered, just before Max came back. 

         "Alright, let's get this moved back out. Luke, stand in the middle here." I did as Max requested. He then ordered for Dani to stand in front of me before he made a few more adjustments. I stood off facing the right as Dani stepped in front of me, facing me. Her back was towards the camera just a bit as she looked over her shoulder for the view. Max seemed to have loved it so he snapped a few pictures from different angles. 


A more than thirty minutes passed by and Danielle was in a different outfit. It was safe to say she was having fun. And I hadn't seen her have this much fun in a long time. I'm glad to see her smiling. We had been doing random fun and cute poses that the photographer wanted us to do for our story page. Some of them were super cuddly and and coupley, but Danielle didn't seem to have minded. I saw on Max's monitor that he had gotten a picture of us laughing at what was going on behind the scenes. 

      Dani was sitting on a stool and I was behind her, my arms hanging off of her as we both seemed to have been laughing our asses off. That picture made me smile a lot. I absolutely loved it. 

       "So, Luke. We're gonna have you go into this room and do some interview questions while we finish Danielle's clothing line photos," The Editor, Noah Shachtman directed. I nodded before she finished giving both Dani and I information on how we were going to go through with the rest of the shoot. Dani was going to get individuals of herself, she'd do the interview for her clothing line before joining me for the rest of our interview about our relationship. 

        "You doing okay?" Dani asked me as she grabbed to the catering table for a water, where I also walked with her to. "I know this typically isn't you scene but," 

         "Yeah, I'm doing fine. I'm actually having fun," I admitted to her. She smiled lightly at me. "How are you doing? Any anxiety or?"

        "Oh, definitely not. This is the most fun I've had since Vogue to be honest. But even Vogue was kind of stressful but it's okay. I'm just enjoying this all," she said. Dani looked out to the stage and saw her stage was ready for the set up. "Um, just curious," she started. I darted my eyes back to her. "Should we-" 

        "Kiss so it makes it seem like we're in a relationship right now?" I asked, knowing she was gonna ask about that. Yeah we've shown that we're "together" and all that, but there hasn't been a lot of physical touch and I don't want anyone to catch on. 

        "Well, a bit forward, but yeah. If that's okay with you," she said with a small laugh. 

         "You're the only one who's had a problem with it in the past," I said. 

         "Oh, so you like kissing me. Is that what I'm hearing?" Danielle asked me, eyebrow raised. Fuck. I did say that didn't I? 

       "No, that's not what I meant!" I freaked, causing her to laugh. 

        "Mhm, I'ma remember that," she said. I shook my head with a laugh. "Alright, looks like we've gotta get back to work so I'll see you when this is done and then I'll meet you in the room," she said. 

        "Yeah, sounds good. Stay relaxed and have fun alright?" I reminded her as she took a sip of water. She nodded her head.

        "I will." It was like there was no question in our bodies that the kiss was gonna happen. Almost like our bodies were craving it. We were itching for it. Were we?

        I pecked Danielle's lips before we took off in different directions, heading to the station we needed to be at. When I got into the view of Alexa, she was frozen in shock but a smile plastered on her face. 

        "Alright big dog. Movin' in fast," she said quietly, only for me and her to hear. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head. 

         "We're working. That's part of the job," I said. 

        "Last I knew, it was optional but if you say so," Lexi said before turning off. Ahh, geez. 

{Dani's POV}

     "I take the time out of my office to work on the computer, which is much more harder just to be by his side," I said to the editor, who was interviewing us for our page together for the magazine. "My way of showing my best support is to be by his side in any way shape or form. I just want him to look back and know I'm there." 

      Luke reached over and grabbed my hand as the scriptor typed out the best the could what I said, even though we were being recorded. I turned and looked at Luke as he smiled at me. Smiling back, he let go of my hand. 

       "Luke, what is the best way for you to show your support? How do you show it?" 

       "It's harder for me because I'm always on the road, in different countries. So, I actually sometimes try to find bookings for her wherever we are so she can still get work in," Luke said. I nodded my head as Noah and Luke chuckled at me at my reaction. He did help book the FMD shoot I had when we were in Australia. "I unfortunately couldn't be with her when she did the shoot, but I stayed in call or texted her as much I could or had time to." 

        "And boy, it was annoying," I joked, causing the small room to laugh. "But I loved it at the same time so it's okay." 

        "But just being there for her in any way I can is the best support I can give. There's not a whole lot I can do, but interviews, conferences, things like that, I will never let her do alone. I just wish I could always be off to the side like she is with me so I can give back that support to her. But she knows it's there for her. I love her to death-" 

        I immediately blocked out everything he said. Love? To death? Me? He??? No, no no no way this is happening. Is he lying again? 

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