Chapter 23: Day One

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The next morning Sook woke up to the door slamming shut. He rubbed his eyes to find Dee walking in with food. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay, I need to get up anyway.” He slowly moved his legs to the side of the bed and stretched out as he stood up.
Dee sat at the small table in the room and watched Sook's shirt lift up revealing his belly button. They only held each other the night before, but it was enough for him to have Sook like that. Dee could’ve sworn that he had a condom in his bag somewhere, but he couldn’t find it anywhere. He shrugged it off, because he thought taking things slow with Sook was probably best.
Sook sat in front of him with puffy eyes and a gentle smile, warming Dee's heart so early in the morning. He couldn’t believe someone could make him feel that way.
Sook smiled, seeing Dee stare at him as he dug into his food. “Is there something on my face?”
“No.” Dee's cheeks grew hot and red as he ate.

Dee whipped his phone from his back pocket and answered quickly. “Good Morning Pho.” Sook continued eating, giving Dee his privacy.

{Good morning! Are you eating breakfast with Sinn already?}
“No I’m eating with…a friend. Sinn is somewhere around here.” That caught Sook's attention. To Dee's father  Sook was just a “friend.” He assumed it was because Dee had never come out, and was with a guy for the first time. Not all parents can be as supportive as Sook's, and both of them knew that.

{Oh what friend? Bring them by sometime.}
“Oh…we're not that close.” Dee remembered that Kaew told him not to mention Sook to his Pho. “What are you up to?”

{Just having breakfast with Kaew. She says she hopes you’re having fun.}
“It’s been really great, we had a lot of fun yesterday.” Dee glanced up at Sook. He was only interested in one thing on the trip.

{I'll let you get back to breakfast then. Remember to come by the house tomorrow night. We’ll have special company over.}
“No problem. I’ll see you then.” Dee knew that “special company” meant business associates of his father's. He hated being at those dinners because everyone was so stiff and stuck up, but he tolerated it for his Pho.
“How’s your dad?”
Dee looked back up at Sook and tried to make it seem like everything was normal. Deep down he knew that their relationship would be difficult, but he never wanted anything more. “He's good.”
Sook just smiled in response. He really liked Dee, and wanted to be happy with him. Simply hearing their conversation gave him a bad feeling, but he ignored it for their sake. It was barely day one of being together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chan had issues in the morning. He couldn’t sit down so fast, and he took forever to get dressed, moving as slow as possible. When he went to the restroom he could see bruises from when Han kicked him in the stomach had grown. They hurt, but he endured it. He hid them from Sinn, pulling a shirt on quickly when he heard the door open.
His energy rose back up when he ate with Sinn. His senior was glad that the boy was back to his normal self.
After eating, they packed up to leave. Sinn sat with Chan on the bus this time, and the boy was ecstatic. Not even a quarter through the ride Sinn had already passed out and his head was swaying with the bumps. Chan smiled and pulled Sinn's head towards him to rest on his shoulder. He thought they must’ve stayed up too late the night before, because he also grew sleepy in no time, resting his head on Sinn's in return.
The coach's booming voice woke everyone up in seconds. They had arrived back at the college and a part of Chan was sad that he had to go back to his boring dorm all alone.
Sook looked like he was going to be busy with Dee, and he watched as Sinn walked away from the bus with his things. Video games it was.
Chan was about to head off when his bag was lifted off his shoulder. He turned around to find Sinn who was holding it. “Where are you going?”
“I…uhh…to my dorm?”
“Come with me.” Chan held back the biggest smile as he followed Sinn to his car. He liked the way Sinn was acting towards him, it was different even if Sinn didn’t have many facial expressions or sweet words. He showed up for Chan with his actions.
To Chan's surprise, they pulled up to a local mall. He followed Sinn in without a word. Maybe Sinn wanted company for shopping? However, he knew what they were there for when Sinn made his way to a phone store.
“What are you doing?” Chan let his pride take over when it came to money.
“Come on.” To Sinn it was no big deal. Spending Aawut's money was the least he could do for all of the pain he endured.
“Hia…” Chan furrowed his eyebrows, growing irritated.
“Just come on.” Sinn was growing impatient. “How am I supposed to contact you? Get in here. You need a new phone.” He saw that Chan was having an internal battle, but he still held the door open. “I won’t tell you again.”
Sinn's words shocked his junior. Chan slowly made his way through the door. Being in there made him uncomfortable, but Sinn put a hand on his back and his anxiety washed away.
He didn’t take Sinn as one for any sort of PDA, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain. He bit his bottom lip as he slid his hand back, grasping at Sinn's hand with his fingers before fully entwining them. Sinn didn’t show any feelings against it, he just kept looking at the items they passed while holding Chan's hand like it came so naturally.
“What about this one?” Sinn stopped at the front, looking at Chan for approval.
“Hia…that’s…” Chan cleared his throat when he saw the price. It was the newest model and the salesperson was already on her way to them. “Uhhh….”
“Can I help you with anything?”
“We'll take this one.” Sinn had no time to wait for Chan. He knew the boy would decline his offer, so he made his move.
Before Chan could protest, Sinn pulled him to the counter where she brought out the colors they had in the store. “Blue, white or black?”
“Black,” Sinn answered before Chan could even think about it. “Can I see the phone cases?”
She guided them to the area with the cases hanging and he picked out a good one for Chan. “Do you like this one? You can put stickers on it.” It was plain black, but Chan liked the idea of stickers. He nodded quickly, not wanting to get scolded in front of the woman.
“We'll take this one.” Sinn handed the case over and paid for everything with the swipe of a card. Chan's father had an account with this company, so he just had to tell them his number and switch the phone on the account.
Chan didn’t say a word until they exited the shop. “Hia, you didn’t have to do that. I could’ve bought myself a new one.”
“Here.” Sinn handed him the bag.
Chan took the bag and followed Sinn further into the mall, coming up to a jewelry store. “What the…” He looked at the name of the sign as Sinn walked right in. It was a name that he didn’t recognize, but it seemed fancy and too expensive for him.
“Can I see this one.”
The salesperson looked at Sinn in his street attire, not hiding his distaste. “I'm sorry. This might not be the right store for you. You might be able to find the right price point at the other jewelry store on the other end of the mall.”
Sinn stared back at the man with a straight face and placed a small wad of cash on the counter. “I asked if I could see it, not if I could afford it.”
“Y-yes sir!” The man brought up the chain on the holder quickly.
Sinn examined it once more before accepting it. “I'll take this one.”
Chan was once again in shock at how much Sinn was spending on him. “Hia…,” he whispered, “what are you doing?”
“You need a good one.” He looked at Chan as the man packaged the chain. “It has to be good enough to hold something precious.” Chan's eyes fluttered as he realized Sinn was talking about the locket.
Sinn paid with his card and shoved the cash back into his pocket. Chan had never seen so much money in person before. How could Sinn carry so much? Wasn’t it dangerous?
Sinn handed Chan the bag as they exited. “Hia…don't do that anymore.”
“Do what?” Sinn led the way back to the car.
“If someone sees that, they might try to steal from you. What if you get hurt?” Chan scurried to catch up to Sinn, who walked twice his pace.
“What?” Sinn unlocked the doors and opened the passenger side for Chan.
The boy came to a halt and faced Sinn. “Cash. Don’t carry that much around. You could get killed over that much. I know people could even kill for less.”
“Okay.” Sin liked the way Chan worried about him.
Chan quickly pressed his lips against Sinn's then hopped in the car as if nothing happened. Sinn closed the door. A smile appeared on his face as he walked around the car to drive.

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