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{Dani's POV}

We were on the tour bus given to us in Europe so we didn't have to fly the whole country. Alexa and I decided to join the team on tour. We ended up telling our team of managers and publicists that we were officially dating now, so then they didn't have to get yelled at about not doing something right. They were shockingly happy about it and very supportive. Even Robyn.

Robyn is still irking my nerves with how she's taking my career. On the bright side, her goal with this relationship ended better than I thought so she's been thankfully chill about things.

I was in the back of the bus on my laptop, looking at the new pants designs that I've done in the last few weeks for my clothing lines. The door to the back sitting area opened and Luke walked through.

"Hey, there you are," he said, closing the door behind him. I looked up at him, smiling. "Whatcha doin' in here?" He asked me, sitting down next to me, looking at my laptop.

"Looking at my clothing designs before launch," I told him. "What are you guys doing out there? I've heard four rounds of screaming. The poor bus driver," I said, causing him to nudge my knee with his. I chuckled.

"We were playing video games and Alexa kept beating us. And both Calum and Michael were not fond of it." I turned and looked up at him.

"What place did they come in?"

"Four and five every time," Luke answered quickly. I shook my head, laughing. I shut my laptop and laid my head on his open shoulder as his arm was slung around me. Luke looked down and kissed my forehead. "Has this fully processed for you yet?"

"Nope," I said, playing with his other hand. Luke chuckled.

"Okay, good. I thought it was just me," he said. I chuckled at him.

"No, it definitely hasn't processed yet. I kinda hate to say that it feels weird, even though we've spent all our time with each other the last few weeks. It's just... different," I said.

"Well, I have an idea on how we can fix that," he told me, locking his fingers into my hand that I was playing with.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, taking my head off of his shoulder. "How so?"

"You my love," he said, leaning down and pecking my lips. "will find out when we get to Birmingham." He let go of my hand and stood up and I threw my hands to my side.

"Oh come on? That's it?" I asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see," he said, giving me a devious smile before leaving the door. What was he up to?


Luke helped me drag our cases into the room since I had his whole he struggled to open the door to our hotel. We made it to our in Birmingham, England. We had the night here then tomorrow, the boys had their first concert at 7. And boy, this jet lag is going to be hitting so hard on affect. It was already 7:30 at night and I wasn't close to being exhaustedly tired. Although, I was exhausted from the flying and driving.

I parked my case in the corner and Luke smiled at me. "Do you happen to have a classy dress?" Luke asked me.

"I mean, yeah. I try to pack for any circumstance," I told him, opening my luggage.

"Good," Luke said, picking up his bag off the bed. "Then I will see you in fifteen minutes dressed up."

"Wait, what?!" I asked confused.

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