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{Luke's POV}

     "I guess you can say that," Danielle said, answering the man's question. Devin paused the video and turned back to me as Terry looked at me as well. But I didn't dare to move a muscle. I just stood there, staring at the laptop in shock. Why would she answer!?

     "Care to explain that?" Devin asked me. I still was at a loss for words. Like....what?! 

      "I think she just confirmed it," Michael said from the doorway, who wasn't even supposed to be here right now. Devin snapped his fingers at him, telling him to get out. Closing the door again, I turn back to the guys. 

        "Okay, he didn't break it down. But this is 95% Danielle," I said, throwing it all on her. Selfish and shitty? Yeah! But I don't care. I didn't confirm anything. It was all her! I mean, yeah, I kind of told her to keep it vague yesterday when we were at lunch if she were to do that interview. But not like that! 

        Terry and Devin rolled their eyes at me and Devin turned away. "If this blows up by tonight, you are revealing tomorrow through your social medias," Terry demanded. I threw my head back and groaned. Are you kidding me?! 

      "Terry!" I complained. "That’s not even fair!” 

      "No excuses, Luke! What she says affects you too. I'm sorry but he's right. If this gets out, your "rumored" relationship will be exposed to the world tomorrow. And that's final!" 

       Biting my lower lip out of anger, I sternly grumble to myself. "Do we have a deal?" Devin said, speaking up after his last comment. 

      "I guess, it's not like I have a choice!" I snapped. 

      "Lucas!" Devin warned me. Biting down even harder, I curled my hands. 

       "Yes, we have a deal!" I said through gritted teeth. Both men nodding, they dismissed me back off to the rehearsal room. But I wasn't heading back there. 

      "Danielle!" I grumbled. I turn to the door and aggressively open it. Oh, I am going to kill her! 

I jump out of my car and rush to her front door. Knocking like crazy, Jay opened the door. "Hey Luke-" he said, but I cut him off. 

     "Where's Danielle?" I asked, walking closer to the door and stepping into the house just barely. 

     "She's in the kitchen," Jay said slowly as he got nervous. He saw the anger in my face. I felt bad, but I honestly just don't care. I'll deal with him later. 

       Pushing him off gently to the side, I let myself in. "Excuse me," I said. Walking down the hall, I get to the kitchen door. "DANIELLE!" I shouted, pushing open the door.

       Danielle looked up at me from the counter. "You talked to the reporter?!" I asked her. 

       "Yes! What was I supposed to do? I couldn't have just ignored him! You know how much trouble I'd get into if I did?!" She asked me. Well, that is true. But either way, it's a lose lose. 

       "Well, that's overlooked because we just got screwed because you talked to him!" I said loudly. 

       "What do you mean we got screwed? How?" She asked, confused. 

       "The video is out there of you saying "I guess you can say that"," I said, mocking her. She still shrugged, not understanding. "Danielle, if this blows up tonight, we're forced to confirm it tomorrow!" 

       Danielle's eyes widened. "You don't mean through social media-" she said before I cut her off with a nod. 

     "Oh, I mean through social media!" I told her. The day before we confirmed this fake relationship out to the public, all three workers said we can start it moving as a rumor and see if it builds up. And now we can't do that. Because guess who's gonna be exposed online! 

       "Oh my god," she said in a mumble, looking down at the granite counter. 

       "You just ruined our plan, Dani!" I said. Whoa, that was the first time I used that name since our argument. It feels good to call her that again.

        "Luke, I'm so sorry," she sighed as she was looking at her phone, going through the video comments. 

       "If it turns out us having to do that, we're going through yours first," I said before walking back out the door. I do not want to be the first person to expose our relationship if we have to. But this story is huge, I just know it's gonna get big. 

{Danielle's POV} 


​​​​​This is amazing! I love them so much! 

Oh, please be a confirmation. PLEASE!!!! 

     Comments were saying back and forth how they were excited to know if this was real. They were all very eager. Damn, and I really ruined it for the both of us. Fuck

      Jay pushed the door back open. "What was that about?" He asked walking back to the counter. 

       "My talk with that guy is online," I said, passing him my phone. He gasped. 

       "It got out!?" He asked in shock, referring to it being trending. 

       "No," I said. "But if it does, Terry and Devin are gonna make us take down the rumors and confirm through social media!" I said. I feel so bad. Luke wanted this to be kept low-key and have it just as a rumor until their conspiracies rise. But I ruined that. And I feel so bad about it. 

      "I'm sure it will. These comments are too much to not get let out." I bit my lip, knowing exactly what that meant. I hit my fist on the counter and shook my head, mad at myself. 


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