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We start our "dating" today and I really did not want to. But since I had some running around I have to do, I texted Luke to see if he was busy and to meet me at my house. He shockingly replied faster than I expected and told me he'd be on his way in a few minutes. 

     I ran back down the stairs after changing and went to check on Jet. He was still wandering around, so I walked into my office. I opened my folder to my desk and checked to see what jewels and thread I needed for my new shirt. 

      Snapping a picture with my phone, I heard a knock at the front door. "IT'S OPEN!" I yelled. I heard the door open and Luke's shoes hit the hardwood floor. 

      "Dani?" He called. 

      "In here!" I said, changing the paper to see what else I needed. Luke came into the door way. 

       "Did you know you had a hole in your fence that Jet can squeeze through?" Luke's voice spoke. I hummed yes, still looking at the papers. "Well, might wanna consider fixing that." I looked up and Jet was in his arms as he scratched Jet's tiny neck with his finger, Jet grinning happily at the attention. 

       "Oh!" I said, walking to him, grabbing Jet from his hands. 

       "Got a little too excited when he saw me," Luke chuckled. 

       "So I see," I said, closing the folder. I lead him out of the room and into the kitchen. 

        "I think he likes least on Jackson does." I froze and turned to look at him with a glare. 

        "Yeah, if you think this is how our day's gonna go, you've thought wrong. Let's go!" I warned. I put Jet down and grabbed my keys to my car as we entered the opening garage.

       Jumping into my Range Rover, my ultimate favorite car,. The car ride was very silent on the way to the town. Luke mentioned being thirsty which made me thirsty. Luke told me about a coffee cart that was right down the block from the store I needed to go to. 

        After making an agreement on where we would go first, I pulled into a parking space and turned off my car. "Paparazzi, six o'clock," Luke said. I looked up in my rear view mirror and groaned. 

        "Already?" I asked, more to myself then him. Damn, these guys don't mess around. 

        "This is LA. Live it up!" Luke joked. I did a slight chuckle to his sarcasm as we waited to exit the car. "What are we gonna do?" He asked me. 

        "Side by side I guess," I told him. 

        "They're probably gonna be pissed we weren't holding hands if they see these pictures. And when I mean if, I mean when!" Luke said. 

        Dammit! I really didn't want him to say that. I don't wanna do this, but on the other side, he is right. Robyn and Terry will be mad if I don't commit to this, even though they both know I don't like it at all. 

        "Fine. Let's just go," I said, grabbing my phone in the cup holder. Right as I opened my door, I heard a flash. I turned and saw a video taping camera with three other photography cameras. I'm not even sure which were photos and which were tapings.

     Luke and I met around the car and walked across the street as the cameras were taking a photo every few seconds. Luke took his hands out if his pocket and reached for mine. I almost froze, but I knew I couldn't since there was possibly two cameras filming me right now. 

        Wrapping my hand in his, we walked up the curb just as camera shots were being snapped like rush hour. They really do like this publicity. Lovely. 

      Thankfully, they didn't follow us into the store once we got there. I told Luke we'd be in and out in five minutes at most, so he walked off to look at other things while I went to find the fabric I needed. I go to the blue and try to find the dark shade I needed. Close to a navy looking plus, I grabbed it anyway and went to find the purple stones I needed for the shirt. I don't know what it was about the shirt that I really enjoyed but I was too excited for it. 

     As I was looking at some white jewels, I heard Luke's voice an aisle over. "Hey, does this make me look like Mozart?" I look up and turn to him, seeing a huge curly white wig on his head. My eyes widened at him, because for one, no it did not. Two, it did not look good on him. 

       "If Mozart were a poodle," I answered honestly. Luke chuckled and took the wig off his head. "Where did you find that?" I asked him as I chose the bag of gems I wanted. 

        "Over here. There's a bunch of cool things in this aisle." I followed Luke's voice to the aisle behind me and looked at the shelves. Rows and rows of boas and wigs. It was like a drag queen store. But those are much more cooler than this aisle. "See!" Luke put the wig back on the plastic head and grabbed something that was red. "It's a head cap with a very cool design on it," he said with an ear to ear smile as he admired the patterned design. 

        I got a closer look at the "head cap" and bit the inside of my lip. "Luke?"

       "Hm?" He said, still looking at it. 

       "That's a thong," I informed him. Luke turned and looked at me, back at the package in his hand before reading the text on it. 

        "Oh," he said, placing it back on the shelf. I laughed and walked away from him. Luke silently followed me. 

        "I need to find one more thing and we can leave," I told him. He nodded and stayed silent for a few more minutes. As I was looking a few needles I needed for the sewing machine, I heard Luke shout. 

        "Look! It's an eggplant squeaker toy!" He said. I turned around and looked at the child smile on his face. Man, this boy thinks everything is a thrill. 

        I face forward again, going back to the needles as I corrected him again. "That's not an eggplant." I heard the toy hit the wall as he threw it back on the shelf. 

        "What kind of store is this?" He asked, concerned on why he was finding the things he was seeing. I laughed and grabbed a pack of needles I needed. 

       "You're just finding the wrong things," I told him as we walked to the check out desk. I put my basket up on the counter as Luke wandered around the area again. 

        "I think I might get my lip pierced again," Luke said, pulling a ring off the shelf. I laughed again. God, this boy can't read. 

         "That's a nipple ring!" I called to him. He threw it back on the shelf and turned to the door. 

         "I'm out!" He said. I laughed and tossed him my keys. Catching them, he walked out the door and headed to the parking lot.

        "You're boyfriend find all of my boss's Easter Eggs?" The young cashier, who's tag said Genna on it. 

         "You call those Easter eggs?" I asked her. "I call that a run for his money," I joked. The woman start to bust a gut laughing. 

         "Sounds accurate enough," she said as she backed my things. I began to pay for everything. 

          "What was the eggplant?" I asked her. Her eyes widened at me.

          "I don't know and I'd like to keep it that way," she said, handing me my bag. I laughed and grabbed it from her. Leaving the store, I walked across the street to the car and got in. 

          "Did you take me to a stripper store?" Luke asked right away. 

         "No, I did not take you to a stripper store!" I defended. 

         "Then why was there a thong?" He cried. 

          "Maybe it was a role-play store," I joked. Luke gave me a look. He was confused. "You found a wig didn't you?" I asked. His eyes grew wide. 

           "Hit the gas NOW!"

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