Chapter 44: Fuck You

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After they cleaned themselves off, Sinn helped dress Chan and fix his tousled hair. Chan couldn’t keep his eyes off of his boyfriend due to the way he looked in his suit.
Sinn noticed Chan's eyes and smiled as he buttoned the boy's jeans. “Like what you see?”
“Yes.” Chan's soft smile warmed Sinn's heart. The boy leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”
Sinn leaned his head down and pressed his forehead on the boy's. “I love you, too.”
A knock at the other door interrupted them. “Chan? Sinn? Are you done?”
They both rushed out of the restroom and Sinn threw his blazer on quickly before opening the door to the room. “We’re done. How do I look?”
Kaew smiled as she did a full look at his suit. “The cutest as always!” She teased and pinched his cheek. Kaew herself looked stunning in a simple dress and heels. “Are you ready?” Sinn nodded, then looked back at Chan to follow. “Oh, Chan, your cousin is here for you.”
As the boy followed them to the entrance of the hospital, Sook came into his sight. His cousin smiled and made his way to them. “I'll take him from here.” Sinn looked where Sook's eyes were, and slowly let go of Chan's hand.
Chan saw Sinn's face drop, so he grabbed Sinn's hand and squeezed softly one time. “I'll see you later?” Sinn nodded. Neither wanted to go. Chan followed his cousin outside and watched Kaew and Sinn walk a different way. Sinn still glanced back a few times until they were too far.
“Have fun?”
Chan turned to Sook. His cousin wore a grin and had one eyebrow raised. “What do you mean?”
“You’re glowing.”
Chan touched his cheeks with his hands. “What?”
Sook chuckled. “Are you going home or do you want to come with me to Dusk?”
“Mmm. I’ll go with you.”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

At the restaurant, all the adults could talk about was school. Final exams were coming, and so was Sumalee's graduation. However, the only thing on Tap's mind was Dee and Lee's engagement.
“We should talk about the engagement party. I think it should be held in Koh Smui, don’t you think?” Tap asked Lee, who was simply trying to enjoy her food.
“She hasn’t even started college, we should wait don’t you think?” Mong winked at Lee and she gave a nod of approval for his helpfulness.
“Why? The sooner the better! They can stay strong through college and get married as soon as they get out.” Tap was insistent! Someone might think she was trying to make up for her own engagement and wedding, because hers weren’t as she dreamed of.
“I agree!” Aawut gleamed at his son. “The sooner they become engaged the more they can’t be swayed for a couple of years. It’ll give them something to look forward to.”
Dee was getting a headache just listening to his father's words. He suddenly wasn’t sure if Aawut was ready to hear his news about Sook.
“Do I have a say in this?” Lee focused on Tap. “Do we have a say?” She motioned between herself and Dee, the ones with their lives being planned out by everyone besides themselves.
“I’m afraid not, sweetie. We need to get on top of things and get this set in stone. It’ll be good for our families. Your grandpa is going to be so pleased.” Tap kept going on and on about how everyone else would feel. All Tap cared about was how Lee looked in other's eyes, not how Lee felt.
“I'm pregnant.”
Everyone stopped what they were eating. Even Dee was in shock. He looked at her belly then back up at her but she was staring straight ahead at her mother.
“Well…” Tap tried her best to smile but it kept dropping. “We can move the wedding to this summer then! Best to be married before you give birth. We don’t want people to talk.”
“It's not Dee's.”
Almost everyone let out gasps, even Dee himself sitting next to her. Tap's eyes were wide as they watched Lee.
“I have a boyfriend.” Lee had the most serious face ever. There was no way she was lying, and Tap knew that.
Dee leaned over to Lee. “We're doing this right now?”
“Sumalee!” Tap's right eye certainly twitched as she scolded Lee.
Dee slowly raised his hand. “I have a boyfriend, too.” He lowered it along with his face, but his eyes were up and looking for reactions. His own family was speechless as Lee's mother went on a rampage.
“You're going to get rid of it first thing in the morning!” Tap went on with her yelling. Luckily  they were in a private room at the restaurant or all eyes would have been on them.
“I'm keeping it. I’ll move out if I have to. I know you don’t approve of Nuea, but I love him!”
“You're still seeing Nuea?” Mong asked, not at all concerned, just confused.
“Yes. Mae wanted me to break it off, but I’ve only kept it hidden…with Dee's help.”
Aawut looked towards Dee, but stayed silent as the other family began with more drama.
“You what?” Mong turned towards Tap.
“He wasn’t good for you, Lee.” Tap tried to defend her actions. “What can he do for you? He doesn’t come from a good family and now you’re going to have his child?”
“Who cares where he came from? You married Pho! Why can’t I marry Nuea?”
“That’s different! I—”
“It’s not that different,” Mong interrupted. “You knew how serious Lee and Nuea were, why would you interfere?”
“He's the same as I was. What’s wrong with that? Is it because you used our kids against me? To keep me? Lee and Nuea are different than us. They love each other.” Tap looked at Mong in horror. How could he say that in front of others?
“I did not do that!”
“You did…you had your father threaten me, and you used my guilt against me. You and your family have controlled me since I  met you, and I won’t let that happen to my children.” Mong felt relieved airing it all out. Han and Lee just watched it unfold in front of them, as they had seen it coming. “I want a divorce.”
Tap covered her mouth and gasped aloud. “Mong…”
Her soon to be ex-husband stood up and nodded at Aawut and Kaew. “Please excuse me.” Lee and Han followed him without questions as he exited the room.
Tap gathered her belongings and ran out as quickly as possible, leaving Dee nervous. All of the pressure was now on him.
Aawut was silent, his hands together and staring down at the plate in front of him. Dee had no idea how angry his father was, because Aawut was silent then he would yell out of nowhere.
Dee cleared his throat, then began to defend himself. He wasn’t sure what Aawut was mad about, him being with a guy or him lying about being with Lee.
“Let's discuss things at home. We’ve already been embarrassed enough here.”
As they sat in the car, Sinn's mind wondered. He knew he would be punished for this. He didn’t know how Aawut would speak to Dee, or how the argument would ensue. He just wanted to go back to his apartment with Chan and lay in bed without a care in the world.
The car ride was silent, and Sinn knew Aawut was going to boil over as soon as they were in the family home. Sure enough, when the last person, Dee, closed the front door, Aawut slammed his fist onto a side table.
“What was that? Huh? You want to embarrass me in front of everyone? What if they tell people?”
“Pho.” Dee was surprised. He surely thought his father was being hotheaded and unreasonable.
“Why couldn’t you just hide it? Save face? Go on and marry a nice girl and do whatever you want behind closed doors! Save your Pho's face!”
Kaew tried to put her hands on Aawut's arm and calm him down. “Honey…”
“No!” He yanked his arm away from her, and Sinn narrowed his eyes. “This is between him and me! You two, leave!”
Sinn followed his mother to the kitchen, where the argument was easily heard. They stood at the island and listened.
“Pho, I’m bisexual. This is who I am, I can’t change that.” Dee never imagined coming out to Aawut in such a hateful environment. “Don't you love me? I’m still your son.”
“I love you, I don’t love your choices. One day you’ll see how wrong you are, and you’ll beg for forgiveness. You should listen to your Pho, I know what’s best for you.”
“But this is a part of me, not a choice. How can you not love me whole?”
“Decha. Son. Break up with this…this…trickster. He manipulated you somehow. This isn’t you.
“No. This isn’t the me that you know. I’m better than your Decha. I’m not afraid of who I am anymore. I won’t ever ask for your forgiveness over this. You either deal with it or I’m leaving!”
“Ha! Where will you go? To live with this…thing? Your sex toy?” Dee's hands formed fists. He had never felt so angry towards Aawut, but the man was crossing the line. “You know you can pay for better? I'll let you spend all the money you want on one if you hide it.”
“His name is Sook…and he’s not a sex toy. What’s wrong with you?!”
“Whatever he is, it's disgusting!”
“Pho!!” Dee's rage almost sent him across the room to fight his own father.
“What? You think it’s normal? I will never accept you like this! If you stay with that boy I will disown you!”
“Do it! Disown me! I would rather be an orphan than be your son!”
Dee opened the door and walked out. Before he closed it, he stuck his hand through to flip the bird at the man. “Fuck you!”
Sinn watched as Aawut walked into the basement and shut the door harshly behind him. He was sure that the man would call upon him later that night. He was sure Aawut would punish him for this.

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