Chapter 13: Thinking of You

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Sook was headed to the football field when he was stopped in the empty hallway. “Sook!” He turned around to find Roon walking towards him.
Deep down, Sook wanted to ignore him, but the boy kept his stance, and acted like nothing was wrong. “Yes?”
“Hey, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Roon patted Sook's shoulder and watched the boy follow the hand with his eyes.
“We have the same first class. I see you everyday.” The boy took notes from Chan, who wouldn’t have let Roon get off so easily.
“I'm sorry…about that night. I just wanted to—”
“Experiment?” Sook knew it all too well. He had always been hit on, just to be used as a gay experience.
“No…no not like that. I just—”
Sook saw Key walking to them and decided to interrupt Roon from saying anything more. “It’s fine, really…”
Key wrapped her arms around Roon's waist and squeezed, startling him. “Surprise!”
“Babe! Hey.” Roon smiled nervously and hugged his girlfriend.
“What’s going on? Hey, Sook! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Sook realized he was simply invisible to everyone, because he saw Key all the time at the football practices. “Yea…”
Dee couldn’t take it anymore. He had seen Roon approach Sook, and hid so that they could talk, but he knew how hurt Sook would be with Key there.
“Sook!” The boy turned around to find Dee smiling, hair damp from the showers. “Oh, hey Roon, and Key.”
“What's up?” Sook asked, wondering why Chan didn’t come find him after practice instead.
“Chan said he was busy after practice and Sinn had to run errands. Wanna go to my dorm?”
“Yes, please.” Sook desperately wanted to leave the situation he found himself in.
Dee could see the look in the boy's eyes, pleading. Sook made him feel funny. Like he wanted to protect the boy at all costs. “Okay.” He grabbed hold of Sook's hand and nodded at their classmates. “See you tomorrow.”
Dee led the boy all the way to the dorms, hand in hand, almost pulling him. Sook didn’t mind. He looked at their hands, then at Dee's back. A flutter appeared in his stomach before they came to a halt in front of Dee's room.
“Make yourself at home!” Dee brought out waters and snacks for them while Sook sat at the edge of the bed.
The boy had been in that position before. A new room, being shy around a boy, but it always ended up as a joke for the others. Just to see what being with a guy would feel like. Sook believed that his longtime crush would’ve been different, but he was disappointed once again. How would Dee be any different?
“Your room is…really clean.” Sook studied the room. It was obviously Dee's room, with dark curtains, bed spread, and red and black décor. He had his notorious leather jacket hanging from a hook on the wall, making Sook smile. He liked the way Dee looked in that jacket.
“What'd you expect? A wreck?” Dee handed the snacks to Sook, who was unknowingly biting his bottom lip.
The boy let his lip go, and smiled as if he wasn’t thinking of Dee like that. “Well…yea…” He chuckled with Dee.
“Sinn taught me how to clean and stay organized since I was young. It’s been wired into my mind.” Dee grabbed the remote and turned on a show, then dug into the chips he had while sitting at the head of the bed.
Sook opened his bag and sat next to Dee, munching and watching tv. Dee was a good friend. Why did Sook have to like him? He worried that liking Dee would ruin the friendship they had created. Dee probably didn’t like him anyway. Sook sat and lived in the moment anyway, enjoying being close to his person.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chan laid down on the couch in his Pho's home until Khem got back from work that evening. The man jumped when he turned the lights on. “Chan! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, boy? You almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you in the dark?”
“Pho, why do I feel like this?” Chan stayed unmoving on the sofa as Khem sat in his recliner.
“Like what?”
“Someone told me they couldn’t be friends with me because I'm not wealthy enough. But why do I feel like this?” He watched the ceiling as a tear rolled down from his eye.
“Is money on your mind lately?”
“No. My goal has always been clear, to graduate and make money and support you for once. Why do I have to be looked down upon for not being extravagant? It didn’t even seem like he was so materialistic.”
“Maybe you’re not hurt about money. Maybe its that this person hurt you.”
“How can he hurt me? He’s arrogant, and a know it all, and he tells me what to do all the time. I don’t need a boss.” Chan crossed his arms and turned to face the back of the couch.
“Then why did you want to be friends with this person in the first place?” Khem got him there. He didn’t really give it much thought.
“I'm not sure.” Just thinking of Sinn gave him a stirring feeling in his chest. “He’s not a bad person. At first he was rude, but that’s just how he seems. When he warms up to a person he’s caring and protective.”

*He’s also handsome.* He thought.
Chan sat up and faced Khem, showing the scratch to his face where he was punched. “What happened?”
“Huh?” Chan realized where Khem was looking, and lightly touched his sore face. “Oh. I got into a fight today…but don’t worry, I didn’t hit first.”
“You have to be more careful in college. You could get your scholarship taken away.” Chan forgot about that part. He was too heated that day and lost his temper. Khem was a calm man, and he knew how to handle Chan growing up, but he could only do so much for the boy in this case.
“Sorry…I’ll be more careful.”
“Come, let’s make some food.” They stood up simultaneously, and Khem wrapped an arm around Chan's shoulders best he could, being as the boy was taller. “Tell me all about this person who you want to be your friend.”

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