Chapter 31: Decisions

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Sunday night Dee and Sinn met in front of their family home, all dressed in their suits and hair fixed nicely. This was another dinner with Mongkut that they had to attend. This one would be more important, though, because this time Mong had brought his family along.
As soon as the boys walked into the fancy dining room, Mong and his family watched their every moves. Mong and his wife, Tap, were both smiling widely, Han had a smirk on his face, and Sumalee didn’t seem impressed at all. If anything, Sumalee looked like she was more unenthusiastic about being there than Dee and Sinn.
They all greeted each other, then the brothers sat down across from the family. “Decha, what do you think of Sumalee?” Aawut's question was a bit degrading even to Dee. It was as if he was choosing a new pair of shoes from the store rather than meeting someone.
“Dinner is served.” A waiter that Aawut had hired brought in the dishes on a rolling table. It gave Dee a chance to breath.
As dinner rolled on, Aawut and Mong chatted about their business while Kaew and Tap spoke about their jobs. Han stared down the brothers. They knew he had the upper hand in this situation. He knew about their relationships and they worried he would tell everyone everything.
Dee or Sinn hadn’t told their boyfriends about Han being Mong's son. Sinn suddenly realized he should’ve told Chan sooner, but he would surely do it once he got back. That is, if Han didn’t open his mouth at dinner. Sinn hoped that Han would keep quiet about Chan and Sook. Their relationships were on the line, and Aawut would surely punish Sinn to the full extent.
Dee and Sinn barely touched their food because they were so uncomfortable. Han had a grin on his face while staring at Sinn and Sumalee glanced at Dee every now and then with disgust.
After dinner, Aawut led the adults to his office to leave the young adults to converse. He hoped that Dee and Sumalee would get along for the sake of his family.
As soon as the adults were out of hearing range, Han let out a chuckle. “Well, small world.”
“Han…” Dee spoke first. He knew fully well that the senior wanted to out them.
“This is ridiculous.” Sumalee's face spoke a million curse words. Sinn realized she and Chan looked like Mong, whereas Han looked only like Tap. “I'm rejecting you now. How much do I have to pay you to leave me alone?” She crossed her arms and became more intimidating.
The boys were in shock, but mainly Dee. “Nothing. I don’t like you anyway.” He crossed his arms just like she did and looked at Sinn. “What's with this family and money?” Sinn shrugged his shoulders. The siblings were definitely spoiled their whole lives.
“If you don’t want money then what do you want? Why would you agree to this arrangement?” Lee was frustrated, and clearly angry about the whole thing.
“Let’s just say…I like someone already. I don’t want this either.”
“Good! I have a boyfriend,” Lee said so matter-of-factly.
“Lee!” Han was shocked at her sudden outburst.
“I do, too!” Dee snapped back at her.
“Dee…” Sinn felt like Dee had been holding that back all night.
“You what?” The hate washed off Lee's face. Her eyebrows straightened out and her smile began to form. “That's great!”
Dee was a little shocked. He wasn’t sure what he expected her reaction to be. “What?”
Lee leaned on the table, fully invested in her new idea. “Do you want to make a pact? I just need to keep this a secret until the end of this school year. We can fake this whole thing with our parents until then.”
“Lee, what the—”
She put her hand up to her brother, waiting for Dee's answer. “If we call this off tonight, my parents will just try to set me up with another person. Will you help me?”
“Umm…Okay…” Everything happened to fast, but Dee was okay with it. He wasn’t out to his parents yet, so it would give him time to plan.
Sinn was relieved, and worried. He knew that Han would keep their secrets after Lee made the pact with Dee. He was only troubled that Dee planned on coming out to Aawut at the end of the year, when Lee would do the same. He knew Aawut wouldn’t take it very easily.
After the two exchanged numbers and talked about their plan, the adults came back in. The two families walked outside together, then parted ways at the top of the concrete stairs.
Before Sinn could follow his brother back inside, a hand grabbed his arm. He turned to find Mong. “Can you help me?”
He knew it was about Chan. Mong must’ve recognized his face when he saw Chan with him at school. “I’m not sure…”
“Please…I just want to talk to him.” Sinn didn’t think it was a good idea to pressure his boyfriend to do anything. Mong seemed desperate, though.
“I'll see what I can do. But in the end it’s up to him.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“Pho! Where are my high school pictures? I want to show Sinn.” Chan searched through Khem's filing cabinet that was in the closet.
He looked through each folder, but paused when he came to one with no name. Inside were handwritten receipts. Some with his mother's handwriting and newer ones with Khem's. It seemed like they wanted to keep track of the incoming money, and the descriptions were mostly blank. What stood out to Chan was the name of the payee, because it was Mong.
Every month since Mong left them he had sent money. It was as if Chan's mother, Mali, was simply keeping track in case of any issues in the future.
Chan quickly spread them all out on the bed, scanning over each one. Money that had come in even recently, to his surprise. Mong was sending child support.
“Did you find them?” Khem walked in and startled the boy. Chan stood up straight, not being able to hide what he was looking at. “Chan…”
“What is all of this? He sent money? Even after we came here? Do you need help with bills? Because I can get a side-job, I can work after school or practice and—”
“Chan…how do you think we were able to move here?” Khem didn’t mean to keep things secret. Its just how things turned out.
Khem was saving all of the money because he knew Chan wanted to move to Bangkok officially. Before Chan got a scholarship, Khem prepared to spend the money for college. He also wanted to support the boy fully while in school so Chan wouldn’t have to work on the side for things he wanted. With all of the money he saved, they weren’t struggling or barely making it by. They lived comfortable, because of the scholarship, and with the help of Mong, his money, and the help he gave Khem to find a job.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Chan plopped down on the edge of the bed, feeling ashamed.
Khem sat next to him and patted his back. “Your mom wanted to tell you eventually, but then he stopped calling and then she passed. By the time he wanted to return to your life you hated him. He knew…so he's been trying to keep his distance.”
“So you think I should let him back in?”
“I think that’s up to you. I will still be here whatever you decide to do.”

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