Chapter 35: Jealousy Part 2

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When Sook made it to his dorm he undressed. He was going to wait in bed for his boyfriend until he heard a knock at the door. He thought that it was weird for Dee to knock, as he had given him a keycard. Regardless, he walked to the door and opened it.
Sook was expecting Dee, and it was late, so he only had his boxers on. He swung the door open with a large smile, but once he realized Dee wasn’t on the other side he brought it back in front of him. He only poked his head out of the side, stunned.
“Roon? What are you doing here?” He looked behind the guy, trying to see if anyone else was there, but it was just Roon by himself.
“I know it’s late, I’m sorry. Are you alone?”
Sook didn’t want to answer. He looked behind him at the empty room. “Uhhhh…no.”
Roon knew Sook was lying, because if Han wasn’t back yet, then Dee wasn’t there yet. “Can we talk?”
“Um, about what?”
“I broke up with Key.”
Sook suddenly knew where the conversation was headed. “Ah…I'm sorry.” He wasn’t close to Roon anymore, so he didn’t care.
“I wanted to know if you’d give me another chance?”
It took everything in Sook not to laugh. Who was Roon kidding? Roon was nowhere in Sook's mind, and hadn’t been for a long time. It seemed that wasn’t the case for Roon.
“Roon, go to your room, hmm? I have a boyfriend.”
Before he could close the door, Roon's hand stopped it. “Please? Just hear me out?”
Sook was strong, but Roon was just strong enough to keep the door open. Sook knew that if he had to, he could easily take Roon down. He just simply didn’t want to make a scene.
Sook stood up straight in the opening of the door, keeping Roon outside. “Talk.”
“Can I come in to talk?”
“We stay out here or you leave.” Roon had never seen Sook so stern before, and he wanted it to go away.
He wanted the sweet Sook that he thought he knew. “Come on, it’s just me.” Roon closed in, but Sook stood his ground at the door.
As Roon inched closer, Sook crossed his arms. He was dead serious, but a bit scared deep inside. He had dealt with his fair share of thugs or drunkards around his family restaurant, but he was feeling somewhat intimidated.
“I said we stay out here.” Roon's growing grin began to make Sook furious. He wanted Roon to take him seriously.
“Sook…” Roon's hand came up and landed on the boy's bare shoulder. “Let’s start over.”
Roon's other hand moved up to Sook's chest and the boy's eyes widened. Roon pushed lightly, trying to move Sook back into the room.
Sook's blood was boiling at that point. How dare he?! Sook grabbed Roon's hand and twisted it quickly, bringing the taller one down to his knees. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Ahhh! Sook! Sook, let go.”
“Don't ever touch me again!”
Sook looked up to find Dee. His eyes were wide as he scanned the scene in front of him. Dee grabbed Roon by the shirt and punched him before tossing him to the side.
“Dee…I—” Roon held his cheek as he got up on his elbow.
“No. You don’t get to call me that. Go play with your new friends. You’re a fucking sell out.” Ever since Roon's father started working for Han's father, Roon wanted to be seen with the “it” crowd. “First, you ditch me, and now you try to make a move on MY boyfriend?”
Roon was still on the ground, and guys were emerging from their rooms to see what was going on. “Dee…” He didn’t want people to see him like that, but it was too late.
“Don’t. Don’t speak to me ever again. And leave Sook alone. You fucked up.” Dee moved Sook into the room and closed the door behind him. He held his boyfriend's face in his hands and looked over the boy's body for injuries. “Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you?”
Sook shook his head. He felt sorry for Dee, to have lost a friend like that. “I'm fine.”
“You got him so good!” Dee's smile surprised Sook. “You’ll have to teach me how to fight.”
“It looked like you knew how, though.” Sook remembered the punch and grabbed Dee's hands, bringing them down to inspect them. Sure enough, Dee's right hand had a small cut and his knuckles were red. “Let me take care of it.”
Before the boy could move, Dee's hand was sliding up behind Sook's ear. His face leaned in closer and kissed the boy's forehead, then cheek, then lips. He glanced down at Sook's chest and grew envious that Roon had seen the boy like that.
“I’ll have to buy you pajamas.” His hands ran down to the nipples, rubbing over them lightly until they grew hard. “Only I can see you like this.”
Sook nodded slowly. He only wanted Dee to see him like that. Only Dee could touch him like that, and love him like that.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Chan was almost asleep in bed when Sinn came back from his shower. His damp hair touched the back of Chan's neck as Sinn planted kisses on the boy's shoulders.
Chan squirmed to the touches, and wiggled until he was facing Sinn. “How was dinner?” The boy's eyes were barely open, but his face amused Sinn.
“Good.” Sinn didn’t want to tell Chan what he had told Mong. He felt like Mong needed to get things straightened out before Chan could re-enter his life. “What did you go do after the game?”
Maybe it was the drowsiness that made the boy lose self-control, but he wanted to express himself to his boyfriend freely. Mon's words stuck with him. “Hia…how do you really know Mon? Did you two date? Did you like him? Did he like you? Was it only one-sided love?”
At first, Sinn's expression was shocked, but he sighed and ruffled Chan's hair. “So tired but you can think this much?” Chan nodded. “We…were just friends.”
“So you were close?”
“Very close.”
Chan didn’t like that Mon and Sinn lied to him. It didn’t make him feel better. He sat up quickly, suddenly more awake and looking at Sinn. “Why did you lie to me?”
Sinn sat up, too, and looked Chan in the eyes. “I wasn’t a very good friend.” The boy didn’t expect that answer.
“What happened?”
“I didn’t treat him right. My friends all deserved better.”
Chan could see that happening. With the way Sinn was before they became friends, he could easily see Sinn pushing people away. “Why did you do that? Didn’t you like them?”
“I did. We were all so young, and I let myself grow distant.”
Chan heard the word distant and thought of his conversation with Mon earlier. What if Sinn became distant with him, too?
“Hia…Will you tell me before you become distant?”
Sinn felt bad suddenly. He didn’t want to frighten the boy, or trigger Chan's fear of abandonment. Sinn looked him in the eyes and could feel how scared Chan was to lose him. “I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He was afraid of losing Chan, too. Chan was the person to break him free from his prison of a mind. He was set free when he let the boy in, and he didn’t want to let go.

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