Chapter 27: Stay With Me 🔞

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Dee's first stop was indeed Sook's dorm. He was surprised to find Sook in only a white t-shirt and boxers opening the door. Dee was stunned, and looked the boy up and down. “Do you answer the door like this for everyone?”
“Mmm. Only when I know it’s you.”
“How'd you know it was me?” Dee pouted, walking in past the boy.
“Who else would come by at this time?” Sook closed the door and met Dee at his bed. He crawled in and sat at the head, letting Dee meet him and lay on his lap.
“Sook…I have something to tell you.”
Sook didn’t like those words, but he wanted to know what Dee had to say. “Mmm. Go ahead.”
“My dad…doesn't know about us. He…wants me to be with some girl…”
Sook stayed silent for a while, stroking Dee's hair. “What will you do then?”
Dee sat up and faced the boy. “I only want you, but I’ll have to hide you to keep you.”
“What if you end up liking her?”
Dee took Sook's hands in his, comforting him. “I won’t. You’re all I need. I just…need to know if you’ll stay with me.”
Sook had never been that far with someone before, and no one had ever said such things to him. He couldn’t help but feel moved. Part of him felt bad, though. Not for himself, but for Dee and the fact that his father wouldn’t accept them.
“Of course I’ll stay.” He smiled at Dee, which lit a fire and his lips were attacked by a fierce kiss.
Maybe things wouldn’t work out in the end, but Sook didn’t care. At that moment, he just needed to be loved and to show Dee how much he meant to him. He wanted to live in every moment with Dee, because he knew it could get taken away in no time.

****SMUT Warning****
He held Dee's face in his hands as they kissed, then moved his hands down to remove the tie from Dee's neck. Sook panted as Dee’s tongue swept along his neck and planted kisses. “Dee…” Dee lifted his head to look at the boy in the eyes. To his surprise, Sook reached over to the nightstand and pulled a condom and lube from the drawer, dangling them in front of his face.
Dee smiled and kissed him once more before getting up to quickly remove his suit. Sook got onto his knees on the bed and helped him, unbuttoning the shirt and pushing it off. Dee took Sook in his arms and pulled him closer so he could kiss him again, with his hands roaming up the boy's shirt and taking it off. Their tongues danced around and soon their breathing turned into soft moans.
Sook wrapped his arms around Dee's neck as he was lowered onto the bed, kisses being scattered across his chest. His fingers spread out into Dee's hair and tugged as he could feel the sensitivity of his nipples when they were licked and sucked on.
His eyes closed when he felt Dee remove his boxers and begin to stroke him. “Sook…” He squinted as he looked up at Dee. “Keep your eyes open. I want you to watch me.” Sook's body trembled with the words, and he kept his eyes slightly open, just enough to see what Dee was doing to him. He could see his veins bulging between Dee's fingers.
Dee then sat on his knees as he covered his dick and coated it with the lube. Sook gulped at the size of it, mentally preparing himself and biting his bottom lip. He lifted Sook's butt a little off the bed and leaned forward, slowly sliding in the tip.
Sook reached his arms up and grabbed the edge of the bed, pulling on the sheets. “Ahhhh….”
Dee's free hand slid down the boy's body to his raging boner. “You feel so…good…” His large hand gripped and stroked Sook slowly, taking the boy's mind away from the pain.
Sook's heart was beating rapidly as Dee moved forward again. “Uhhhh!” He quickly bit his lip to stop from being so loud in the dorms.
Dee came down and covered Sook's mouth with his own, groaning as he moved into Sook with small thrusts. The feeling was new to both of them, with Sook being a virgin and Dee never being with a guy before. But even more so was the fact that Dee had never had such strong feelings for someone. It made sex that much more enjoyable and addicting.
Dee let his body take control, pumping in and out to its desires, watching Sook gasping for air in between each thrust. “Sook…”Dee couldn’t keep it together as the tightness came through him. He brought his arms up behind Sook's and held on tight to the boy's shoulders as he gave him all he had.
Sook grabbed Dee as hard as he could, accidentally digging his nails into his back. “Dee…I'm…” The white creamy substance shot out of him in between them as Dee poured himself into the condom.
Sook lifted Dee's face and kissed him as they tried to catch their breaths.
“Was I good?” Sook nodded with a smile. He had nothing to compare it to, but that night exceeded his expectations.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Chan had just let the new teammates go because it had gotten dark. He stayed on the field, picking up the balls and putting them in the cart before heading in.
“Need help?”
He turned around to find Sinn, still in a suit and looking spiffy as ever. He smiled widely as he pushed the cart. “Hey handsome.” Sinn made his way to the boy and stepped into the light. Chan’s smile faded when he was able to see the red mark on Sinn's face. “Hey! What happened?” He grabbed Sinn's face to tilt it more to the light.
Sinn held one of Chan's hands and brought it down, acting very nonchalantly. “It’s nothing.”
“Nothing? Your entire cheek is red! Who did it? Did you get into a fight? Are you in a secret fight club? Did you get jumped? Tell me who did it. I just want to talk.”
Sinn smiled and rubbed Chan's shoulders to calm him down. “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“Nothing my ass! First…first those scars and now this?” Chan's voice became quiet when he mentioned Sinn's scars. He didn’t want to upset Sinn.
His senior pulled him in and hugged him tightly, nestling his face in the crook of Chan's neck. “I just need this.”
Chan hugged him back, but was still upset. “Hiaaaaa…” He whined.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
His words struck Chan, but made the boy excited. “Mmm. Fine but I won’t forget this. And I need to take a shower first. My things are in the locker room.”
Sinn pulled himself away and held Chan while going over the boy's features. Chan was sweating, but it was already half-dry. He let Chan go and helped him push the cart to the storage room, then followed the boy to the lockers. “Can I come, too?”
“Oi Hia! We can’t do it everyday…” Chan twisted his towel and lightly smacked Sinn with it playfully.
“I can watch.” Chan blushed at the smirk Sinn was giving. He could feel the blood rushing down below.
“No! Stay…” He held the towel in front of him quickly. “…stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Sinn sat on a bench, taking off his suit jacket to get comfortable and watched Chan hop away to the showers. He thought about how much joy the boy had brought into his life without realizing it. If only Chan knew how badly Sinn had needed him, and how thankful he was that Chan didn’t give up on him.
After Chan's shower, he pulled on his boxers and came back out to find Sinn laying on the bench with his jacket bunched up as a pillow. His eyes were closed, so Chan bent down over his face and lightly stroked the red mark with his thumb wishing it would go away. “What are you fighting without me? Let me help you na.”
Sinn let Chan’s wet hair drip around his face, feeling calm with the small droplets. His eyes cracked open, looking straight at Chan. “You do help me. You’re important to me now. Just you is enough.”
Chan bent down and lightly kissed Sinn's forehead, then his nose, then his cheek, before moving to his lips. “Prove it. Prove that I’m enough. Tell me what’s going on.”
Sinn brought his hand up to the back of Chan's neck and brought him down to kiss him. He sucked on the boy's bottom lip and tongue before reeling it back in. “I promise I’ll tell you. Just not yet.” Sinn wasn’t even sure when that would be. He wanted to tell Chan, but the boy had such a bad temper and could mess things up with Aawut. Sinn had gone through too much already to turn back. He had to keep going, and he hoped that Chan would stay with him through it all.

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