Chapter 18: Hiding Something

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All four guys left the restaurant after convincing Sook's parents that he could go on the trip. Dee explained that they needed two team managers anyway, because theirs quit last minute.
They walked down the road until they reached Sinn's car. “Sook, look at this!” Dee dragged Sook to the trunk to show him a collectible he got.
While they were in the back, Chan seized the moment and gave Sinn a quick peck on the cheek. Sinn's eyes grew wide and he put his hand on his cheek immediately to block any more kisses. He gave Chan an offended look.
“What? You’re afraid someone might see?” Chan smiled and nudged him with his arm.
“What are you doing?”
“I guess…continuing where we left off?” Chan's smile said it all. Sinn wasn’t dreaming of Chan the day before. He was actually there.
“What?” Sinn went into denial, because he knew that he had started something with Chan. He started it but he didn’t want to finish it.
“Oh, don’t play dumb. Just say ‘thank you for taking care of me, Nong Chan'.” Sinn couldn’t even look at him, let alone thank him. Chan took his silence as Sinn being shy or embarrassed. “It’s alright. You don’t have to say it. You’ve already shown me how thankful you were.”
Sinn took a sharp breath and stared down the boy. It didn’t phase Chan at all. Chan put a finger to his seniors lips and pointed at Dee and Sook, who were done talking. He knew Sinn wanted to hide his feelings for him, so Chan respected that in front of the other two.
“We need to go home. We have company tonight.”
Dee followed Sinn's hint and opened the passenger side door. “We'll see you guys tomorrow.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

That next week Chan became his normal self again. He knew that Sinn was putting up a wall, because he knew how his senior really felt. He took Sinn's insults as a way for his senior to cope with his feelings.
Sinn grew more and more afraid. He didn’t want to be close to Chan, because he was afraid of being vulnerable with the boy. He wasn’t vulnerable with anyone, but Chan was beginning to crack his hard outer shell.
Sinn went back to letting Chan do what he wanted, as if no conflict had occurred between them. All he could think about was Chan and kissing in his room. His memory of it was blurry, but enough to phase him. He remembered all of the touches and kisses and how they made him feel. He wanted that high again. He was only afraid of getting addicted.
Friday afternoon the bus would take them two hours away to a resort. On the bus, Sinn made Dee sit next to him so he could get some rest. Dee wanted to share a room with Sook and Sinn couldn’t disagree. The senior knew the bus ride would be the calm before the storm.
Chan glanced over at Sinn to see him sleeping peacefully with a pillow. He thought of how sweet Sinn looked like that, and felt giddy inside. He couldn’t wait to room with Sinn and spend the weekend making his senior do activities with him.
When they arrived at the resort it was dusk. The boys all grabbed their bags and suitcases and walked together to the lobby for the coach to get them all checked in. Chan walked side by side with Sook, watching as Dee and Sinn were ahead of them.
They all lingered behind the coach when Chan spotted someone familiar. Han. The only person he truly despised. Han walked up to Roon and started chatting it up.
“Why is he here?” Chan scowled at his enemy.
“Han's dad owns this place, and a lot more in and around Bangkok,” Sook informed.
Chan watched as Han made his way to Sinn. “If you need anything let me know. I’d be happy to accommodate.” The boy didn’t like the look Han was giving Sinn.
“No need.” Sinn's reply pleased the boy, who was eavesdropping.
Their coach began passing out keys, and Dee turned around to find his roommate. “Sook! Come on!” His smile warmed Sook's heart and the boy followed him to their room, waving goodbye to Chan.
Sinn was given two keys and turned to find Chan, who was already by his side, startling the senior. “Oh good, you got the key! Let's go!” The boy pulled Sinn's arm and rushed to their room.
Sinn stared at the queen sized bed in the room while Chan started unpacking his things. The boy saw Sinn just standing and wondered why he wasn’t moving. “Are you okay?”
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding.”
Chan realized that Sinn was looking at the bed. “Ahhh…Dee said they ran out of twin bed rooms so half of the rooms have a single queen bed instead.”
Sinn's thoughts immediately went to how they would sleep. Surely the boy would keep his hands to himself, right?
“Don't worry, I’ll stay on my side.” It was as if Chan were reading his thoughts. He started unpacking and glancing over at the boy. He was perfectly fine with sharing a bed. It wasn’t Chan that he didn’t trust. He didn’t trust himself.
How was he supposed to keep his hands to himself when Chan would be next to him like that? He wanted to refrain himself, so he shook the thoughts from his mind for the time being.
Chan unpacked everything, then brought out a necklace. It was his mother's and he wanted to take it everywhere he traveled, so in a way she could travel, too. He placed it on the nightstand and plopped himself onto the bed.
Sinn was easily distracted when he noticed Chan's skin peeking from the bottom of his shirt. It had creeped up when he laid down, and Sinn was on edge just seeing the soft skin that he wanted to touch so badly. He gulped, suppressing his desires. It was going to be a log weekend for him.
A knock at the door snapped him out of it, and when he opened it, Dee popped his head in. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Of course not.” Sinn kept a straight face as if his life depended on it.
“Good, they prepared dinner for us! Come eat!” As quickly as he arrived he was already gone, with Sook trailing closely behind.
At dinner, Chan retrieved utensils for him and put food on his plate before Sinn even sat down. “Here, you should try this.”
Sinn ate with no problem. It wasn’t awkward for him to be doted on by Chan. He liked the attention that the boy gave him, it made him feel special.  He watched the boy talk and laugh with his teammates and all Sinn could see was how handsome Chan was. He was a beautiful person in Sinn's eyes, inside and out.
His eyes trailed down Chan's face, then to his jaw, and his neck, where Sinn remembered kissing the sensitive skin. He wanted to do it again, but didn’t want to cross that line. He couldn’t let that happen again. He simply admired Chan from a close proximity, wishing to be much more.
As everyone was finished eating and roaming around, Han made his way around the table and spoke to Roon. The senior had a mischievous plan, though. He then walked over to Sinn and put his hand on his shoulder.
Sinn tensed up, because it wasn’t Chan touching him. Chan was right beside him, burning lasers into Han with his eyes.
“Ai’Sinn. Come to my room later. I’m in the presidential suite, room 2.”
Chan had heard enough. Any word out of Han's mouth was too much for him to stand. “Oi! Does it look like he wants to see you?” Everyone around was too busy and loud to hear and see what was going on, except Dee and Sook, who were witnessing it from across the table. Chan was about to get up when Sinn leaned towards him and held his shoulders down to stop him.
Han had already made a move  though. His hand ‘slipped' causing his drink to tip. Instead of spilling on Chan, it poured onto the back of Sinn. Sinn flinched away from Han, glaring at his classmate.
“Ai'Sinn, I’m so sorry! Let me help you!” Han tried to put his hands on Sinn, but was brushed off quickly.
“Don’t touch me.” Sinn was thankful no one was paying attention. He stood up and headed back to their room to change his clothes.
Chan stood up and faced Han, who was taller but definitely not more intimidating. “Take a hint. Leave him alone.” With that, he headed to their room also.
Chan opened the door, only to freeze in his tracks as the door closed behind him. “P’Sinn—” He was met with a half-naked Sinn, with a new pair of pants and no shirt.
Sinn was turned away from the boy, but quickly turned around. It wasn’t quick enough, though, because Chan had already seen the scars on Sinn's back. The senior rushed to put on a t-shirt.
Sinn already knew what Chan had seen. His heart raced as he tried to make up an excuse, but he couldn’t think of one. “Don’t…”
“I said don’t! Listen to me for once and leave it alone!” Sinn rushed past the boy and left the room. He left Chan wondering where he went wrong.
Chan stood in the same spot, frozen from shock. There was more to Sinn than he thought, and he wasn’t sure what to think. He only knew that Sinn was hiding something, and he was afraid of what it was.

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