Chapter 45: Pain

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Chan played many games with Sook, and learned many drink recipes from Dawn. By closing time, Chan was serving customers and being hit on.
Two guys sat at the bar and looked between themselves and Chan mischievously. “Are you new here?” One of them asked.
“Oh, I’m just giving Dawn a break. I don’t officially work here.” Cham smiled shyly and handed them their drinks.
“We were uh…wondering if you’d like to join us?” The other one asked as politely as possible.
Chan wasn’t sure what they meant. Join them in drinking? “Oh, no thank you. I shouldn’t drink tonight.” Chan wanted to stay sober in case Sinn called.
“No no no, you have us all wrong. You don’t have to drink. He meant would you like to join us…tonight? We have an apartment on the other side of town.”
“Calm down boys, this one is taken.” Dawn walked over and set his hand on Chan's shoulder.
“I mean, we can have four of us…”
“No, they’re not in an open relationship, sorry.” Dawn saved Chan's ass.
The dumbfound boy was just barely catching on. His eye widened and his mouth opened without his permission, which he tried covering with his hand. “Oh!”
The guys laughed it off and acted as if it were no big deal, making Chan feel better. “That’s okay. You’re cute when you’re flustered.” The other one nodded in agreement. Chan didn’t know how to take a compliment, so he just stood there smiling.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sinn saw Aawut go into the basement that night. After a while, he realized the man wasn’t calling him to go down there. It was awfully suspicious, but he figured Aawut was trying to dig up dirt on Sook. The man would definitely try to ruin the boy's life if he could. It would give him leverage to use against Dee to make him come back home.
In the clear, Sinn pulled up his phone and called Chan.
*Miss me already?*
“Mmm. I miss you a lot. What are you doing?”
*I think I’m going to switch my profession. I’d make a great bartender. Dawn said so himself.*
All Sinn could think about was how many people would be drooling over his hot boyfriend. “Uhhh let’s think about this? How about you finish school first and we’ll figure things out afterwards?”
*So you want to be with me in four years? You promise?*
Chan's voice gave Sinn butterflies. They rarely spoke on the phone, but he imagined the boy saying the same things in person, lying next to him in his bed. “I do. I promise.”
*Oooooiii so confident! When can I see you again? Dee arrived already, why didn’t you come?*
Sinn had no idea when he would see Chan again. Aawut would set rules and boundaries after this for sure. “Soon,” he lied. It was vague enough, and he wanted it to be true. “Tell me what drinks you’ve made. You’ll have to make me some next time.”
*Oh, I’ll have four years to make you drinks for sure. If you like them enough you can add more years to that.*
“I like you enough to add more years.”
*It’s settled then, you won’t ever leave me! Let me see…the first drink I made is blue! It’s so pretty, it has …*
Their conversation went on all night. Sinn mainly listened. Just listening to Chan's voice made him calm. It was enough to make him go to sleep.
Chan knew Sinn was tired, but kept talking simply because he wanted to. The bar was closed, and Chan was laying on one of the couches with a blanket, about to go to sleep himself.
*Sinn…* Saying his name made Chan feel like what he was saying was more important. He felt closer to him. *I'll get you out of there someday. I promise.*

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
In the morning, a soft blow to the face woke Chan up. Dazed and confused, he sat up quickly and saw the pillow that was thrown at him. “Oooiiii!”
Sook laughed at his cousin’s barely opened eyes and puffy face. “Wake up, we’re going to get Dee's things from his house.”
“Huh?” Chan stretched, then stood up and scratched his head. “How can we carry it all?”
“Dawn and King are letting us borrow their car. Come on, get dressed.”
“Oh! Can I drive?” A grin appeared on the boy’s face.
“Oho, I don’t think so. You’ve crashed way too many times on your bicycle, I won’t trust you with a car.”
Chan pouted and dragged his feet upstairs to Dawn and King's apartment to get ready.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

****TW: Abuse/Violence/Blood****

Sinn woke up to the sound of his ringtone. It was set different for Aawut, so that Sinn would know to answer as fast as possible. He shot up in bed and answered with a voice to seem as if he was wide awake.
“Yes, sir?”
“Come to my office.”
“Yes, sir.”
Sinn closed his eyes for a second before changing his clothes and fixing his hair quickly. He didn’t have time to mentally prepare himself, so he was deeply anxious.
He walked to the basement door and looked around. His mother wasn’t there, which was weird. She should’ve been off. Even if she were there, she wouldn’t be able to hear anything from the soundproof basement. Sinn was just hoping he could see her face to keep his faith.
He entered and walked down the stairs to the large dark office. The mood was different this time. Aawut didn’t look at him at first, only sat at the edge of his desk. Sinn walked over and stood in front of the man, with his hands by his side.
Aawut quickly grabbed a chunk of hair at the back of Sinn's head and angled his face up. “What did you do to my son?”
“Nothing, sir.” Sinn gulped.
Aawut grabbed Sinn's jaw with his other hand and squeezed his fingers. “You RUINED him!”
Sinn wanted to talk back so bad, but his punishment would only get worse.
The man pushed Sinn’s face away. “On your knees.”
Sinn did as he was told and waited. But Aawut didn’t give him time to even breath.

The force of the blow knocked Sinn to his side, but he had to quickly get back up regardless.

“You’re disgusting!”
The second punch didn’t hurt as bad, because Sinn was still numb and reeling in from the last one.

“I give you a home, feed you, give your family money and THIS is how you repay me?!”
This one was harder for Sinn to get up from, but he did.

“You'll be punished everyday until Decha comes back!”
Sinn could feel the pulsing on his face. A liquid was running down his face, but he couldn’t pick his arms up or Aawut would whoop him.



Too may hits to count. Sinn couldn’t keep track. He couldn’t ignore his pain like he used to. Instead, he thought of Chan, and how they could be happy when this was all over. Four years. Just four more years.
Sinn was dizzy now. He stayed on the floor, wincing in pain and trying to get back up. He couldn’t keep his balance and kept falling over.
“Get up!” Aawut grabbed the back of Sinn's shirt.

Aawut let Sinn go and walked to his computer. Sinn knew that sound. It was a notification that the front door was opened.
Aawut rushed upstairs after checking the security cameras.
Sinn thought it was strange. No one was supposed to come over that day. Maybe it was his mother coming home early?
He forced himself up, finally touching the side of his face with all of the damage. He knew it was blood, and now it was everywhere. He couldn’t feel that half of his face, and did his best to breath through the pain that was now settling in. 
With immense pressure in his head, Sinn got up and walked to the computer to see what Aawut saw. It made Sinn's blood run cold.
Chan and Dee were in the house. They were about to walk out with boxes, and Aawut was not far behind.

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