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I stood there in my pink dress, awkwardly pulling on the hem. It was a size too small but so were the other clothes that my mother had bought for me. As my sister said, I needed to show my sex appeal for Juko. He would appreciate it, and it make me look seemly more attractive since I had gained some weight. I weighed no more than 140lbs, but apparently my sister and mother thought that made me obese.

The dress was short, stopping mid-thigh and I was sure if I bent over at the slightest, my ass would show. My breasts were heavy but perky, almost bursting from the top. I was also adorned in earrings, a necklace and had my hair curled and pinned up, showing off my collarbone and shoulders. I couldn't deny that the dress was pretty but it definitely wasn't me. I had no choice in the matter. My mother and sister had picked out all of my new clothes, immediately burning my old ones once we returned home from shopping.

I was nervous as my father and mother conversed in the garden. Rose was finally gone and I was happy about that. I couldn't take any more of her pestering me about her prince. And although I tried to throw in a comment or two to show I was paying attention to the conversation, I wasn't. I was too caught up in my thoughts. I was anxious to see Juko again. I wasn't sure if he would still be attracted to me after my weight gain. I still didn't know if he was even attracted to me on our wedding night.

I felt like I was losing my shit after all this time. Panicking because of all these sudden changes, I was moving away from my parents and sisters. Shouldn't I be glad?

I was, but at the same time, I was scared, this Kingdom was all I knew and because Juko was coming back with the title of a War General he was being gifted a castle and land. He'd have families to care for and look after and so would I.

"Ivy." My father says after chatting with my mother about God knows what.

"Yes, father?" I look up, meeting his piercing dark brown eyes.

"General Saigoni will be here any minute now, so sit up and have your shoulders back. I don't need him thinking I raised my child to be an improper slob."

I resist the urge to purse my lips and do as I am told. "Yes, father."

"Now, because you are married to someone that is high in ranking, I expect a lot from you. Do not let me down." Father says, his voice gruff. "You will accommodate and do anything the man asks of you. If I hear of any disobedience or disrespect, I won't hesitate to remove you from this marriage and disown you. I'm counting on you and your sister to keep up on the family name and make me and your mother proud."

I nod my head slowly. I didn't want to hear this. From the time I woke up until now, my parents have been on my back about me taking care of the family name, my husband, and my responsibilities. If anything, they should be worried about Rose. She acted as if she was still a juvenile with all her hissy fits and temper tantrums. I wouldn't be surprised if Prince Anthony asks the King for a disunion of their marriage in a month's time.

My mother nods her head in agreement; after she takes a delicate bite of her sweets, she turns to face me. "Now I need to know because the General was rushed off into war last time you saw him. Did you two consummate the marriage?" Mother asks.

Father eyes me as I swallow down the urge to spit my tea out of my nose. She had never asked for any information on me being intimate with the General, so why now? And as if she could read my mind she adds, "I want to make sure that you are able to satisfy your husband's every need."

I don't really feel comfortable with telling her, especially while dad is right next to me. I look between them before shaking my head, "No."

"What a shame, well for starters-"

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