Chapter 43: My Good Boy 🔞

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Saturday, the football team was on the field before the game to stretch and practice amongst themselves. Sook was there from the start, but Sinn came right before the game started. He walked up and sat next to Sook on the bench. Sinn's eyes naturally gravitated towards Chan and the boy's athletic body.
Sinn was so focused that he almost didn’t hear Sook speak to him. “Are you two okay?”
Sinn did a double take around them to make sure Sook was speaking to him, because the boy was still facing the players. “Uh…what do you mean?”
“I know Chan wasn’t sick this week. My cousin would’ve bugged me a million times for food or asking questions about his symptoms. He seems unlike himself, too. And you…you haven’t said a word either.” Sook looked at him as if Sinn were in trouble.
“Oh…well…” Sinn wasn’t sure what to say. He still hadn’t spoken to Chan about it all, because he didn’t have a decision yet.
“The thing with Chan is, he doesn’t give up easily. If you’re willing to work things out then your relationship will survive.”
Sinn smiled softly to himself. Sook was right. Chan had proven time and time again that he wouldn’t give up on him. Sinn just wasn’t used to it. He pushed people away and that’s where they stayed. Not Chan.
Sinn stayed watching Chan throughout the game. If he closed his eyes and was told to imagine the perfect person, he would still only see Chan.

During the game, Chan felt better. Better than he did playing other games that year. Khem was busy with a school fundraiser but the boy still had family in the stands; Mong, Han and Lee, too. Han wouldn’t be caught dead cheering for Chan, but at least he didn’t ‘boo' the team.
Chan occasionally glanced at Sinn, who was meticulously following him with his eyes. Sinn's gaze gave the boy goosebumps. He knew that face. He’d seen it countless times before in the privacy of their rooms.
One could mistake it for being cold, but it was just Sinn's face that made it that way. It was how the senior looked when he wanted Chan. It made Chan weak, and he had to shake off the mutual feeling of desire. On the bright side, it helped him know Sinn's truth. He knew Sinn didn’t hate him, and that’s all he needed while he waited for the senior's response to his offer.
In response to being distracted, Chan had been too close to the player he was blocking and lost his footing. Chan and the other guy tumbled together, falling quickly and harshly. Mon, who was on the opposing team, happened to be there to help them both up. Chan's leg was hit with the other player's cleats and caused some damage to his thigh. A large, deep cut and scratches surrounding it, all bleeding. When the boy was back on his feet he realized Sinn was now standing, as if he was going to rush onto the field but didn’t.
Chan limped to the sideline with Dee’s help while the coach substituted him. “You alright?” Chan nodded.
Dee helped Chan to the bench and Sinn began trying to clean the wound. Chan winced, but he had to admit that Sinn’s touch was easing his pain.
“How does it look?”
Sinn looked up at the coach as he applied pressure and wrapped, making Chan grit his teeth. “He'll need stitches.”
“Can you take him to the hospital down the street?” Sinn nodded and stood up, helping Chan do the same.
Chan looked nervously at Sinn, who was sliding under the boy's arm. Chan tried to walk as best he could on his own so that he didn’t trouble Sinn so much. Neither said a word as Sinn grabbed their bags and they left in his car.
The car ride was silent except for the low volume of the radio. Chan was uncomfortable for the first time ever in Sinn's car. He wanted to jump out due to embarrassment. He only became injured after staring at Sinn, after all.
Sinn didn’t even speak to Chan as he helped the boy out of the car. He spoke to everyone in the ER but Chan, like the secretaries, then a nurse, and finally Kaew, who was at the end of her shift.
“Chan, what happened?” Kaew looked down at his leg and took over for Sinn, helping the boy to an empty bed.
“I ,uh, I fell and got hit with cleats.”
“Okay, let's stitch you up in time for dinner!” Kaew stitched him up in no time. She was motherly in every sense of the word, and Chan felt safe in her care.
“Is there anywhere I can shower and change?” Kaew took a final look at Chan and realized he had dried mud and grass all over him.
“Of course! Go to room 8 right there, it’s empty. Just don’t get your stitches wet.” She pointed to a room down the hall and turned to Sinn next. “You go change, too. Get ready for dinner. I’m about to get off work and do the same.” She smiled and headed a different direction, leaving the boys alone.  Chan threw his bag over his shoulder and walked slowly to the room with Sinn following closely behind.
Once inside, Chan went straight to the bathroom. He held on to the sink with both hands and looked at himself in the mirror. *One step at a time. You got this.* He gave himself a pep talk.
There were already supplies in there, all wrapped in plastic and waiting for use. Chan undressed down to his boxers and unwrapped a sponge and a bar of soap. On one leg, he turned the shower on and started to wash himself. He used the soap and sponge, maneuvering around his wound.
Out of nowhere, the door opened, almost making the boy lose balance. Sinn was in his black dress pants and a white button up, almost fully dressed for dinner. He rolled up his sleeves and came forward, grabbing the sponge from the boy and squatting down.
Chan had to look up and away. Sinn was so close. One hand was on the back of Chan's thigh while the other cleaned his leg. The boy couldn’t speak, just gulped and stared straight ahead.
Sinn patted the legs dry after he washed them both, then a hand was at the back of the boy's neck, bending him forward into the water from the showerhead. Sinn poured some of his shampoo into Chan's hair and lathered it up.
Chan felt somewhat domestic being taken care of this way. He was physically vulnerable, and in the back of his mind he thought of the intimate times they shared.
Sinn rinsed Chan's hair and wrapped a towel around it, then brought the boy back up. From behind, Sinn rubbed the towel on the boy's hair to dry it.
“Feel better?”
Chan nodded. “Mmm.” It was the first time Sinn had actually spoken to him in days.
The boy could feel the tension rising quickly. Sinn’s warmth was radiating from behind and Chan could feel it spreading across the skin on his back.
Chan reached up and held the towel with his hand, taking over the drying. “Thank you.”
He expected Sinn to go back to getting dressed, but instead he heard the bathroom door click.

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