Chapter 8: The Sperm Donor

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Dee and Chan had just made it to the parking lot, when a man walked out in front of them. “Chan.”
“Go ahead. I’ll be there in a second.” Dee listened, and walked over to Sinn's car, where his brother was leaning against the outside.
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.” Dee shrugged and looked back at Chan.
“That’s Chan's biological father,” Sook informed them as he enjoyed the air conditioning in the car.
Dee climbed into the backseat with Sook, but Sinn stood and watched.
“You haven’t answered me lately. I was just worried. You look like you’re doing good. I haven’t seen you in a long time.” Mong, a well known businessman and the man who Chan despised the most.
“Well I started college so, yea, I’m going to be busy.” Chan gave his ‘sperm donor' all the attitude in the world. He hadn’t spoken to the man since he was barely eleven, before his mother passed away. He had barely started to try and get in contact with Chan again when he knew they moved to Bangkok. Where was Mong for all that time? With his new wife and child.
“I'm sorry about your mother, Chan. I really—”
“Don't talk about her.” The man dropped his head, feeling ashamed. “You don’t care about her. You never did. Just go back home where you belong.” With that, Chan began walking again, passing the man without making eye contact.
“If you need help with any school expenses—”
Chan froze.
It was always about money with Mong, from the beginning. Mong left Chan's mother to make money, married into a wealthy family for money, and became a shady businessman for money. Not once did he care to visit, text, or even call Chan after he left or even when Chan’s mother died. It infuriated the boy.
Chan turned around and walked back to Mong, trying hard not to lose his temper. Just the sight of the man made him want to hit him. “I don’t need your filthy money. I wouldn’t take it if I were dying on the streets.”
Mong couldn’t speak. Anything he said would just make Chan more furious. He knew then that he would have to take things slow if he ever wanted a relationship with Chan.
The boy looked Mong in the eyes, making sure that he had gotten his point across before heading to Sinn's car.
Sinn watched the altercation closely, curious as to why this seemingly cheerful boy had issues with a grown man. He was intrigued by the conversation, learning that there was even more to the boy than he thought. He sat in the driver’s seat as he saw his junior walking towards them.
Chan plopped down into the passenger seat, letting out a deep breath. Sook knew not to talk about Mong, as it made his cousin angry. Besides, he probably wouldn’t want to talk about it with two guys who had no idea what was going on.
Dee, on the other hand, didn’t give two fucks. “So who was that?” Sinn scowled at his brother through the rearview mirror, confusing Dee. “What?”
“No one.” Sinn hadn’t seen Chan that upset before. Even if he was, he would spring back to life in a matter of seconds. Not this time, though. He sank into the seat and looked out the window during the ride.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

They all sat at a table in a fancy restaurant that Chan was visibly uncomfortable in. He looked around, wondering how he would be able to afford a simple meal there. He eyeballed Sook, but his cousin was talking about the food choices with Dee.
Chan gulped, trying to hide his nervousness. Maybe he should’ve taken money from Mong…
“Oh, guys, get whatever you want, it’s on our dad tonight.” Dee put a card on the table, giving it to Sinn. “He told me I could use this as long as it wasn’t for alcohol.”
Chan was relieved, but at the same time it was off-putting. How was someone so rich? He didn’t feel like he deserved to be there, or even sitting with them. “I can pay you back lat—”
"No need,” Sinn interrupted flatly.
Chan was surprised. Was that Sinn being kind or generous? Were all rich people so giving?
“Oh, you should try this! It’s the best dish here!” Dee pointed at something on the menu for Sook to try.
“Mmm but I thought you said that other one was the best.”
“Okay we'll get one of each and share. Hmm?” Chan's eyebrows raised at Dee's proposal. What was he witnessing?
“Okay, deal!”
Throughout dinner, the two shared food, picking off each other’s plates like a couple would’ve. Did he possibly have feelings for Dee? They weren’t close friends before that, but maybe it sprouted overnight. Chan wished Sinn was like that to him.
He looked at his senior taking out the veggies in his dish. What a peculiar person. “You don’t like vegetables?”
Sinn was annoyed already from the one question. It was bad enough he had to eat dinner with Chan. He didn’t like people invading his personal space, and his junior was in his bubble all the time.
“He won’t eat them if he doesn’t have to, he only eats them around our parents.” Dee came in with the details, because Sinn surely wasn’t. Sinn gave his brother an irritated look. “What?”
Chan would save that information in his mind for another time. He sat and ate all of his food, making sure not to waste, because that’s what he was taught. The cost of his food also motivated him to finish, and he could’ve rolled out of the restaurant by the time they were all done.

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