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The boys had their night and just about every single one of them were messed up. I had an interview with a magazine company called Fashion Model Directory. Also known as FMD. I am connected with this magazine in my industry.

I was getting ready for the interview when I heard a knock at my door. I walked to the door with my earring piece in my mouth and opened the door.

Robyn and Terry made their way in as they followed me to the mirror. "What's up?"

"We have slight change in plans," Robyn said. I clipped my earring into my ear and turned to look at her.

"What kind of plans?" I questioned, nervous to hear the answer.

"Do you have any new pieces you've made recently?" Terry asked.

"I think so," I respond.

"We're gonna need them." I closed my eyes with a slight sigh. I hate last minute bullshit. Because I'm usually never prepared for it.


"They need pictures for your segment in the magazine but they also might make the cover so after the interview they want to do a quick photoshoot. It won't even take that long," Robyn explained to me. Rolling my eyes, I turned to them.

"If you can find two new pieces than I'll do it." Right away, Terry took himself to my suitcase and started going through it. Robyn and I stared at him as he threw clothes in front of him on the bed, searching for new material.

"No. No. Old. Regular. Old-looking. KISS- ew gross!" He said in disgust, throwing my KISS band tee onto the bed with the rest of the tops he tossed.

"I still don't get how you hate that band."

"How can you not?" He asked Robyn. She turned to me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"He's your friend," I said, throwing my hand sup in defense. I turn off to the bathroom to restraighten a few spots of hair, Terry shouted for me. Setting my flat iron down, I walked out.

"One and one ," he said. I looked at the bed and he had my recent outfits I made from last two months that I haven't debuted yet. I mean, I guess I'll use them. They're out and found now.

"Alright! Pack them up and I'll run with them!"

"Now, one more question Miss Jackson, if you wouldn't mind- it's been clear to see your relationship with fellow Australian singer, Luke Hemmings of 5 Seconds of Summer had continued to grow," the interviewer, Carley, said. And there it is. I knew it was coming.

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head lightly. "How is that going for you?"

"It's going great!" I said through a fake smile. "It's only been a couple weeks but it feels like four months. Time just goes by when you're caught up in the moment." As much as that seemed like an exaggeration, it was true. We have been "dating" for only three weeks or so and it feels like it's been months. Because this publicity bull crap gets me so caught up in the moment because I have no choice.

"How does he view your career? Is he supportive? Helpful?" I bit my tongue hearing the word supportive.

"You know, he's a wild one. He's in his own little world but he is 100% supportive in everything I do. All he ever does is just make me feel good about myself before I do photoshoots. Like today, on the way here, I was speaking with him, and he just continued to lift me up. There's no one else in this world that can give me that kind of confidence boost. He just has the kindest heart I've ever known," I told her.

"How lovely," she said with a smile. "Well, that's all we have for you today. We'd like to thank you for taking the time out to speak with us and we wish you luck with your new designs!"

Thanking her, I was dismissed out of the room I was in and to a dressing room. "So, the two piece is being down here at headquarters outside. Then for the dress, we're taking a trip to a beach so get going," Robyn told me. Nodding at her, I closed the dressing room door after entering and got out my first outfit.

My phone began ringing on the makeup table, so I answered it. "Hello," I spoke once again to Luke.

"Did you finish?"

"Luke that's the fifth time you called," I said, noticing his four other missed calls. "Yes, I'm finally done with the interview. Why, what's going on?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see how it went," he said. I glared down at my phone, not really believing him. But he didn't seem to give me a reason where I shouldn't.

"Yeah it was fun. I got to model one of my favorite dresses on like a beach. It was actually really cool," I told him, sounding more excited than I anticipated to be. I was on the phone with Luke for the sixth time today since he called me right after my beach shots. There was something going on with him and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Ooh, how did they turn out?" Luke asked, actually sounding intrigued. I think somebody is bored.

"Very nice actually," I said. "There's one where I'm sitting in the sand and I think that's the cover page."

I brushed my hair out and grabbed a hair tie to tie it back lowly. "That's really cool, Dani!" Luke said.

"Is there anything we need to do today?" I asked him, since Luke sounded hella bored at the moment.

"Mmm," he hummed, thinking about it. "I don't think so."

"Okay, well I'm heading back to the hotel right now- hey, when's the AMA's?" I asked him.

"Next week Sunday. It's the first award show we have after our first show," he told me.

"Which is Thursday or Friday?"

"Friday," he clarified for me. Nodding to myself, I left the trailer to go to the car.

"Alright. Well, I will see you back at the hotel maybe."

"Drive safely. Goodbye!" He said. After saying my goodbye, we hung up the phone. I hopped into the backseat where Alexa had also been. Robyn had planned ahead and flew in Alexa for today's photoshoot. And thank God she did because it was so hectic. Any little thing I needed while snapping shots, she had on her.

"Luke again?" I nodded, putting my seatbelt on and Robyn and Terry took off driving out of the beach.

"Yeah. That boy won't leave me alone today, I swear!" I told her.

"Maybe he misses you," she suggested. I turned and looked at her.

"Lex," I said. "Now you know there ain't no way!"

"It is possible, actually!" Terry said, jumping into our conversation. "Devin told me that Luke can be very emotional when he's drunk," he informed me. "Opposed to the craziness but."

"Okay, but why would that make him "miss me" so to speak?" I asked them.

"Because when being emotional, you can be clingy. Which triggers his brain to be with someone he's always with. And if it's not that band....or his dog," Lexi said, looking down for a second. "You're the only other one he's constantly around," she finished, making some sense. "And may I remind you that you guys have been actually getting along for the last few days?"

I nodded at her for that part because that is true. But my face contorted into some confusion. "Okay yeah, but, where the hell did you even get all of that?" I asked her.

"My dad's a psychologist. And so is my sister. So they're always good for advice when it comes to the psychological mind," she explained.

Robyn scoffed at the wheel. "You can say that again," she said, turning the truck. Terry snickered and Alexa and I began chuckling a little bit.

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