Chapter 26: The Dinner Guest

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At lunch on Monday, Dee and Sook joined Chan and Sinn at lunch in the courtyard.
“Here.” Sinn passed Dee an energy drink. “King told me you stopped by last night. We have to go home for dinner tonight, so make sure you look fine.”
Dee took it and chugged, as usual. “Ahh, delicious.”
“How did you two meet King and Dawn anyway?” Sook asked.
“I had a hard time keeping this one out of trouble,” Sinn spoke as Chan placed a piece of meat in his mouth. He looked at the boy in shock. “Oi! I can eat myself.”
Chan smiled mischievously. “I know, but this is more fun.”
“He's right. I got into trouble in that neighborhood with some random thugs. King and Dawn helped me out and called Sinn for me. We’ve all been close since then.” Dee smiled as he reminisced about his high school days.
“I didn’t know my boyfriend was such a troublemaker,” Sook teased.
“Oh please, look at me. You know what you signed up for.” Dee wrapped an arm around Sook's waist and nuzzled his nose into the boy's cheek.
“Gah, such lovebirds.” Chan admired his cousin's relationship, and was ecstatic to see him so happy. “Babe, why can’t you be like that with me?” He looked at Sinn and batted his eyelashes.
Sinn was taken back by the word “babe” for a second, pausing to chew, then snapping out of it. “Be good. You're actions are enough for both of us.”
“Hmmph.” Chan pouted, resulting in Sinn giving him a quick peck on the cheek to keep him pleased. Chan's frown turned into a grin quickly, and he leaned over to whisper into Sinn's ear. “I’ll be a good boy for you later.” Sinn choked on his drink as soon as the boy finished his sentence, making Chan giggle.
“Chan, can you help the new guys on the team later for me? Apparently dinner at home is super important or whatever.” Dee hated that his dad had to make them eat dinner with his business associates every so often. Dee and Sinn would have to dress nicely and act unlike themselves. It took years for Sinn to teach Dee how to eat properly in front of fancy guests.
“Sure. They need all the help they can get.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Dee and Sinn got ready at Sinn's apartment. Sin had their suits dry-cleaned and fixed Dee's tie for him as usual before heading to their house for dinner. When they arrived, they were as surprised as Mong was to see them.
“Here they are! These are my boys, Decha and Kob Sinn. Boys, this is a business associate and close friend, Mongkut.” Aawut had the biggest fake smile Sinn had ever seen, but his mother looked as beautiful as ever next to the monster.
Dee and Sinn wai-ed Mong and acted like they didn’t recognize him, but the man recognized them for sure. He couldn’t shake the stare that Sinn was giving him. “It’s so nice to finally meet you both. Aawut has told me so much about you.” Sinn couldn’t possibly think of anything Aawut could’ve told Mong about him.
“Come sit down, the food should be ready any moment now.” Kaew said as she guided them to the table.
Kaew and Mong sat on both sides of Aawut, while Dee took the seat next to Mong, and Sinn next to his mother.  Just as they were seated, the servers bring out the food and set the plates down in front of everyone.
“Aawut tells me you both go to the business school here, so you must know my son.” Sinn paused, not knowing what to say. Mong couldn’t possibly be mentioning Chan, who didn’t even want to speak to the man. “His name is Han.” Dee cleared his throat and looked at Sinn, who was in just as much shock.
“Y-yea we know him…” Dee spoke for both of them when he realized Sinn wasn’t going to say anything.
All Sinn could think of was how heartbroken Chan would be to find out about it. He couldn’t figure out the family dynamic of them all, but Chan would hate to hear that Han was his brother in any sense. Sinn still wasn’t sure why Chan and Han fought at the resort over the weekend, and he didn’t want to upset Chan by asking, but he was sure it was Han's fault.
“He’s a very charming young man, I’m sure you two get along with him?” Dee nodded and put on a smile for his father. “And where does your daughter attend again?”
“She’s in the Art school downtown. She wants to be an actress.”
“You'll have to bring them both by sometime! I insist.” Dee and Sinn became physically uncomfortable, but continued to eat. “Your daughter, is she around Decha's age?” Dee paused, gulping his food down hard.
“Yes, Sumalee is going to graduate this school year. She just turned 18.” The age struck Sinn. If she were 18, Chan would’ve been a little over 1 when she was born. He wondered if Chan knew he had a younger half-sister.
“You should bring Han and Sumalee next time. I think Decha and Sumalee would be a great match if they get along, right son?” Dee froze and nodded slowly. All he could think about was Sook.
“I’ll bring them sometime. They seem to have busier schedules than I do.”
While the adults laughed and chatted away, Dee was racking his brain, thinking of what he was going to tell Sook. He hadn’t yet told the boy that his father didn’t know about them. He hadn’t told Sook a lot of things, and he already felt helpless.
After dinner, Aawut sent Mong off while Kaew cleaned up the table. Dee and Sinn had said their goodbyes to her and were walking down the steps when they met back with Aawut.
“Going back to campus?”
“Yea. I have a long day tomorrow, I need to get some rest.” Dee really just wanted to go find Sook, and Aawut had finally given him his motorcycle back.
“Alright. Goodnight then. I’ll speak to Sinn really quick.” Dee nodded and swept down the stairs.
It was dark, and even though they were covered by dark trees, Aawut pulled Sinn behind one of the bushes, gripping his arm hard. “When Mongkut brings his daughter, I don’t want you to get close with her. She is strictly for Decha. Do you understand?”
In his mind, Sinn was rolling his eyes. “Yes sir.”
“I mean it. If I find out, you know what comes next.”
“Nothing will happen. I’m…gay.” Sinn just wanted to prove his point, but was instantly met with a face of disgust.
“You're filthy. Just as I expected.” Sinn had never known such pure hatred until he met Aawut. Every time the man threw words at him, he would stand tall and take it. This time was different. His emotions had begun to resurface, and Aawut's words stung him a little. The man grabbed Sinn's face with his hand, digging his fingers into the cheeks. “You’re lucky I don’t care what happens with you. Don’t bring any boyfriends around to embarrass me or you’ll be out on the streets.”
He let Sinn's face go, only to slap him. “Don’t taint my boy with your sick fantasies.” His words were quiet but harsh. Sinn nodded. “Leave.”
Sinn watched Aawut walk back up the steps and he sighed in relief. He realized something wet was on his cheek and he touched it. *A tear?* He thought. How could that be possible? He hadn’t let Aawut make him cry in years.

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