Chapter 4: The Stepbrother

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The first week of school flew by. Chan got along with all of his teammates in football, his classes were fairly easy, and they had formed a small group of friends consisting of him, Dee, Sook and Roon. Dee and Roon were also on the football team. Sook would watch and support from the sidelines. Often, Sinn would sit in his car and wait to take Dee to his dorm.
Chan didn’t get any closer to his senior that week. Every time he tried to talk to Sinn, he would get ignored or glared at. Their conversations never went past Chan's initial sentences. He would find himself staring at his senior very often. Wondering what he was hiding with that ice wall around him.

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That weekend, Chan followed his cousin into the elevator of a fancy building. Before the doors could close, a hand stopped them. When the boy looked up, he knew who the long fingers with knuckle rings belonged to.
Sinn entered the elevator and pressed the door-closing button. He ignored the boys behind him, acting as if they weren’t even there.
Chan, however, wasn’t having it. “Oh! Sawasdeekrub P'Sinn.”
Sinn glanced back, but ignored the boy. Chan took it to heart, and pursed his lips together.
Sook glanced back and forth between the two, trying to figure out what was going on. He could’ve suffocated in the thick tension. As the elevator stopped, they all headed to the same apartment, 311.
Sinn walked to the door, with the boys trailing him cautiously. He didn’t pay them any mind, though.
The door swung wide open before Sinn could move a muscle, revealing loud music and a very drunk Dee. “Hey! Did you all—” Burp. “-come together?”
Sinn simply walked in without a word. Chan's eyes followed him until he disappeared into the hallway of the apartment. He wondered how Dee was friends with Sinn. Sinn was the rudest person he knew, while Dee was so loud and talkative with everyone.
Dee moved to let his classmates in, and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. “Grab a drink and come play some games!” He lifted himself off of them and chugged his drink.
Chan immediately noticed how nicely dressed everyone was. Designer this and designer that everywhere. Even his cousin was dressed cutely. He looked down at his plain t-shirt and jeans. He realized he was in a different world, that was certain.
Chan made his way to the kitchen, with Sook following closely. “Hey, how do you know P'Sinn?”
“He’s in one of my classes. He’s got a funny attitude.” They both grabbed a drink and sipped while looking around. “Do you know him?”
“That's Dee's stepbrother. He’s scary…and doesn’t talk to people, except Dee. They have a…weird relationship.” So the apartment was Sinn's, Dee's brother's apartment.
“How weird? Are they secretly in love?”
Sook rolled his eyes. “Not like that. Sinn is like Dee's caretaker sometimes.”
“I can’t imagine Sinn taking care of anyone.”
“Oh he does, very well. He just makes sure Dee doesn’t get in trouble all the time. He did it when Dee was back in grade school, too. He comes to the parties, watches Dee, and makes sure he doesn’t get into trouble.”
Chan watched Dee, who was taking multiple shots with everyone. “A party animal and the zoo keeper. Nice.”
“Hey, Sook.” The boys turned around to find Roon with company.
“Hey, Roon…” There they were again, Sook's googly eyes that made Chan chuckle.
“This is P'Han, a second year.” Chan recognized him from his class that they shared with Sinn. He noticed how flashy Han was with all of his jewelry and his top with half the buttons undone.
“Like from star wars?” They all looked at Chan. “Han…Solo…?”
Sook nudged him, laughing nervously, so they both wai-ed at their senior. “Sawasdeekrub P'Han.”
“This is Sook and Chan,” Roon introduced them.
“Chan, are you a scholarship kid?” Han tilted his head to the side and gave Chan a smile that he wanted to slap off the senior’s pretty face.
“Yea. Is that a problem?” The boy became defensive. He didn’t have to deal with people like that back home, but he wasn’t afraid to encounter one if he had the chance. His had a temper, rarely seen, but that would burn inside until he exploded.
“No, not at all. I can just tell by your… simplicity.” He motioned to Chan’s clothes, only making the boy squint his eyes and clench his jaw.

“Ai’ Sinn!” Han changed the subject and they all turned around to find Sinn.
He just wanted to grab a glass of water, and be as discreet as possible, but he made too much noise. Sinn knew how Han was with him, extremely flirtatious and touchy. Han had been like that since they were little. He glanced at them but then went back to pouring his water.
Han made his way past Chan, bumping his shoulder in the process. “Sinn, come have fun with us.” He tugged at Sinn's arm, causing him to almost drop his glass.
“No.” He shot an icy glare at Han, who made him angrier than usual that night. He had heard what Han was saying to Chan, and couldn’t stand that behavior. It reminded him of Aawut.
“Pretty please? With a cherry on top?” Han gave Sinn the most pathetic puppy eyes he had ever seen.
“I'm allergic to cherries.” Sinn pulled his arm away and went back into the dark hallway without another word.
“He's no fun,” Han whined. “Who doesn’t party in their own apartment?”

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